Anonymous ID: 9e7939 Oct. 1, 2023, 1:22 p.m. No.19647074   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Had an iteresting view on One Piece and how it was a brainwashing tool to make kids into docile sheep.

Comms of following, and so what precisely is being desired to follow?

When I discussed Naruto it was in terms of cheaply (ramen) “cloning Naruto” trying to diffuse a ticking time bomb being set by certain parties that were working towards future riots and murder. This was achieved was by getting kids to follow a certain type of role model.


==One Piece also involves following, in fact it they literally sail on a “sheep”

The main character is named “Monkey D. Luffy” the symbolism of a monkey is in imitation.==


Consider the first scene of the manga.


Where we see an idiotic Monkey doing something stupid and self harming to prove himself to wanted criminals.


At a glance you might think this is bad, and indeed, if that’s what the manga suggested was good it would be bad, but it begins with this for the same reason Naruto begins with Naruto being a delinquent.


It’s explaining THE PROBLEM. And then it gives THE SOLUTION, which is for the kids who aren’t being raised correctly to be get a philosophy lesson.


What do I mean?


The first story in One Piece involves a bandit antagonizing a group of pirates with malice.



In any other piece of media I can think of a situation like this would then transition into the hero attacking the jerk. But not One Piece, instead what we see is the pirate laughing it off, and this upsets the child Luffy to see his idol acting like a coward.


Note how Luffy reacts, abject rage at not fighting back, and Shanks retorts that there is no reason to get angry over insults.


They do eventually fight back, but only because Luffy antagonizes the bandits which goads them to try and murder the child. We see that Shanks will fight, but only when there is a real danger. He specifically asserts he will never fight over something as simple as words or even being spat on.


But as soon as they pull out a gun and threaten someone’s life? That’s when the pirates outright murder them.


We see in a one sided fight that Shanks and any of his men could have killed the bandits with no effort at all, but that’s not what is promoted.


And due to Luffy’s reckless attempts at fighting the bandits in fleeing kidnap him and it ends up costing Shanks his arm.

Remember how Naruto began with loss of criminal’s arm + hand and then the criminal became a good guy? Likely both were tasked with sending that comm as it relates to the kids used as that “reach”


Do you understand what this would do to a child that watched it? This is likely made with the goal of emotionally scarring a child into rejecting violence!


And further reinforcing this is the reactions. Shanks is never upset by losing his arm, but we see in Luffy just how emotionally scarred he (and the children in the audience are) instead he gives Luffy his favorite hat, symbolically giving his values to Luffy.


A perfect example of a child on the wrong path if left to their own devices.


And instead he gets a role model that teachers him right from wrong. Something many children never get, and this lesson carries through the series, as later on Luffy as an adult encounters a similar bar situation. And he does as Shanks did, with an entire bar full of people laughing at him and they get roughe

Anonymous ID: 9e7939 Oct. 1, 2023, 2:31 p.m. No.19647388   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7392


>muh momma cried their fake shit

Watched this in second grade, every classroom wanted to watch Teacher in Space. Fucking Trauma Programming the fucking assholes. My first grade teacher was a Jew too. Had to do a Hanukkah play instead of Christmas.