Anonymous ID: 900687 Oct. 2, 2023, 3:11 a.m. No.19650114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0147 >>0325 >>0655 >>0766

More Sacrifice for Moloch Called Upon by the seed of Satan. These People are Sick!

2 Oct, 2023 02:36

Conscript more young blood, ex-UK defense secretary tells Ukraine

Ben Wallace, who once called the country a “battle lab,” has urged Kiev to “reassess the scale” of its mobilization


Former UK defense secretary Ben Wallace has claimed that Kiev is succeeding in its counteroffensive, but to “finish the job”PresidentVladimir Zelensky must throw more and younger Ukrainians into battle, while the West provides them with weapons to defeat Russia.


Throughout the summer, Kiev’s forces have failed to make notable territorial gains and have suffered heavy casualties while trying break through Russia’s defenses, consisting of vast minefields, as well as heavy artillery and swarms of drones. According to Russia’s Defense Ministry, the number of Ukrainian servicemen killed since the start of the counteroffensive has surpassed 83,000.


Wallace, however, believes that “slowly but surely” Ukrainian forces have been “adapting tactics, absorbing lessons, and making the best of the equipment we have all gifted them,”and that Kiev’s victory is imminent as long as the government “plays its part.”


“The average age of the soldiers at the front is over 40.I understand President Zelensky’s desire to preserve the young for the future, but… just as Britain did in 1939 and 1941, perhaps it is time to reassess the scale of Ukraine’s mobilization,” Wallace wrote in an opinion piece published by The Telegraph on Sunday.


Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said that suchheavy casualties were the result of Kiev throwing untrained soldiers into “senseless assaults and slaughter.” He added that these “cynical actions by the West and their henchmen in Kiev are only pushing Ukraine towards self-destruction.”


Back in July, Wallace called Ukraine a “battle lab” for the British military during a report to parliament.


“Let us not pause for one day,” he stated on Sunday. “The world is watching to see if the West has the resolve to stand up for our values and therules-based system. What we do now for Ukraine will set the direction for all of our security for years to come.”


Mobilization in Ukraine has been ongoing since the start of the conflict and has run into difficulties recently. Scandals involving conscription chiefs prompted Zelensky to announce in August that he was firing all regional draft chiefs.


The Ukrainian government has relaxed eligibility standards for recruits, declaring people with certain mental and physical impairments fit for duty. Kiev barred men aged between 18 and 60 from leaving the country immediately after the launch of Russia’s military operation, and more recently ordered female medics and pharmacists to register for possible enlistment.


The Russian military leadership in the meantime has no plans to conduct mobilization as its current needs are fulfilled by career military service members, including those who volunteered to fight in Ukraine, according to a senior official. President Vladimir Putin reported earlier this month that some 300,000 people had enrolled in the Russian army this year alone.

Anonymous ID: 900687 Oct. 2, 2023, 3:56 a.m. No.19650175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0178

Caitlin Johnstone: Neocons Love the Ukraine War

September 27, 2023.1/2

Bill Kristol, the neoconservative who played a pivotal role in the U.S. invasion of Iraq, makes it obvious why neocons provoked the Ukraine war and why they are loving every minute of it.


The Bill Kristol-led group “Republicans for Ukraine” has released a TV ad to help drum up GOP support for Washington’s proxy war against Russia, and it’s surprisingly honest about what this war is really about:advancing U.S. strategic interests using Ukrainians as sacrificial pawns.


Here’s a transcript:


“When America arms Ukraine, we get a lot for a little. Putin is an enemy of America. We’ve used 5% of our defense budget to arm Ukraine, and with it, they’ve destroyed 50% of Putin’s Army. We’ve done all this by sending weapons from storage, not our troops. The more Ukraine weakens Russia, the more it also weakens Russia’s closest ally, China. America needs to stand strong against our enemies, that’s why Republicans in Congress must continue to support Ukraine.”


“Republicans for Ukraine” was launched last month by “Defending Democracy Together,” another Kristol-led narrative management operation which is funded by oligarchs such as Pierre Omidyar.


Kristol, who as a neoconservative thought leader played a pivotal role in pushing for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, tweeted on Saturday that the ad “will air on the Sunday shows tomorrow in DC.”


One of the dumbest things the empire asks us to believe is that this war simultaneously (A) was completely unprovoked and (B) just coincidentally happens to massively advance the strategic interests of the government accused of provoking it.


From the moment Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022 Westerners were aggressively hammered over and over and over again by the mass media with the uniform propaganda message that this was an “unprovoked invasion.”


But ever since then they’ve also been receiving these peculiar messages from U.S. empire managers and spinmeisters that this war is helping the United States crush its geopolitical enemies and advance its interests abroad.


This bizarre two-step occurs because the U.S.-centralized empire needs to convey two self-evidently contradictory messages to the public at all times:


that the U.S. is an innocent little flower who just wants to help its good friends the Ukrainians protect their democracy from the murderous Russians who invaded solely because they are evil and hate freedom, and

that it’s in the American interest to continue this war.

The second point is required because the message that the U.S. is merely an innocent passive witness to the violence in Ukraine necessarily causes certain political factions to ask, “Okay, so what are we doing there then? Why are we pouring all this money into something that has nothing to do with us?”


So another narrative is required to explain that backing this proxy war also just so happens to be a massive boon to U.S. strategic interests abroad while creating American jobs manufacturing weapons at home…

Anonymous ID: 900687 Oct. 2, 2023, 3:57 a.m. No.19650178   🗄️.is 🔗kun




And of coursethis war advances U.S. strategic interests. Of course it does. Only an idiot would believe the U.S. is pouring weapons into another country because it loves the people who live there and wants them to be free, and that it is only by pure coincidence that this happens to kill a lot of Russians, bolster NATO, and advance U.S. energy interests in Europe.

It doesn’t benefit normal Americans at home, but it absolutely does serve the interests of the globe-spanning empire that’s centralized around Washington. That’s why the empire deliberately provoked it.


Empire managers were openly discussing the ways a war in Ukraine would directly benefit the U.S. empire long before the invasion.


In 2019 a Pentagon-funded Rand Corporation paper titled “Extending Russia —Competing from Advantageous Ground” detailed how the empire can use proxy warfare, economic warfare and other Cold War tactics to push its longtime geopolitical foe to the brink without costing American lives or sparking a nuclear conflict.


The U.S. Army-commissioned paper mentioned Ukraine hundreds of times, and explicitly discussed how a war there could be used to promote sanctions against Moscow and attack Russia’s energy interests in Europe.


In December of 2021 John Deni of NATO propaganda firm The Atlantic Council authored a piece for The Wall Street Journal,“The Strategic Case for Risking War in Ukraine,”subtitled “An invasion would be a diplomatic, economic and military mistake for Putin. Let him make it if he must.”


Deni argued that “there are good strategic reasons for the West to stake out a hard-line approach” against Moscow and refuse to negotiate or back down over Ukraine, because if doing so provokes Russia to invade it would “forge an even stronger anti-Russian consensus across Europe,” “result in another round of more debilitating economic sanctions that would further weaken Russia’s economy” and “sap the strength and morale of Russia’s military while undercutting Mr. Putin’s domestic popularity and reducing Russia’s soft power globally.”


The minds on the inside of the empire were talking about how this war would benefit the U.S. before the invasion, and they’ve been talking about how much it benefits the U.S.ever since.


As The Washington Post’s David Ignatius put it this past July:


“these 18 months of war have been a strategic windfall, at relatively low cost (other than for the Ukrainians). The West’s most reckless antagonist has been rocked. NATO has grown much stronger with the additions of Sweden and Finland. Germany has weaned itself from dependence on Russian energy and, in many ways, rediscovered its sense of values. NATO squabbles make headlines, but overall, this has been a triumphal summer for the alliance.”


The managers of the empire are getting everything they want out of this war. In public they rend their garments and cry crocodile tears and call it a terrible criminal atrocity, but every now and then they look at the camera and flash it a quick Fleabag-style grin.


They knew exactly what they were doing when they provoked this war, and they know exactly what they’re doing by keeping it going.


And they’re loving every minute of it.

Anonymous ID: 900687 Oct. 2, 2023, 4:22 a.m. No.19650240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0251 >>0266 >>0286 >>0308 >>0345 >>0759

Gavin Newsom chooses Democratic strategist and Emily's List President Laphonza Butler to replace Senator Dianne Feinstein

By Stephen M. Lepore For Dailymail.Com and Associated Press 01:03 EDT 02 Oct 2023


The appointment fulfills Newsom's long-held promise to fill the late Dianne Feinstein's seat with a black woman

Butler, an adviser to Kamala Harris ´ failed presidential campaign, will fill the vacant United States Senate seat held by the Feinstein, who died on Thursday

She has never held elected office but has served in Democrat activist organizations and advised Harris' failed presidential campaign

California Governor Gavin Newsom has chosen Laphonza Butler, aDemocratic strategist and the president of the influential pro-abortion-rights group Emily's List, to step into the late Senator Dianne Feinstein's seat.


In choosing Butler, an adviser to Kamala Harris' failed presidential campaign, Newsom fulfilled his pledge to appoint a black woman if Feinstein's seat became open.


Feinstein's death produced a unique situation where Newsom, 55, California's charismatic Governor had free reign to pick someone to replace Feinstein until the next election is held in November 2024.


Newsom had been facing pressure by the Congressional Black Caucus and other advocacy groups to select Rep. Barbara Lee, a prominent black congresswoman who is already running for the seat.


The caucus wrote an open letter to Newsom earlier Sunday asking that he appoint Lee, who has served in Congress since 1998.


Lee is facing off against fellow California Congressmembers Adam Schiff and Katie Porter in an attempt to win the 2024 race in a state that hasn't sent a Republican to the Senate since 1992.


Butler leads Emily's List, a political organization that supports Democratic women candidates who favor abortion rights.


She also is a former labor leader with SEIU 2015, a powerful force in California politics.Butler will be the first out gay person to represent California in the Senate and the first black lesbian, according to the LA Times.


Social media immediately jumped on the fact that Butler currently lives in Maryland, according to her Emily's List biography, which the progressive activist group deleted within an hour of the announcement.


Federal Election Commission filings that were shared by X users showed her living in the state as recently as last month. Her LinkedIn page shows her as residing in the 'Los Angeles Metropolitan Area.'


Democrats control the Senate 51-49, though Feinstein´s seat is vacant. A quick appointment by Newsom will give the Democratic caucus more wiggle room on close votes, including nominations that Republicans uniformly oppose.


Butler could be sworn in as early as Tuesday eveningwhen the Senate returns to session.

Anonymous ID: 900687 Oct. 2, 2023, 5:14 a.m. No.19650380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0655 >>0766

Upstate NY county blocks NYC’s bid to move homeless north to ease migrant shelter crisis

Jorge Fitz-Gibbon

An upstate county is blocking New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ bid to shunt Big Apple homeless residents north, calling the move yet another flagrant attempt to shift the migrant crisis elsewhere.


The Democratic mayor announced last week that city housing vouchers for the homeless could now be used outside of the five boroughs — to open shelter space for the wave of migrants flooding into the city from the country’s southern border.


But Republican Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente fired back with an emergency order sayingno voucher would be accepted on his turf without his say-so —and then only after needy locals get first dibs at any open slots, according to a report by the Oneida Daily Dispatch.


“This is just a veiled attempt by Mayor Adams to pass New York City’s migrant crisis on to upstate counties,” Picente said. “This action is due to the complete failure of federal government policy and lack of leadership in Albany.”


Upstate counties have already been pushing back hard against Adams’ earlier attempts to relocate asylum seekers by busing them to other areas of New York.


Adams has appealed to Gov. Kathy Hochul to intervene and force counties outside the city to take in a share of the more than 110,000 border migrants who have arrived in New York City needing help since spring 2022, to no avail.


So last week, Adams hatched the plan to instead move some of the city’s homeless to other jurisdictions to open up space in the Big Apple’s overburdened shelter system, which currently has more than 60,000 migrants still in its care.


“We hope our partners across the state will greet these longtime New Yorkers with open arms and good job opportunities,” Adams said in a statement Sept. 26.


“These reforms will give longtime New Yorkers the ability to move out of our city’s shelter system to other parts of the state with more affordable housing options, while simultaneously opening up space in our city’s shelter system for the approximately 10,000 migrants who continue to arrive in the city seeking shelter month after month,” the statement said.


But not so fast, Picente said.


“Oneida County has the same capacity issues as New York City, and this maneuver to push their homeless into our community would not only ravage our ability to serve our people in need but would devastate the affordable housing market and incentivize landlords to displace good local tenants,” the county executive said.


Under Picente’s executive order, Oneida has the right to refuse New York City housing vouchers and can be given 30 days to offer any available rental space to clients from its own Department of Family & Community Services.


Any violation of the order is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $2,000 per day.


In May, Oneida officials issued an emergency order prohibiting migrants and asylum seekers from being shipped to the county and barring shelter, motel and campground owners from providing accomodations.

Anonymous ID: 900687 Oct. 2, 2023, 5:35 a.m. No.19650411   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2 Oct, 2023 12:09

US issued corruption ultimatum to Ukraine – MP

Washington has demanded that Kiev go at least 45 days without a scandal, according to lawmaker Yaroslav Zheleznyak


Ukrainian MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak has claimed that his country was given a “yellow card” by the US and must do all it can to avoid receiving a second one. His comments came after the US Congress voted to omit funds for Kiev from a short-term spending deal that averted a government shutdown in Washington.


Writing on his Telegram channel on Monday, Zheleznyak acknowledged that Ukraine has serious corruption problems and said it must now be “holier than the Pope” if it wants to receive continued US assistance.


The MP further argued thatUkraine has become a “hostage” of US domestic politics. However, Kiev must still press Washington to set aside funding for it in the government budget, which is set to be agreed upon within the next six weeks as part of the deal reached by US lawmakers on Saturday night, Zheleznyak insisted.


“The main complaint against us is corruption,”the Ukrainian MP pointed out. “We must spend these 45 days without A SINGLE major corruption scandal. As far as I know, this is exactly what our representatives were told when they visited [the US]. No nonsense or pretentiousness.”


Zheleznyak stated that Ukrainian authorities must demonstrate their resolve in fighting corruption and should crack down on the biggest offenders, regardless of how “important” they may be to the president. Without providing names, Zheleznyak claimed there is a specific list of people who have become symbols of corruption in Ukraine and have been “cheating” international partners.


“Either they go to hell, or we get assistance. The choice is obvious,” the MP wrote. He added that the international community pays particular attention to state-owned enterprises, reconstruction, military procurement, customs, and law enforcement in Ukraine.


The leading figures in all these areas are “stupid corruptors” and should immediately be removed to preempt potential corruption scandals, Zheleznyak claimed.


Elsewhere, fellow Ukrainian MP Aleksey Goncharenko has suggested that Kiev needs to be more proactive in attempting to secure funds from Washington. According to the lawmaker, Ukraine should dispatch permanent delegations to the US Congress, send MPs to every US state to “convince” Americans of the need to support Ukraine, and even pledge to join any future military campaigns launched by Washington.

Anonymous ID: 900687 Oct. 2, 2023, 5:43 a.m. No.19650434   🗄️.is 🔗kun

While Demanding Ukraine Funding, Joe’s Last Marble Falls Out of the Bag


October 1, 2023 | Sundance |

I’m not saying he has entirely lost all his marbles, but there’s certainly a giant hole in the bag.


Toward the end of his remarks demanding more money for Ukraine, Joe Biden was questioned by the DC stenographers. In one segment he was questioned about Kevin McCarthy keeping his word to provide unlimited billions for the Ukraine laundry operation. As Biden started to talk about McCarthy… something went wrong and he had a Mitch McConnell moment. WATCH (prompted):


Biden will not be the DNC nominee.


(It seemed to me, Bidan was threatening McCarthy, and his dementia got in the way)

Anonymous ID: 900687 Oct. 2, 2023, 6:01 a.m. No.19650477   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Zelensky Hosts Major Arms Manufacturers Conference in Hopes to Boost Domestic Weapons Production

Breitbart London30 Sep 2023


KYIV, Ukraine (AP) – Ukraine hosted an international defense industry conference as part of a government effort to ramp up weapons production within the country to repel Russia’s full-scale invasion and reduce foreign dependence on arms deliveries.


The event marked a new development in support of Ukraine, with the previous focus being on the delivery of weapons, repair of damaged equipment and military training of Ukrainian soldiers.


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, speaking at the opening of the International Defense Industries Forum, said that around 250 defense companies from more than 30 countries had gathered Friday in Kyiv. Defense ministers and representatives of several countries also attended the event.


“Heroism alone cannot intercept missiles. Ukraine needs capabilities, high quality, high quantity, and quickly. There is no defense without industry,” said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who spoke by video link during the forum on the day after his visit to Kyiv.


Stoltenberg said that Wendy Gilmour, who is NATO’s assistant secretary general for defense investments, was representing the trans-Atlantic alliance at the event.


Stoltenberg acknowledged that many allies have significantly depleted their stocks in order to support Ukraine. “This was the right thing to do, but now we need to ramp up production, both to meet Ukraine´s needs and to ensure our own deterrence in events,” he said.


Zelenskyy disclosed the details of his recent trip to Washington, where he agreed with U.S. President Joe Biden on “the establishment of a new industrial ecosystem that will strengthen both Ukraine and all the partners.” Zelenskyy described it as “one of the key outcomes” of his negotiations with Biden in Washington.


Zelenskyy’s chief of staff, Andriy Yermak, said that there will be meetings soon with representatives from the U.S. “to determine the road map of cooperation with the partners about localization of production, specifically in Ukraine.”


During the forum, Zelenskyy announced the creation of the Defense Industries Alliance and added that 13 defense companies have already signed the corresponding declaration.


To support the cooperation and develop an industry complex, Ukraine plans to establish a special fund, which will be paid into through dividends from state defense resources and profits from the sale of confiscated Russian assets, Zelenskyy said.


Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said the first talks about joint production with allies began last fall. “At first, we were talking about repairs within Ukraine, and then about joint production. And now, this topic is prevalent everywhere,” said Kuleba.


According to Kuleba, in discussions with the partners, there is also a tremendous interest in the experience and production capabilities of Ukrainian businesses.


“Just as we have benefited from Western weapons, Western arms manufacturers also gain unique advantages in the market to improve their models and create even more powerful weapons,” Kuleba said.


Ukraine’s recently appointed Defense Minister, Rustem Umerov, said the country must do everything possible to produce all the necessary military services and products in Ukraine for the needs of its army. The other priority is the development of defense technologies that now play an important role on the battlefield.


“Our vision is to develop world-class military products,” Umerov said.


(Biolabs in Ukraine are not enough!)

Anonymous ID: 900687 Oct. 2, 2023, 6:25 a.m. No.19650557   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Latest Mood-Check Shows Unequivocal Support For Ukraine Is Waning Among Europeans

Authored by Thomas Brooke via Remix News,


Fewer Europeans fully back the continued financial and humanitarian support of Ukraine by the European Union than at the start of the conflict, the latest Eurobarometer data revealed.


The collection of pan-European public opinion surveys conducted regularly on behalf of the bloc showed support is waning among EU citizens for the conflict in their own backyard, which continues to show few signs of easing.


In April last year, a majority of Europeans said they “totally agreed” with opening the borders for Ukrainian refugees, providing humanitarian aid to those who remained in the war-torn country, and imposing economic sanctions against Russia following its invasion of Ukraine two months prior.


However, a mood check in August 2023 shows none of these efforts now have the total support of a majority of EU citizens.


Those who fully approve of providing humanitarian support to people affected by the war have dropped from 64 percent in April last year to 47 percent. Support for welcoming Ukrainian refugees into the European Union has decreased from 55 percent to 36 percent, while unequivocal support for the continuation of economic sanctions against Moscow has dropped from 55 percent to 46 percent.


Similarly, just 26 percent of Europeans now totally agree with the European Union providing financial support to Ukraine, down from 42 percent, and less than a quarter (24 percent) totally agree with the supply of military equipment to Kyiv.


It is important to note that all of the above categories, with the exception of supplying military equipment, still garner a majority of support when factoring in those who opted for “tend to agree” in the survey, but the latest polling shows an undeniable slide in unequivocal support for a conflict that has now been raging for more than 18 months without a solution.


Ukraine was dealt a heavy blow earlier this month when Poland, one of Kyiv’s staunchest allies in the conflict against Russia, announced it would no longer be supplying weapons to its neighbor and would instead be focusing on stockpiling its own national defenses.


And it isn’t just in Europe where fatigue is starting to set in among the electorate. A recent SSRS poll commissioned by CNN revealed that a majority of Americans believe that Washington D.C. should withdraw financial support to Kyiv.


A total of 55 percent of respondents said that the U.S. Congress should not authorize further funding for Ukraineand 51 percent of those polled said that NATO’s largest contributor had already done enough to help the country.


Just 48 percent said the United States should be doing more, down considerably from the 62 percent recorded at the outbreak of the conflict in February last year.

Anonymous ID: 900687 Oct. 2, 2023, 6:40 a.m. No.19650637   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Putin Crowns New Wagner Chief, Tasked With Sending Fighters Back To Ukraine

The future fate and leadership of PMC Wagner has become clearer on Friday, following the Aug. 23 death of Yevgeny Prigozhin and much of his senior leadership when their private plane went down outside Moscow while en route to St. Petersburg. It is believed that either a bomb was detonated, or it was shot down by an anti-aircraft missile.


The lingering question since then has centered on who will take command of Wagner, and whether it will remain a private entity, or possibly be broken apart. Those questions appear to have been at least partially answered with Putin's Friday Kremlin meeting with Andrei Troshev, among the most senior ex-commanders of the Wagner mercenary group and former aide to Prigozhin.


"President Putin asked Mr Troshev to oversee volunteer fighter units in Ukraine," the Kremlin said, in the clearest indicator to date that Wagner fighters will be returning to the Ukraine battlefield in large numbers.


Importantly, the Kremlin also confirmed that Troshev now works for the defense ministry, according to spokesman Dmitry Peskov, and will coordinate reintegration of Wagner fighters with Russia's armed forces on a voluntary basis.


Putin has additionally told Troshev he could "volunteer units that can perform various combat tasks, above all, of course, in the zone of a special military operation" - referring to Ukraine.


"You know about the issues that need to be resolved in advance so that the combat work goes in the best and most successful way," Putin added.


There were indicators even before Prigozhin's death, but following the June mutiny, that Troshev would be given control of Wagner under defense ministry oversight. At the time, the following backgrounder was released by US media:


Sedoy is the call sign of Andrey Troshev, a retired Russian colonel and a founding member and Executive Director of the Wagner Group, according to sanctions documents published by the European Union and France.


European Union sanctions concerning the situation in Syria detail Troshev’s position as the chief of staff of the Wagner Group operations in Syria, which supported the Syrian regime.


Troshev was born in April 1953 in Leningrad, in the former Soviet Union, according to the EU sanctions from December 2021.


“Andrey Troshev is directly involved in the military operations of the Wagner Group in Syria. He was particularly involved in the area of Deir ez-Zor,” it added. “As such, he provides a crucial contribution to Bashar al-Assad’s war effort and therefore supports and benefits from the Syrian regime.”


Earlier this week, CNN had cited Ukrainian military sources to say that Wagner fighters have been redeployed to the battlefield in Ukraine, but this time under the regular Russian military command.


Hundreds of Wagner fighters have reportedly already appeared in the east, according to the Ukrainian sources. The last time the Ukrainians had seen them in significant numbers was after Wagner units had handed control of Bakhmut in the east over to the Russian regular armed forces.

Anonymous ID: 900687 Oct. 2, 2023, 6:48 a.m. No.19650667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0766

The Supreme Court Term Begins This Week. Here Are The Cases You Need To Watch.

October 01, 2023


The Supreme Court begins its term this week with oral arguments for cases challenging the constitutionality of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) funding mechanism and considering whether an Americans with Disabilities Act “tester” can sue hotels she never visited for failing to offer accommodations.

The coming term will include major cases on the First Amendment, gun rights and the administrative state.

The justices have agreed to hear 34 cases so far this term, with more to be granted in the coming weeks and months.

A new Supreme Court term that will include major cases on the First Amendment, gun rights and the administrative state is set to begin this week.


The justices have agreed to hear 34 cases so far this term, with more grants to come. Oral arguments kick off on Monday, with arguments scheduled on Tuesday for a case challenging the constitutionality of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) funding mechanism and Wednesday for another case considering whether an Americans with Disabilities Act “tester” can sue hotels she never visited for failing to offer accommodations.


Here are some of the biggest cases to watch as the term begins.


First Amendment The term includes multiple major First Amendment cases with significant implications for free speech online.


The Supreme Court agreed Friday to hear a pair of challenges to Florida and Texas laws against viewpoint censorship online. NetChoice, a trade association of tech companies, argues the laws violate social media platforms’ First Amendment rights by restricting their ability to moderate content. The Biden administration urged the Supreme Court in an August brief to overturn the laws.


The justices will hear another pair of cases on Oct. 31 regardinggovernment officials who blocked constituents online, Lindke v. Freed and Garnier v. O’Connor-Ratcliff. Garnier deals with two California school board members who blocked parents for critical comments on Facebook and Twitter, and the other with a Port Huron, Michigan, city manager who blocked a constituent that posted critical comments about his COVID-19 pandemic response.


At the heart of the cases is the question of whether the officials’ decisions should be considered state action, and therefore First Amendment violations, even when done through their personal social media accounts.


Administrative State On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear the first of its big cases on the administrative state: CFPB v. Community Financial Services Association of America.


The plaintiffs in this case, who initially brought their lawsuit over the CFPB’sPayday Lending Rule, are challenging the constitutionality of the regulator’s funding mechanism. Rather than receiving funding through Congress’ annual appropriations process, the CFPB received its funding from the Federal Reserve.


“We agree that, for the most part, the Plaintiffs’ claims miss their mark,” Judge Cory T. Wilson wrote in the 5th Circuit opinion. “But one arrow has found its target: Congress’s decision to abdicate its appropriations power under the Constitution, i.e., to cede its power of the purse to the Bureau, violates the Constitution’s structural separation of powers.”


Another case that could have significant implications for theadministrative stateis Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo. It gives the Supreme Court a clear shot to overturn “Chevron deference,” a legal doctrine rooted in 1984 precedent, which holds that courts should defer to executive agency interpretations of statutes where the language is ambiguous.


Another case,Securities and Exchange Commission v. Jarkesy, could upend the SEC’s internal adjudication processes, which the plaintiffs challenged as unconstitutional.


The Fifth Circuit previously agreed with the plaintiffs that the SEC’s in-house adjudication process using administrative law judges (AJLs) was unconstitutional, finding that it deprived them of a constitutional right to a jury trial, was based on Congress’ unconstitutional delegation of legislative power to the SEC and that removal restrictions on AJLs violated the Constitution by leaving them insufficiently accountable to the President….