Anonymous ID: def16c Oct. 1, 2023, 11:09 a.m. No.19646549   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Understanding Is Better Than Reacting

To engage with the information war, we must expose ourselves to information. But to make use of information, we have to know how to filter it properly. We have to know how to use discernment, patience, critical thinking, imagination, the capacity to reflect on ourselves and the capacity to consider alternative viewpoints, in order to effectively create a useful filter.


Take a page from the book of Donald J. Trump. Does he look upset? Does he seem worried? Is he shouting and moaning and reacting to all the ‘bad news’?


How the Programming Works Through Layers


The programming by the Cabal deep state was all designed to work on us in layers:


First, the programming tries to get the people to be distracted with SHINY STARS, MATERIAL TOYS, and ENTERTAINMENT, so that they are NOT engaged, and don’t care about anything except their own comfort. Distraction I.


If this does work, then the programming tries to get people to be apathetic. Yes, politics is crooked, but NOTHING can be changed. “It always was bad, and always will be.” So that people disengage. Deflection I.


If this does not work, the programming convinces people that THIS side or THAT side is the enemy. Divide and conquer. People are now engaged, but with someone else as the enemy. In thinking that THE OTHER SIDE is the enemy, the people lose sight of the fact that the Deep State controls BOTH sides. People are kept busy with a fake enemy. Deflection II.


If this does not work, the programming will employ disinformation propaganda in an effort to stop people from realizing that the programming is taking place. Tantalizing stories, promising swift revenge, or sensationalizing the dark nature of evil, now take the place of shiny stars and toys. Distraction II.


If this does not work, the programming will then activate the emotions in order to cause people to react. In the state of reacting, the fight-or-flight part of the brain takes over, and the reflective, thinking and analytical part of the mind is shut down. This is their last hope: Deflection and Distraction III.


Distraction I Deflection I > Deflection II > Distraction II > Deflection and Distraction III


But if Deflection and Distraction III does not work, if you are NOT distracted by the glamour and ‘comforts’, and if you are not apathetic or dooming but have hope, and if you realize that the real enemy is not this side or that side (me or you) but is the puppet master behind the scenes, and if you are able to discern when information targets your biases and disinformation and misinformation are being aimed towards you, and if you are able to use your mind to think, understand and see through the fog, through the superficial image of things, instead of reacting, then nothing they can do can dis-empower you. You become unplugged.


And this is when you become the spearhead of real freedom. Thought, mind and heart are freed from group think, freed from meaningless distractions, freed from easy manipulation, freed from button-pushing biases, freed from ignorance, and freed from the Cabal Deep State programming that been your natural mental environment for years, for decades.


And in freedom, you can finally begin to see. See through the lies, see through the illusions, see through the distractions, and see the truth: You are a child of God with unlimited potential, and all they ever wanted to do was to lock you down, keep you blind, to control you while they stole your true inheritance. And God is working to restore your inheritance to you. The Plan.


What do they fear? A people freed from all their programming and lies and manipulation.




A public (person) that thinks for themselves [independent free-thought] is what they FEAR the most [loss of control].



Take the time. Put aside reactive feelings.


Understanding is better than reacting.