Anonymous ID: c6f3f5 Oct. 1, 2023, 11:33 a.m. No.19646624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6705

BJ Penn is truly the people's a champ..According to Governor Greene, BJ Penn is bullying him and others by voicing his opinion and asking questions.The threat is in PRINT for BJ to see along with all of Hawaii.. YOU DECIDE!!


Josh Greene governor of HI, threatening arrest



Anonymous ID: c6f3f5 Oct. 1, 2023, 1:58 p.m. No.19647236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7303

Part II – Something Necessary to Understand About Washington DC

October 1, 2023


The first element of the discussion was here {GO DEEP}. A short follow up is prudent.


The word “normal” is no longer politically correct to say. The cultural Marxists have manipulated language to fit their needs; however, there is a need to stop pretending, therefore it becomes necessary to stop playing by their stupid rules and talk to each other in ordinary terms.


You are likely a person of normal disposition. You go about your affairs with an outlook of decency and general respect toward the goals and aspirations of others. You have the ability to remain emotionally stable, ignore the swirling nonsense of idiots, boil down the issues to their most common attributes and go about finding the best optimal solution for the events in your life.


The people in Washington DC are not normal. Not like that. If they perceive an event to have negative impact upon them, they cannot independently remain stable and deal with the issue on a level of solution they can independently create. When they encounter a negative situation, they need to pull other people into the quicksand of their gibberish and stupidity in order to avoid accepting that they are less capable. At a cognitive or psychological level, this is a defense mechanism.


DC operates like a school of fish stupid fish, a tribe that swarms together looking for consensus which allows them to not hold responsibility for their own shortcomings. They view systems as solutions in order to avoid responsibility.They are not emotionally stable, cogent, capable or independent thinkers. They require tribalism to avoid what they lack. These are not stable people.


This is not a blanket statement that would be considered hyperbolic. Every entity, every individual person within the bubble of DC, cannot fathom self-reliance. It is a concept as foreign to them as the distinction between a ‘constitutional republic’ and a ‘democracy.’ This is not a mistake or flaw in their perception and mindset, this is the reality of how their brain synapses fire. This is who they are.


Within this dependency, those who assemble the silos of information find great reception. Each sheeple tribe paying attention only to their immediate surroundings without the capacity to stand back and see the entire world around them.They do not have this skillset. They do not possess this ability. This applies to all of them; every single one.


Within this system of dependency, they are like the crowd in the story of the ‘Emperor’s New Clothes.’ The political representatives and the staff that support them, literally are manifestations of weird minds, brought together by a career that rewards and attracts esoteric thinking devoid of pragmatic common sense. They care about the opinion of others. They only care about the opinion of others; however, the “others” only apply to their tribe.Again, tribalism is how they define themselves. These are not emotionally stable people.


The outcome of their decision-making only flows through the prism of self-interest, where the ‘interest’ is about the preservation of the bubble that provides them a walled-off life of affluence inside the petri dish of toxic identity. In a general world, the population of advanced anddiagnosed narcissists is around 10%. Inside the DC bubble, far more than half of the residents carry thisnarcissistic trait. This is the origin of the abusive relationship that exists between “them” and “us.”


This applies to all of them. All of them.


If you say the emperor is naked, from their perspective you are the stupid one. Worse still, if you keep saying it, they view you as dangerous.


They are assembling systems to keep track of the dangerous people. This is the disconnect that must be understood.These are not normal people.