>>19647501 lb
>>19647511 lb
>>19647515 lb
>>19647518 lb
>>19647543 lb
Seems to me there's no clear line of demarcation between accident / deliberate / meaningful.
People (maybe know or suspect what's going on) but refuse to see it (or refuse to admit they see it; for social reasons- afraid of ostracism, of being called "crazy" or being called "conspiracy theorist" ! (who would care; seems strange - but over decades the powers-that-be have conditioned the public to "see" that way.)
When does something become obvious?
Really good question.
Probably studied professionally in the field of psychology? Study of perception?
Different people will have different thresholds. Calibration on a bullshit detector for more sophisticated feats of recognition?
I believe a mathematician could give a good marking place. "5 deviations" or something? Less. For data sets that can be arranged that way.
Also, when you add the coincidences, it becomes more improbable for them to be unconnected / meaningless.
I studied stats long ago and I remember what you do is MULTIPLY the coincidence factors; So the more there are…it quickly becomes very unlikely that "such a thing would happen" by itself or happen at all, without reason / meaning behind it, of some kind?
When you get a chain of "coincidences" it becomes a pattern. If you connect the dots, a picture will likely emerge.
For instance 9/11, there's a whole chain of improbable "coincidences" - at least in the storyline we are told.
Shills or people who are directed by shills regarding "how to think" and "how to see" will just brush it off as, "These things happen sometimes" since, in their mind, there's nothing stopping a weird series of coincidences from occurring.
They just fail to fathom how incredibly unlikely that all is.
So, "It could happen" is their answer. And unless you can prove it could never happen, they will fail to diverge from the silly story they are told.
There are so many people who fail to understand statistics, but who think they do.
>>19647543 pb
Thank you. Just what I was looking for.