Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 10:51 a.m. No.19651988   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to Remove Donald Trump from 2024 Presidential Ballot


In a landmark, the U.S. Supreme Court has rejected a challenge aimed at removing former President Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot.


The case was brought forth by John Anthony Castro, a Republican presidential candidate and tax consultant who has unsuccessfully run for several political offices. He argued that Trump should be disqualified from running due to his alleged involvement in the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.


“A primary candidate has judicial standing to bring a claim challenging the eligibility of a fellow primary candidate for competitive injury in the form of a diminution of votes and/or fundraising if the primary candidate believes that the fellow primary candidate is ineligible to hold public office and to prevent actions irreconcilable with the U.S. Constitution,” Castro wrote.


Castro’s legal argument hinged on Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, a Civil War-era provision initially used to bar former members of the Confederacy from holding office.


“The January 6, 2021, attack on the United States Capitol was an insurrection within the meaning of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Donald J. Trump provided aid or comfort to the insurrectionists in the form of words of encouragement and expressions of support springing from a want of sympathy with the insurrectionary attack on the United States Capitol. As such, Donald J. Trump is constitutionally ineligible to hold any public office in the United States of America,” according to Castro.


The case was denied without any comment or recorded vote, according to CNN.


The Supreme Court’s decision not to hear the case effectively shuts down this avenue of attack against the former President, who is the frontrunner for the Republican nomination in 2024. Critics of the use of Section 3 have called it a “fringe legal theory.”


Similar lawsuits have been filed in Colorado, Minnesota, and Michigan by both liberal and conservative organizations, as well as individual voters.


The Gateway Pundit reported that a coalition of six Republicans and unaffiliated Colorado voters, including former state and federal officials, filed a lawsuit last month seeking to disqualify former President Donald Trump from appearing on the state’s 2024 presidential ballot.


The case argues that Trump violated Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which disqualifies any individual from holding federal office if they have “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the United States.


Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold called former President Trump a “liar” after he asserted that the attempt to keep him off the ballot is election interference.


In Minnesota, a group of voters sued to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot.

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 10:54 a.m. No.19651999   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hundreds seek compensation in J-pop sex abuse scandal


The ‘Johnny & Associates’ talent agency will pay out claims to sexual abuse victims, it said on Monday


At least 325 people are seeking compensation over alleged sexual abuse by the deceased Japanese talent agent Johnny Kitagawa, his company said on Monday. The claims come weeks after an independent inquiry concluded that the music mogul had sexually assaulted hundreds of boys and young men throughout a six-decade career.


The talent agency, Johnny & Associates, said that 478 people had contacted a website set up to address alleged victims of Kitagawa, 325 of whom expressed a desire to receive financial compensation. It added that 150 of these were former talents that had been represented by the company.


The agency will also rename itself ‘Smile Up’, a newly-formed entity whose sole task will be to identify and compensate Kitagawa’s victims, its current president, Noriyuki Higashiyama, announced during a televised press conference.


“We will disband Johnny & Associates and face the victims in a sincere manner,” Higashiyama, a former actor and singer, said. “The new company will create a new future with its fans.” He added that compensation will be determined based on each individual victim’s complaint.


A new, separate company will be established to manage talent already on the agency’s books.


Higashiyama, who replaced Kitagawa’s niece, Julie Fujishima, as chief executive earlier this year, has also been accused of sexual misconduct, but denied the allegations on Monday. “I have never sexually harassed anyone,” he said. “Some people may have felt I was power-harassing them, but it was 35-40 years ago, and I probably wouldn’t have been able to understand what sexual abuse is.”


The rebranding of Johnny & Associates is being interpreted as a move to win back support from both the public and high-profile sponsors. The agency was dropped from partnerships with Nissan, Asahi, and Suntory last month following the inquiry.


The scandal has drawn significant media attention in Japan, and has been compared to similar cases involving movie producer Harvey Weinstein in the US and radio broadcaster Jimmy Savile in the UK.


American-born Japanese businessman Kitagawa, who died in July 2019 at the age of 87, was for years viewed as one of the country’s richest and most influential media figures. He was the creative force behind numerous J-pop bands but faced numerous allegations of sexual impropriety – which he consistently denied – before his death.

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 10:58 a.m. No.19652020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2071 >>2355 >>2503

EU Pledges Lasting Support At 'Historic' Kiev Meeting As America Steps Back


After President Joe Biden over the weekend signed a stopgap funding bill that did not include aid for Ukraine, given Congressional Republicans are blocking it, European leaders have vowed Monday to commit to lasting support for Kiev.


EU foreign ministers are taking part in a "historic" meeting in the Ukrainian capital, even as the war grinds on into its 20th month. "We are convening in a historic meeting of the EU foreign ministers here in Ukraine, candidate country and future member of the EU," the bloc's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell announced. He said it is to "express our solidarity and support to the Ukrainian people," but also cautioned that the meeting "does not have the aim of reaching concrete conclusions and decisions."


Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba praised the EU at a moment of simultaneous disappointment with Washington as billions in US aid hangs in the balance. "For the first time ever the foreign affairs council is going to sit down outside of its current borders — outside the borders of the European Union — but within future borders of the European Union," Kuleba said in a press briefing alongside Borrell.

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 11 a.m. No.19652031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2038 >>2050 >>2071 >>2355 >>2503

Sam Bankman-Fried Met with Mitch McConnell – Donated Multi-Millions to McConnell’s List of Anti-Trump Republicans


Michael Lewis, author of The Big Short joined “60 Minutes” last night to discuss his upcoming book Going Infinite about disgraced FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried.


Michael Lewis told the far left news program that the former finance CEO met with Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell ahead of the 2022 election. McConnell persuaded SBF to donate millions to his list of anti-Trump candidates.


Lewis told 60 Minutes that Sam Bankman-Fried donated millions to support Mitch McConnell’s anti-Trump GOP senate candidates.


Via Real Clear Politics:


60 MINUTES: To that end, Lewis writes that in 2022, Bankman-Fried met with the most unlikely of allies, Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. According to Lewis, Bankman-Fried wanted to help McConnell fund Republican candidates at odds with Donald Trump.


JON WERTHEIM, 60 MINUTES: You’re flying with Sam and he tells you about a meeting he’s gonna have with Mitch McConnell.


MICHAEL LEWIS: Well, the interesting thing starts before we even get on the plane. I meet him at the airport, and he comes tumbling out of a car. And he’s in his cargo shorts and his T-shirt. And he’s got, balled up in his hand– it takes me a while to see what it is, but it’s a blue suit. It’s got more wrinkles than any blue suit ever had. It’s been just jammed into this little ball. (laughs) And a shoe, like, falls out of the pile that he’s got in his arms. And I said, like, “What– why you have the suit?” And he says– (laughs) he says, “Mi– Mitch McConnell really cares what you wear when you– (laughs) when you meet with him.” And he’s having dinner in six hours with Mitch McConnell. And I– I said, “Well, you got the suit. Is there– you got a belt?” He goes, “No. I don’t have a belt.” I said, “You got– you have a shirt?” He goes, “No. No shirt,” “and the suit, you really can’t really wear that suit.” And he goes, “Yeah. But they told me to bring a suit.”


60 MINUTES: According to Lewis, Bankman-Fried wanted to help McConnell fund Republican candidates at odds with Donald Trump…


MICHAEL LEWIS: What is the subtext of this dinner, is Sam is gonna write tens of millions of dollars of checks to a super PAC that Mitch McConnell is then gonna use to get elected people who are not “hostile to democracy.”


JON WERTHEIM, 60 MINUTES: Wait. So, Mitch McConnell has a list of Republican candidates who are, sort of, on the playing field for democracy versus what he deemed outside?


MICHAEL LEWIS: He and his team had done the work to distinguish between actual deep Trumpers and people who were just seeming to approve of Donald Trump but we actually willing to govern.


It should be noted that McConnell refused to fund popular conservative candidate Blake Masters in Arizona.


Blake Masters lost on election day after the Maricopa County officials made sure the voting machines were not working that day in over 60 percent of the voting centers.

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 11:04 a.m. No.19652047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2051 >>2071 >>2264 >>2355 >>2503 >>2520

=It Never Stops: Mike Lindell’s MyPillow Under IRS Audit for Alleged Unlawful Employment Practices


In recent news, Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow and a staunch supporter of President Trump and conservative politics, revealed that his company is under IRS audit for allegedly employing workers illegally.


This comes on the heels of his recent challenges, including his bank accounts closure, his factory equipment being auctioned off, networks refusing to air his commercials, multiple defamation lawsuits filed against him, and credit reductions from American Express, all because of his political beliefs rather than any genuine issues related to his business practices.


The Gateway Pundit reported last week that American Express has slashed the credit line of Mike Lindell’s MyPillow by a staggering 90%. This comes after a 15-year partnership between the two companies.


According to Lindell, American Express reduced MyPillow’s credit line from a million dollars to a mere $100,000 without any prior notice or explanation. This abrupt decision has severely impacted the company’s operations, particularly its online marketing and shipping activities.


“American Express -I wasn’t going to say this- we’ve been with them for 15 years, and we do all of our online marketing and all our shipping with them. Out of the blue, they took our credit line from a million dollars down to $100,000. Just crippled my pillow. No reason, no explanation. Just dropped it down last Tuesday,” said Lindell.


Lindell emphasized that this attack on MyPillow is part of a larger scheme to undermine efforts to secure American elections.


“This is all about everybody. We’re right over target with the plan to secure our elections,” said Lindell, who has been on the frontline to secure our elections. He believes that the only way Trump could lose is if elections are manipulated again, and that’s why they are coming after him.


“We are securing them and they have to try and stop it right now. And they know that. That’s why this attack Steve, they turned the attack up on MyPillow this last month and a half, probably as high as it’s ever been since all the retailers canceled us. And everybody, we’re all praying that we get through this because we have to. We have to secure our elections to get our great real president back in,” said Lindell.


Now, the Internal Revenue Service is reportedly investigating Lindell’s employment practices.


Mike Lindell recently appeared on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast to discuss the latest incident that is causing alarm bells to ring for conservatives across the country.


“It’s been a new attack, Steve,” Lindell told Bannon. “You know, we had American Express go after us and reduce our credit to virtually nothing. Now we have audits.”


The IRS audit purportedly targets employment at MyPillow’s call centers, specifically those that employ remote workers, including stay-at-home mothers and other individuals. According to Lindell, the issue began in California and has now extended to three other states.


“They’re going after my employees during the China virus, you had all these at-home moms and stuff. Everybody out there taking calls at our call center under contract labor across the country. Now they’re doing employee audits.”

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 11:05 a.m. No.19652048   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 11:08 a.m. No.19652069   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2080 >>2101 >>2104 >>2124 >>2153 >>2355 >>2503

Trump fraud trial in NYC live updates: Ex-president accuses trial judge of ‘interfering with an election,’ says he should be disbarred


Former President Donald Trump is facing a judge inside a lower Manhattan courthouse Monday, for the opening of a $250 million civil trial over charges he overinflated the values of his many properties.


The fraud lawsuit brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James accuses Trump, sons Eric and Don Jr., and the Trump Organization of a decades-long scheme.


The non-jury trial is scheduled to run until the end of December.



Speaking outside the courtroom while on lunch break, Donald Trump insisted New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron, the judge overseeing his fraud case, was wrong and should be disbarred.


“Let's go to trial because this is a judge that should be disbarred," Trump said.


"This is a judge that should be out of office. This is a judge that some people say could be charged criminally for what he's doing,” he said after flipping through a stack of articles challenging the findings that overinflating property values is illegal.


“He's interfering with an election and it's a disgrace," Trump said before thanking reporters.


While turning to leave, Trump was asked why he chose to attend the first day of the trial, which he was not required to do, and responded that he wanted to "watch this witch hunt myself."


"This is a pure witch hunt for purposes of interfering with the elections of the United States of America," Trump added as he went to leave. "This judge should be disbarred, he shouldn't be allowed to be a judge. Thank you."

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 11:11 a.m. No.19652081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2355 >>2503

Sam Bankman-Fried paid Tom Brady $55M for a week of work, author says: ‘Tom adored him’


Tom Brady was paid $55 million for doing about a week’s worth of work total over a three-year period by disgraced cryptocurrency mogul Sam Bankman-Fried, according to a bestselling author.


Michael Lewis, who wrote “Going Infinite: The Rise and Fall of a New Tycoon,” told CBS’ “60 Minutes” that the former FTX head Bankman-Fried, whose federal trial on fraud and money laundering charges is set to begin in Manhattan on Tuesday, splurged on endorsements from Brady, Stephen Curry, and Larry David.


Bankman-Fried, who has pleaded not guilty, oversaw a $32 billion empire that collapsed after his firm allegedly used customer deposits to cover risky bets by his hedge fund, Alameda Research.


“He paid Tom Brady $55 million for 20 hours a year for three years,” Lewis, who shadowed Bankman-Fried for those fateful months during which his company went bankrupt and he was arrested and indicted, told CBS.


Lewis said that Brady reacted initially with “sadness” after learning of Bankman-Fried’s fall from grace.


“[Brady] really liked him and he really liked the hope that he brought,” Lewis said, adding that the Super Bowl winner was “crushed.”


“As time has gone by and he’s ceased to get a really good explanation about what’s happened, I think [Brady] is just like, ‘He tricked me. I’m angry. I don’t want to have anything to do with it anymore’,” according to Lewis.

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 11:15 a.m. No.19652097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2151 >>2355 >>2503

Nobel prize goes to mRNA Covid vaccine researchers


Researchers Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman won the Nobel Medicine Prize on Monday for work on messenger RNA (mRNA) technology that paved the way for groundbreaking Covid-19 vaccines.


The pair, who had been tipped as favourites, “contributed to the unprecedented rate of vaccine development during one of the greatest threats to human health in modern times”, the jury said. 


The World Health Organization declared Covid-19 a pandemic in March 2020 and the first mRNA vaccines were approved for use against the illness in December that year.


Billions of Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna doses have been injected around the world since then.


Together with other Covid vaccines, they “have saved millions of lives and prevented severe disease in many more”, the jury said.


Kariko, 68, and Weissman, 64, longstanding colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania in the United States, have already won a slew of awards for their research.


In recognising the duo this year, the Nobel committee broke with its usual practice of honouring decades-old research, aimed at ensuring it has stood the test of time.


While the prizewinning research dates back to 2005, the first vaccines to use the mRNA technology came out just three years ago.


Unlike traditional vaccines which use weakened virus or a key piece of the virus’ protein, mRNA vaccines provide the genetic molecules that tell cells what proteins to make, which simulates an infection and trains the immune system for when it encounters the real virus.

Sweet comeback


The idea was first demonstrated in 1990 but it wasn’t until the mid-2000s that Weissman, of the US, and Hungarian-born Kariko developed a technique to control a dangerous inflammatory response seen in animals exposed to these molecules, opening the way to develop safe human vaccines.


The honour is particularly sweet for Kariko, the 13th woman to win the Medicine Prize, who toiled in obscurity for years and struggled to convince her superiors of the need for research on messenger ribonucleic acid.


Speaking to Swedish Radio (SR), she said her late mother always had faith in her, listening to the Nobel prize announcements “year after year” hoping to hear her daughter’s name called out.


“Unfortunately, five years ago she passed at the age of 89. She might be listening from above,” Kariko said.


Thomas Perlmann, the secretary general of the Nobel Assembly, called Kariko “an extraordinary and unusual scientist” who “resisted any temptation” to do “something easier”.


Genocide award

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 11:23 a.m. No.19652131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2205 >>2355 >>2503

Hunter Biden was suspected of hiring prostitutes from 'Eastern European sex trafficking ring' during drug binges and falsifying checks to pay the women, Treasury documents reveal


Investigators found payments from Hunter and his companies to a suspected 'Eastern European prostitution ring,' can reveal

Those associated with the ring included women with Russian passports and a China-based company to which money was funneled has previously reported documents, texts and video showing Hunter spent a staggering $30,000 on escorts in just five months


Bank investigators suspected Hunter Biden was associated with a 'sex trafficking ring' and falsified checks to pay prostitutes, Treasury documents reveal.


Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) reviewed by show the First Son's accounts were being monitored as late as December 2019, after investigators found payments from Hunter and his companies to a suspected 'Eastern European prostitution ring'.


A previously unreported document, filed to the Department of the Treasury on December 17, 2019 by financial crime investigators at Wells Fargo, picked out 25 individuals linked to the suspected ring and almost $7million of suspicious transactions, some of which included checks from Hunter that they believed may have been falsified to hide his payments to hookers from his business account.


The report, shown to by a confidential source, said 'Biden has sent money to individuals who may be part of an Eastern European prostitution ring', and that investigators were monitoring 'several [Wells Fargo] customers suspected of participating in a sex trafficking ring associated with Biden'.


Others associated with the ring included women with Russian passports and a China-based company to which money was funneled.

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 11:26 a.m. No.19652143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2195 >>2199 >>2270 >>2313 >>2355 >>2503

Take a good hard look America.


The U.S. government abandoned Panama.. the American crown jewel of Latin America.


The UNITED STATES MILITARY compounds are either totally run down or worse, occupied by globalist psychopaths.


We built the canal and gave it away. The first ship to transit the canal after we gave it to Panamá was from China.


Today China has a massive presence all over Central and South America. Your government let that happen. Panamanians love Americans and they are asking, “Where are the Americans?”


This is the old SouthComm base known as Ft Clayton and today the WEF flies their flag.


Are we going to let the CCP and WEF take it all?



Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 11:34 a.m. No.19652175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2290 >>2308

Zelensky ‘happy’ in wake of Netanyahu meeting, Ukrainian official says


Sit-down at UN General Assembly improved relations, diplomat states, though ‘It is not a breakthrough’


Israel and Ukraine’s ties have improved after the leaders of the two countries met in New York two weeks ago, a Ukrainian diplomat told The Times of Israel on Monday.


“It is not a breakthrough,” said the diplomat, “but we are in a much better position than we were before this.”


Netanyahu and Zelensky met on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, with Zelensky describing the meeting as “good” as he exited the room. The meeting was the first between the two leaders since Netanyahu returned to power in December of last year.


According to Netanyahu’s office, the meeting was “friendly” and Israel pledged to continue to provide humanitarian aid, including assistance in dealing with land mines.


“Zelensky was happy about it,” said the diplomat on Tuesday. ‘The Ukrainian leadership is happy.”


Details on what transpired at the meeting to encourage Zelensky were slim.


A different diplomat revealed to The Times of Israel that Zelensky told UK Defense Secretary Grant Shapps during their Kyiv meeting last week that he and Netanyahu had a very good meeting.


“They reached an agreement on public security and people’s welfare,” said the Ukrainian official. The official declined to elaborate, but did mention that they also discussed cooperation on demining activities.


The Ukrainian official also said that progress has been made on the civilian alert system Israel is developing for Ukraine. The system was tested last week by the Kyiv municipal government and will undergo broader tests in the city in the coming days.


The civil alert system will initially cover much of Kyiv, a Ukrainian official said in June, and then will hopefully be copied in other cities.


The system in Ukraine is set for wider coverage than the system deployed in Israel, and will trigger alerts in a general area where an incoming Russian missile or attack drone is expected to hit; the system in Israel works with more precision.


The Israeli warning system uses a mix of radar and electro-optic devices to detect rocket, missile, and drone launches, classify the size and the threat they represent, and pinpoint on a map the areas that are in danger.

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 11:34 a.m. No.19652186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2355 >>2502 >>2503

Israel arrests former Mexican diplomat ahead of extradition to face rape charges


Andres Roemer was hailed in Israel after his dismissal as Mexico’s UNESCO ambassador for refusing to vote in favor of a 2016 resolution against the Jewish state


Police on Monday arrested former Mexican diplomat Andres Roemer in Tel Aviv ahead of his extradition to his home country to face rape charges.


Mexico filed an extraction request last year and the international department in the State’s Attorney’s Office ruled recently that he could be sent back to Mexico.


In 2021, a Financial Times report cited accusations made by 11 women that Roemer had sexually assaulted them at his home after inviting them there for work meetings.


Roemer had been widely lauded in Israel after was fired as Mexico’s UNESCO ambassador for refusing to vote in favor of a 2016 resolution that effectively denied Jewish ties to Jerusalem.


In October 2016 — two months after Roemer arrived at UNESCO — the envoy walked out during a vote on a resolution about the Old City of Jerusalem because he did not want to follow the instructions from his capital to vote in favor. He was later dismissed from his position.


Since then, the Mexican-Jewish diplomat met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and has been recognized by the American Sephardic Federation, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and other Jewish groups for challenging the UN resolution.


He even had a street in Ramat Gan named for him. The city has so far refused calls to remove his name over the sexual assault allegations, saying that nothing had been proven.


Roemer, who is also a lawyer, economist and playwright, is the grandson of Viennese orchestra conductor Ernesto Roemer, who fled Europe before World War II. A self-described “atheist Jew,” he grew up in Mexico City, and had previously served as Mexico’s consul-general in San Francisco.

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 11:39 a.m. No.19652211   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Judicial Watch: Biden Secret Service Records Show Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Was Denied Protection Despite Numerous Threats


Judicial Watch announced today that it received an 11 pages of Secret Service records detailing the denial of protection to presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., despite having received numerous threats from “known subjects.”


Judicial Watch received the document from the Secret Service in response to a July 28, 2023, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records and communications of:


a) Director Kimberly A. Cheatle


b) Deputy Director Ronald L. Rowe, Jr.


c) Chief Operating Officer Cynthia Sjoberg Radway


d) Assistant Director, Office of Protective Operations, Michael Plati


On July 28, 2023, Kennedy posted to X (formerly Twitter), “Since the assassination of my father in 1968, candidates for president are provided Secret Service protection. But not me.”


Just last week, Kennedy again requested for Secret Service protection following an incident on the campaign trail involving an armed man impersonating a police officer.


The records obtained by Judicial Watch include a Secret Service “Protective Intelligence and Assessment” that reveals numerous threats to Kennedy (“Behaviors of Interest”):


On April 23, 2023, a known subject [Redacted] submitted an inappropriate comment on the White House website addressed to President Biden [Redacted] stated, “Born to a political family, his twelfth cousin—Robert Kennedy—announces their candidacy to succeed Joseph Biden for ‘President of the United States.’ There’s no way you’d… assassinate former president Donald Trump. `Go get ‘ern, kiddo!” No further USSS investigation was conducted.




A known subject [Redacted] mailed a nonsensical letter to the hotel where Kennedy held his presidential campaign announcement event [redacted] warned a “madman” may commit a “serious terrorist act” and wanted to discuss his sins with Kennedy. [Redacted] is of record with the USSS [Secret Service] since March 2023 after he sent a nonsensical letter to President Biden with similar rhetoric. The USSS investigation is complete.


A known subject [Redacted] sent numerous packages, including gifts and a wedding band, to Kennedy [Redacted] stated that she loves Kennedy and expressed anger about being kept away from him. [Redacted]


A known subject [Redacted] sent materials to Kennedy’s residence. One letter contained a 32-page manifesto in which [Redacted] made nonsensical religious references and described himself as a “commissioned messenger of God.”


A known subject [Redacted] regularly sends threatening emails, stating he will “bury” Kennedy, “everyone will die,” and that he will make Kennedy “suffer.”


A subject [Redacted] sent inappropriate communications to Kennedy. The subject believed Kennedy was spying on him, paying people to follow him, and was responsible for vandalism against him. The subject state “your behavior has complete [sic] freaked me out. Focus on your damn campaign and leave me the hell alone.”

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 11:41 a.m. No.19652228   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Home wreckers? All the appliances the Biden administration plans to regulate more aggressively


In December, Energy Secretary Granholm announced that the administration had taken 110 actions on energy efficiency standards in 2022 alone…and are moving forward with rules impacting dozens more appliances.

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 11:43 a.m. No.19652237   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2242 >>2247 >>2249

Tel Aviv school principal suspected of having intimate relations with minors


Klein denied the accusations, telling school staff: "You know I will not do anything to hurt any of you or any of our students. I didn't act inappropriately and I didn't do anything to hurt anyone."


A school principal in Tel Aviv informed the Tel Aviv District Director that he will be going on leave on Monday after being suspected of having intimate relations with minors, Hebrew media reported on Sunday.


The suspect, Udi Klein, informed the district director of his decision as a result.


Klein denied the accusations, telling school staff: "You know I will not do anything to hurt any of you or any of our students. I didn't act inappropriately and I didn't do anything to hurt anyone.


"This school, which I have been privileged to run for over six years, is the most important thing to me," he continued.


Klein clarified and added that "under these circumstances, I found it appropriate to go on vacation for a certain period of time, to allow peace and regular work."


"You know I will not do anything to hurt any of you or any of our students. I didn't act inappropriately and I didn't do anything to hurt anyone."

Udi Klein


A year ago, Klein was a member of a committee that tackles the issue of sexual abuse in the LGBTQ+ community, N12 reported.

Responses to the incident


The Education Ministry responded to the accusations, stating that "These are apparently serious criminal suspicions, which were not known to the Ministry and will be investigated as soon as possible."


The initial report, which came out of N12, stated that the principal had a relationship for months with a 17-year-old boy who asked him for help with a school project. In a separate case, Klein had been messaging a former student of his, who was 16, on the dating app Grindr.


Likud MK Tally Gotliv commented on the incident, saying: "If you are the principal of a prestigious high school in Tel Aviv who has a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old student from another high school, your name will be prohibited from publication and no one will dare to say that it is inappropriate.


אם אתה מנהל תיכון יוקרתי בת״א שמנהל קשר מיני עם תלמיד בן 17 מתיכון אחר, שמך יהיה אסור לפירסום ואף אחד לא יעז לומר שזה לא הולם. בכל זאת מנהל מת״א. אבל אם אתה זמר מזרחי נערץ שמעריצות בנות 17 רדפו אותך והכחשת קשר מיני אתן והתיק הפלילי נגדך נסגר, שמך ייחשף, יהרסו אותך וירדפו בלי סוף

— טלי גוטליב (@TallyGotliv) October 1, 2023


"But if you are a revered Mizrahi singer who was chased by 17-year-old female fans and you denied having a sexual relationship with them, your name will be revealed, you will be destroyed and persecuted endlessly."

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 11:50 a.m. No.19652266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2285 >>2355 >>2503

MSM Receives Billions To Fabricate “Climate Crisis” For The Ruling Class


A state energy reporter for Cowboy State Daily has revealed why Big Media is conspiring to panic the masses about “climate change.” Billions of dollars are given to the media every year to fabricate a case for total control over human cattle by panicking them about the state of the planet.


According to a recent article by Kevin Killough, the “monoculture of perspectives” on climate change and energy is due to the regular funding received by major media outlets directly or indirectly from billionaire foundations and global elites who are steering the world away from fossil fuels. They aren’t doing this for the good of the planet or for the health of humanity. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. It’s hard to control and enslave humans mentally who are not living in a constant state of fear.


Killough cited the Washington Post as just one obvious example of a news outlet “colluding” with “climate alarmists” and green tyrants. It announced back in 2020 that it was partnering with the Rockefeller Foundation to advance “a major paradigm shift” in its coverage of food systems, public health, capitalism, and climate change.


Rockefeller Foundation Funds Behavioral Scientists to Brainwash People Into Taking COVID Injections


Rockefeller Foundation’s Food and Energy Crisis Is Here


The Rockefeller Foundation is a philanthropic foundation that aggressively advocates for the elimination of fossil fuels and for them to be replaced with wind and solar energy. As per the non-profit information service Guidestar, the foundation has nearly $4.5 billion in gross receipts and $7.5 billion in assets. It is also one of the most vocal proponents of the fossil fuel divestment and environment, social, and governance (ESG) movements. Furthermore, it also pledged $8 million over three years to the Associated Press to cover “climate issues,” which funded about 20 climate reporter positions at the outlet. There were also reports that the Guardian has received grants from Rockefeller. -Natural News


The elimination of fossil fuels and their use won’t be for the rulers, it’ll only be for the slave class. The ruling class seeks to own everything and wants to force the slaves to literally rent whatever they need from their masters. This version of slavery can only be successful if the slaves are in fear.


The Rockefeller Foundation also funds Covering Climate Now (CCN), a global group co-founded by the Columbia Journalism Review and the tyrannical publication The Nation, in association with the Guardian. “More than 500 news and media outlets partner with the organization, which represents an audience of two billion people in 57 countries. [CCN’s] partners include big media names like ABC News, CBS News, Reuters, the Boston Globe, the Miami Herald, and the San Francisco Chronicle,” Killough reported.


This was supported by an article on the CCN website that said the organization “collaborates with journalists and newsrooms to produce more informed and urgent climate stories, to make climate a part of every beat in the newsroom.”


They invent the crisis, offer us the solution, and expect we’ll accept the chains of enslavement. Up to this point, most have. Are we going to continue? Or will humanity actually be free? It’s up to us.


The Biggest Lie Most People STILL Believe


Far too many are still stuck on the left vs. right paradigm lie that the ruling class themselves gave us. There is no left vs. right. There’s only free vs. slave. Authority is an illusion and once enough see it, humanity stands a chance. Once you know the game, you will no longer play.

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 11:52 a.m. No.19652277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2355 >>2503

NATO says it has authorised bolstering of forces for Kosovo


Kosovo’s prime minister welcomed the decision, saying Serbia’s attempting to destabilise its former province with the help of ally Russia.


NATO has authorised additional forces for Kosovo, the military alliance said, following the worst violence in northern Kosovo in years.


Kosovo’s prime minister on Friday welcomed a NATO decision to bolster its troops in the volatile Balkan region, saying last weekend’s shootout that left four people dead illustrates Serbia’s attempts to destabilise its former province with the help of ally Russia.


“These people want to turn back time,” Prime Minister Albin Kurti told The Associated Press. “They are in search of a time machine. They want to turn the clock back by 30 years. But that is not going to happen.”


NATO said in a statement that it had “authorised additional forces to address the current situation” but did not immediately specify how many or from which countries.


A later statement from the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence said it had transferred command of a battalion of troops to the alliance.


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Friday and stressed the importance of de-escalating tensions with Kosovo after recent violence and the death of a Kosovo police officer, the Department of State said.


“The secretary underscored that those responsible for the attacks who are now in Serbia must be held accountable,” it said in a statement.


Kosovo police on Friday raided several locations in a Serb-dominated area of the country’s north, where weekend violence left one Kosovo police officer and three Serb fighters dead and further strained relations between Serbia and its former province.


Kosovo police said in a statement that they were conducting searches at five locations in three municipalities. The operation was connected to a Sunday shootout between Serb fighters and police officers in the village of Banjska in northern Kosovo.


The confrontation was one of the worst since Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008, with Belgrade refusing to recognise the split. NATO, which leads the KFOR peacekeeping force in Kosovo, announced Friday that it would strengthen its presence.


“We need NATO because the border with Serbia is very long and the Serbian army has been recently strengthening its capacities and they have a lot of military equipment from both the Russian Federation and China,” Kurti said.

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 12:06 p.m. No.19652348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2503

United States Settles Kickback Allegations with BioTek reMEDys Inc., Chaitanya Gadde and Dr. David Tabby

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 12:10 p.m. No.19652374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2503

German mayor calls concerns over child safety 'unfounded' amid plans to accommodate 80 asylum seekers at a primary school


Mayor of Monheim am Rhein Daniel Zimmerman told parents outraged over the controversial move that the migrants "are people like you and me" and are not dangerous


In response to the protests of locals, the council cited economic factors as a primary reason for the move, insisting that the estimated €150,000 it would cost to convert the containers into housing was substantially lower than the cost of renting private accommodations, where around 80 percent of the migrants recently received by the municipality currently reside.


"We simply can't keep up with renting anymore," a city press spokesperson told parents at the meeting.

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 12:13 p.m. No.19652384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2503

Ukraine’s Assassination Program Has Gotten So Out of Control that Some of Its Members Are Starting to Speak Out


The Assassination Program Bears Parallels With the Vietnam Phoenix Program and Israeli Mossad Operations Targeting Palestinians


On September 9th, The Economist ran a remarkable story entitled “Ukraine’s Assassination Programme: Its Agents Have Become Expert in Dark Revenge.”


It spotlighted how the Ukrainian Security Services (SBU)’s Fifth Directorate and Special Operations Forces (SSO) are running an assassination program across regions of Ukraine occupied or reintegrated into Russia and in Russia itself, and that some SBU agents are starting to believe that these programs have gotten out of control.


An unnamed SBU counter-intelligence officer is quoted as saying that it made him uncomfortable that “marginal figures” were being targeted in operations that were designed “to impress the president rather than bring victory any closer…clowns, prostitutes and jokers are a constant around the Russian government. Kill one of them, and another will appear in their place.”


The same officer noted that Ukraine’s assassination campaign was being “driven by impulse rather than logic,” and “risked exposing sources and the extent of Ukrainian infiltration into Russia,” adding that “our security services shouldn’t do things just because they can.”[1]


These comments provide an incredible admission of an out-of-control assassination program, subsidized in effect by U.S. taxpayers, that is engaging in wanton violence and killing.


A historical parallel can be found with the CIA’s Vietnam Phoenix Program, an assassination operation designed to liquidate civilian officials supportive of the National Liberation Front (NLF), which also got out of control and was used to resolve private disputes.


The Economist, predictably, did not mention the CIA, though we know from Vasily Prozorov, a former SBU officer who defected to Russia, that the SBU was advised by the CIA since 2014, and that CIA employees have come to the SBU’s central office to plot secret operations.


A Ukrainian hit list on the Myrotvorets website is also now advertising itself as a CIA project based in Langley, Virginia, the location of the CIA’s headquarters.


The Myrotvorets site was launched just after the February 2014 Maidan coup backed by the U.S.


Former SBU Director Valentyn Nalyvaichenko said that Ukraine’s leaders decided that their policy at that time of imprisoning supposed Russian collaborators was “not achieving enough. Prisons were overflowing, but few were deterred. We reluctantly came to the conclusion that we needed to eliminate terrorists.”[2]


Many of these “terrorists” were actually patriots who supported the legitimately elected government of Viktor Yanukovych (2010-2014), who was deposed in an illegal coup backed by far-right nationalists that worshiped pro-Nazi figures like Stepan Bandera.


They also favored close political-economic and cultural relations with Russia, which had been firmly established over generations. Many were involved in peaceful protests against the post-coup order that were violently suppressed or supported legal political parties that were banned.[3]

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 12:15 p.m. No.19652388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2398

Jews Behind Dozens of Spitting Attacks on Christian Worshippers in Jerusalem


As tens of thousands of Jews make their way to Jerusalem during Sukkot, some were filmed spitting at Christian worshippers for no reason. Jerusalem churches confirm the number of similar incidents is on the rise


Several incidents of Jews spitting on or near Christian worshippers in Jerusalem’s Old City were filmed on Sunday and Monday, giving more evidence to the fact that these attacks have become widespread.

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 12:17 p.m. No.19652414   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brother Nathanael has been de-platformed:

use Web Archive from now on:*/*/

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 12:22 p.m. No.19652442   🗄️.is 🔗kun

North Dakota State Senator, Wife, 2 Children, Killed In Plane Crash In Utah


On Monday, a tragic incident was confirmed by Republican Senate Majority Leader David Hogue, revealing that Sen. Doug Larsen (R) from North Dakota, along with his wife and their two young children, lost their lives in a small plane crash in Utah, the Associated Press reported.


According to a statement from the Grand County Sheriff’s Department, the plane crashed on Sunday evening shortly after departing from Canyonlands Airfield, north of Moab, Utah. The sheriff’s office reported that all four individuals on board the plane were killed.

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 12:24 p.m. No.19652452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2503

Newly Unveiled ‘Suspicious Activity Report’ Confirms Gateway Pundit Reporting: Hunter Biden Wired Money to Alleged Members of an International Sex Trafficking Ring


The disturbing liaisons between Hunter Biden and a multitude of individuals allegedly linked to sex-trafficking rings have been known for quite a while.


Jim Hoft wrote about that 3 years ago almost to the day, in a groundbreaking article based on material from Hunter’s ‘Laptop from Hell’.


But now, the British Daily Mail is reporting on a new, previously unreported upon document that further demonstrate how shady money from overseas ended up in the hands and bank accounts of people involved in (or victims of) sex trafficking.


Wells Fargo Financial Crime Investigators (FCI) suspected Joe Biden’s son was associated with a ‘sex trafficking ring’ and ‘falsified’ checks to pay prostitutes.


In the never publicly released ‘Suspicious Activity Reports’ (SARs) reviewed by the Daily Mail, we learn Hunter’s accounts were being monitored as late as December 2019.


The SAR was filed to the Department of the Treasury on December 17, 2019, and pointed out to 25 individuals linked to the suspected ring.


It tracked $1,162,732 sent to Hunter’s company Owasco from partner and family friend, Rob Walker.


Daily Mail reported:


“The Wells Fargo investigators said Hunter withdrew $105,492 in cash from Owasco and $263,978 from his personal accounts between February and November 2017 across nine states – and even made some withdrawals in Monaco.”


The cash withdrawals coincide with period of heavy drug use and lots of prostitutes, as per the document.


“The Treasury documents also said Hunter made nine ‘peer-to-peer transfers’ – such as Zelle – totaling $30,900, including to a female friend of Hunter’s in her 30s previously linked to a ‘sex trafficking ring’ in other Treasury reports.”


This female friend’s identity, a woman once arrested for methamphetamine possession, was not released by the paper. But people familiar with the ‘laptop from hell’ know her image very well.

Anonymous ID: 39ba05 Oct. 2, 2023, 12:35 p.m. No.19652498   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2507 >>2515 >>2543 >>2581

Lindsay Graham Suggests If Conservatives Want Border Security They Will Have To Support Funding For Ukraine


The root narrative around the next government funding bill is slowly taking shape and it is uglier than many people suspected - Neo-cons within the GOP are determined to oppose the majority of Americans and will continue funding the war in Ukraine, and they are planning on using the border security issue as leverage.


In a recent interview with CBS Face The Nation, Lindsay Graham suggested that any new government funding bill would require many billions more in Ukraine military aid well beyond the $24 billion already slated, and that if conservatives want funding for border security, they will have to submit to an ongoing proxy war in Ukraine. In other words, the plan is to hold conservatives and America hostage using the immigration crisis.


Let's not forget that Graham has had a longstanding interest in using Ukraine as a powerkeg to start a war with Russia. Listen to his rhetoric in a speech given to Ukrainian soldiers in 2016, and it's easy to understand why Russia would attack to secure the Donbas: