Anonymous ID: 597a49 Oct. 1, 2023, 10:50 p.m. No.19649493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9505 >>9519



"C" = Carbon (basic building block of ANYTHING that has/does/will live)

"C+02" = Stuff plants need (using sunlight the "C" is used & o2 given off

"O2" is stuff humans need but can't actually used without a machine to pump in or "C+O2" (yawning / Lactic Acidosis are 'extreme' end of scale, but "C+O2" is what makes humans suck-wind)


"H2O" = water (evaps off ocean, makes clouds that blow onto land & get rain for drinking water)


"C+O2" = ~ 0.03% if "AIR". "O2" = ~20% & "H" = ~ 90%.


So if one was to conflate / confuse "C" & "C+o2" & "H2O" then one might(?) cause confusion in the population. See how that works? & (they( wanna "TAX" "C" because, ya know.

Anonymous ID: 597a49 Oct. 1, 2023, 11:02 p.m. No.19649519   🗄️.is 🔗kun


oops on typos.

"H" = ~80% air


What I'm say'n is the whole "climate change" is BS.

Cow farts are irrelevant also. Methane (cow farts) comes out of volcano's & out of the ocean from ocean floor.)


Does anyone believe dying dino's swam out (flock?) into the Nth sea / Bass Strait, towing as many trees as they could, dived down & buried themselves (with trees?)


or maybe(?) something to do with Iron core, cooling, moar cooling, gasses, more cooling, liquid / 'sludge' (petroleum) , more cooling solid , pure ORGANIC NATURAL coal (all 'green', like 'spring water (H2O) that bubbles out of the ground.


Did you hear the one re a marketing guy who came up with selling fish eggs at high price to rich people?


Well the only 'fosils" in fosil fuel are the old-farts who came up with a marketing idea for something that is EVERYWHERE.


anon suspects methane/gas is what killed the sahara back in day (now seen as 'quicksand') when "c+02" was about 1500ppm (per ice samples)

We live on a rock, flying through space and cooling, VERY thin crust atm.

"bermuda triangle" / "Devils sea" all methane/gas bubbling up creating "quickwater"

Anonymous ID: 597a49 Oct. 2, 2023, 1 a.m. No.19649834   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>For civilian ships


Ok, explains Gilligan. When did military start, any idea?


"single-screw" ship


That makes sense. Is that a standard thing these days. Not a mil-anon, just something that twisted my grey cells re meaning.


Paperclip, OSS & so on, just wondered "what-if"? (ie u-s-a are actually modern 'brown shirts' - unknowingly, which would be scary)


Symbology being (their) downfall & all.


So Twin screw boats are "TSxxxx" ?