Round 1
Round 1
Anime is the best baker here and you are just a shitposting IP hopping glownigger that contributes nothing but diatribe.
You mean what you literally do ALL DAY LONG? Words cannot express the sheer levels of irony in the stupidity of your post. Why dont you jump to a new IP so you can reply to yourself and tell us how much anime hurts your feels?
How much does it feel like winning right now to you buddy? All those voices in your head? Projection projection projection? The walls are closing in? Imagine all those anons you argue with, they all definitely have to be one posters. Only a single anon could possibly have a difference of opinion than you. You know who that one single anon is right?
Rent free
Anime is best bakir ever totally not a groomer pedo and smoking pepe is the smartest of all anons and contributes the most notables with zero diatribe.
Good bakers can still be faggots and should go kill themselves. Same as IP hopping glowniggers. Neither of you will be missed. Neck yourself and do a flip. Love you buddy.
Rent free.
You are a shill. Whether paid or not. Just like smoking pepe. Neither of you need to be employed by media matters to still be shills. Neck yourself and then do a spectacular back flip.
Their seethe is glorious tonight. Famefags at each others throats. Doesn't get any better.
I bet you sit down to piss.
You baked too early. Kill yourself.
Kill yourself and do us all a favor.