Find out what hell actually is.
It's not a snappy catch-phrase and you certainly would not have typed that if you did.
You don't come back or wander around freely once there.
Circular comeback in 3…2…1…
Find out what hell actually is.
It's not a snappy catch-phrase and you certainly would not have typed that if you did.
You don't come back or wander around freely once there.
Circular comeback in 3…2…1…
you can be a hopeless nihilist and pull your head out of your backside or you can grow a set and create meaning and purpose currently for our progeny.
you are more special than you know.
good thing neither the catholics nor cathars are the authority.
those using melanin, complexion or color for any purpose of context or argument other than being a dermatologist has already sealed their own fate
as not to be heard or trusted.
an ignorance most foul.
boldly using "u's" where no man has gone before.
the shUt & Up were easy but it's a three part quiz.
like I said - special.
and strong too!