Anonymous ID: a66341 Oct. 2, 2023, 2:59 p.m. No.19653406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3423 >>3457

🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸


Fact Check: False.

This partisan Democrat NY AG and a partisan Democrat NY judgetwo clownssimply decreed Trump (somehow) committed "fraud."

They didn't even hold a trial.

Who did Trump "defraud"?

Trump paid back sophisticated Wall Street banks.

In full.

With interest.

Oct 02, 2023, 4:41 PM





NY AG James


We have proven that Donald Trump lied about his net worth to enrich himself and cheat the system.

No matter how rich or powerful you are, in America, there are consequences for breaking the law.



Anonymous ID: a66341 Oct. 2, 2023, 3:33 p.m. No.19653615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3642

Wall Street Apes


WOW Now The Government Is Backpedaling. They Say No One Forced Vaccines, No One Threatened Jobs, No One Mandated Anything For COVID 19, There Were No Student Vaccine Mandates, What The Heck Is This?!?!


“What was President Biden and OSHA's plan if 84 million Americans refuse to comply with the vaccine mandate or show their papers? That's categorically untrue. We didn't threaten anyone and we didn't demand that anyone be fired. Did forcing two-year-olds to wear masks save lives? And who did the forcing? Well, your department or the Head Start, which is under your department, had a mask mandate until late last year for two-year-olds and above even outdoors. So can you point to any public health benefit of that policy?


Right, we never forced anyone to do anything because we don't have the jurisdiction or authority to do that. Did you encourage states to adopt student vaccine mandates? I did not encourage states to adopt student vaccine mandates. Where states… Excuse me, sir, you said right here, not only do I support it, but I'm encouraging states to come up with a plan to make sure it happens. The title of the article is Education Secretary Backs Mandatory School COVID-19 Mandates.


Mr. Parker, you're one of a number now of officials in this administration who has come before this committee and tried to tell us that 2 plus 2 doesn't equal 4. Sitting in the chair that you're in now, the Secretary of Education testified, gave false testimony to this committee denying that he had promoted a student vaccine mandate when he had done precisely that. Sitting in the chair that you're in now, the Secretary of Health and Human Services made one of the most outlandish statements ever entered into the Congressional record, which is saying quite a lot.


When he said we never forced anyone to do anything in relation to the widely discredited policy of forcing uh… young children as young as two years old uh… to wear masks and now you come before us today uh… asked about one of the most sweeping uh… abuses of power uh… that we've seen that was rebuked by the supreme court and you tell us that we didn't demand that anyone be fired so what has there's been some sort of memo going around why is the administration


All you have to do is read that rule and you will see that it is not a vaccine mandate.”




Anonymous ID: a66341 Oct. 2, 2023, 3:43 p.m. No.19653674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3688 >>3695 >>3736 >>3752 >>3912 >>4028 >>4131



Mike Lindell Says IRS has Now Launched 5 Audits into MyPillow


"We do not have a call center overseas where you can't understand the language - these are hardworking moms and who these audits are targeting"


Save MyPillow!

Anonymous ID: a66341 Oct. 2, 2023, 3:51 p.m. No.19653723   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“Error in New York’s Civil Fraud Case Against Trump Is Flagged by Industry Insiders, Who Say Valuation of Mar-a-Lago Cited by Judge Is Based on a Misunderstanding of Basic Real Estate Practice—Apparent mistake by Judge Engoron surfaces in his use of a Palm Beach County appraisal of Mar-a-Lago that, an expert says, ‘is detached from the true value of the property.’” —The New York Sun

Anonymous ID: a66341 Oct. 2, 2023, 4:02 p.m. No.19653794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3839 >>3912 >>4028 >>4131

Collin Rugg



JUST IN:Liberal journalist Josh Kruger was shot and killed early this morning in Philadelphia after an intruder entered his home and started shooting.


Just two days ago, Kruger responded to a tweet from Scott Adams, mocking him for his prediction that "there's a good chance you will be dead" if Biden is elected.


"The Dilbert dude is like Nostradamus. Look at this prediction from 2020. Wow. Eerie."


At the moment, no arrests have been made.


Two weeks before his death, Kruger posted on Facebook that someone had showed up to his house, searching for their boyfriend.


“A man I’ve never met once in my entire life.” The person referred to themselves as “Lady Diabla, the She-Devil of the Streets.”


Kruger says they even threatened him.




Last edited

3:21 PM · Oct 2, 2023




Anonymous ID: a66341 Oct. 2, 2023, 4:11 p.m. No.19653847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3852 >>3853 >>3856 >>3858 >>3869 >>3912 >>4028 >>4131

Children’s Health Defense


“HPV vaccines have never been proven to prevent a single case of cancer. The clinical trials did not prove that these shots prevent cancer, although that’s how they’re promoted + how they’re sold.”





Watch: RFK Jr., Mary Holland Join CHD Europe for Webinar on HPV Vaccines


Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Children’s Health Defense (CHD) founder and chairman on leave, and CHD President Mary Holland joined CHD Europe and parents of injured children to discuss the risks and false promises of the human papillomavirus vaccine.

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Europe on Sept. 22 held a live event on the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines and their effect on real people.


Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Europe on Sept. 22 held a live event on the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines and their effect on real people.


The event included stories from parents whose children experienced adverse events, data on the vaccines’ harms and flawed clinical trials, and strategies for overcoming pressure for children to receive them.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr., CHD chairman on leave, spoke via video. CHD President Mary Holland, CHD Acting General Counsel Kim Mack Rosenberg, several medical experts and researchers, and parents of children injured by the HPV vaccine also participated.


HPV vaccine a ‘precursor for the COVID vaccines’


Holland, who along with Rosenberg co-authored “The HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed,” told viewers, “In many ways, the rollout of the HPV vaccine, starting in the early 2000s, was the precursor for the COVID vaccines. And it has many of the same issues in common that we see with COVID.”


Holland said 90% of cervical infections “clear completely on their own,” adding:


“The woman or girl has no knowledge that she has it. They clear within two years … It’s only 0.6% of American women who are truly at risk of getting cervical cancer in their lifetimes. And the typical age of onset of cervical cancer is a woman in her 50s.


“If you have regular pap screening, if you have screening of the cervix for women, there’s no rationale for these shots or a very, very limited one. If you go for screening, if there’s some kind of precancerous or abnormal growth, it will be detected.”


But that’s not what Merck, manufacturer of the Gardasil vaccine, told the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Holland said. “They presented that the risks were much higher.”


When Merck first developed the Gardasil vaccine, it had just suffered a very serious economic catastrophe involving its then-blockbuster drug, Vioxx, which the drugmaker voluntarily pulled from the market “because there were so many injuries” and potential “fraud in the marketing” of the drug, Holland said.


“Word on the street … was that HPV vaccines helped pay for Vioxx,” Holland said.


Holland described Merck’s push to get quick FDA approval for Gardasil, and the company’s aggressive 2008 marketing campaign to get the drug quickly marketed and sold around the world.

Anonymous ID: a66341 Oct. 2, 2023, 4:13 p.m. No.19653852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3912 >>4028 >>4131


“This is literally a golden goose,” Holland said.


“You have to remember that for vaccines — uniquely [among] almost all other consumer products — they have the benefit of so-called ‘no liability’ in the United States,” Holland said. Those laws have been “modeled around the world and copied.”


Pharmaceutical companies are making in the range now of $5 billion to $6 billion from HPV vaccines, Holland said, noting that “their target is $10 billion per year by 2030.”


She pointed out that because U.S. government scientists participated in the discovery of the technology in the HPV vaccines, “the government itself makes revenue on these shots.” “There’s an overt conflict of interest that the National Institutes of Health make royalties on this.”


Effectiveness of HPV vaccines ‘absolutely a fiction’


But do the vaccines work?


“HPV vaccines have never been proven to prevent a single case of cancer,” Holland said. “The clinical trials did not prove that these shots prevent cancer, although that’s how they’re promoted and how they’re sold.”


Holland described Merck’s use of “surrogate endpoints” — alleged precursors for cancer — to predict how well the shots would work against cancer. “That in and of itself is absolutely a fiction,” she said.


Dr. Gerald Delépine, a French orthopedic surgeon and oncologist, presented data from several countries demonstrating that cervical cancer rates, which were on the decline prior to the introduction of HPV vaccines, have stopped declining or, in certain instances, have begun increasing again.


“Australia was the first country who recommended the HPV vaccine at school, and they’d start very early,” Delépine said. In the period before 2006, before HPV vaccines were administered, cervical cancer incidences had declined by “almost 50%.


However, in the post-2006 period, with regular vaccination, “no more reduction was observed,” he said. “So, when they say a vaccine can reduce the incidence of cervical cancer, that is completely false.”


According to Holland, trouble was evident early in the development of the HPV vaccines, noting that “the clinical trials were fatally flawed.”


“We believe that there was explicit, overt fraud in the clinical trials, and we believe there’s been much coverup of that fraud on an ongoing basis,” she said.


Rosenberg said that during these trials, very few people in the control group “got anything even resembling” an inert placebo. Instead, she said the vast majority of the thousands of young women (and some boys) participating in the clinical trials received the same aluminum compound used in the vaccines.”


“When they saw similar rates, for example, of autoimmune conditions between the vaccinated population and those who got a control … They used that to say that the vaccine was safe because … it was identical when compared to the control,” she said.

Anonymous ID: a66341 Oct. 2, 2023, 4:13 p.m. No.19653853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3907 >>3912 >>4028 >>4131


Holland said:


“Over 50% of the girls … developed what were euphemistically called by Merck ‘medical conditions.’ There were very clear signals from the get-go that these vaccines were going to cause severe problems.


“It was also clear … that these shots were causing reproductive harm. They were causing miscarriages and other reproductive problems, including infertility.”


Yet, many of these conditions were not recorded because clinical trial administrators were looking for adverse events only within the first 14 days, according to Rosenberg.


“Autoimmune conditions … can take years to develop, years to diagnose” and are often composed of a “constellation of symptoms” that is typically “difficult to diagnose,” she said.


Yet, according to Delépine, many doctors are reluctant to openly draw a connection between a patient’s condition and the HPV vaccine. “Doctors are afraid to send this observation to the authorities because then they are said to be ‘anti-vaxxers,’” he said.


Kennedy said the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) “simply does not work,” as research has found that “fewer than 1% of adverse events from vaccines are ever recorded.”


According to Kennedy, “India suspended its Gardasil trials after numerous deaths and serious injuries” and “Japan de-recommended it three months after adding it to the immunization schedule.”


Kennedy said that Japanese authorities discovered adverse events reported after Gardasil’s approval were many times higher than other vaccines [and] included seizures, severe headaches, partial paralysis, complex regional pain syndrome and a miscarriage rate of up to 30%.


“Although the prevention of cancer is … fanciful, the injuries that have been caused are real,” Holland said, adding that the U.S. Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has issued decisions “proving that Gardasil caused death in at least a few cases.”


Parents of HPV vaccine victims describe gaslighting, censorship


Parents who spoke during the webinar shared harrowing details about their children’s reactions to HPV vaccines


Mandeep Badial, a former Johnson & Johnson employee, described how her daughter was injured by the Gardasil vaccine.


“My daughter was very young. She was in a girls’ school. She was not sexually active … she really shouldn’t have even had the jab,” Badial said. “But it was very much forced by the district nurses who came to the school and said, ‘You need to get this done. You’ll get cancer unless you have this injection.’”


Other parents described similar pressures and gaslighting.


Amanda Dew, whose daughter was injured by Gardasil, said she refused the HPV vaccine for her daughter at age 12.


“I said, ‘No, I didn’t think it was a good idea. A 12-year-old, it wasn’t necessary for her.’ She said to me, ‘Oh, right, so you don’t care about cervical cancer then,’” Dew said.


After her daughter’s second dose, “everything changed,” Dew said. “She had a seizure, and I thought, this can’t be right. She’s never even fainted in her life. She was so healthy.” Despite this, doctors said, “it was just a one-off” and that she was likely “a bit stressed.”

Anonymous ID: a66341 Oct. 2, 2023, 4:13 p.m. No.19653856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3912 >>4028 >>4131


Dew said:


“She’s had, probably, nearly a hundred seizures in the last eight years.


“She’s got so many other symptoms as well. Balance issues, blurred vision. She sweats incredibly, fatigue, headaches, menstrual issues, but perhaps for her, the worst thing about it has been her [decline in] cognitive function and her imagination.”


Caron Ryalls’ daughter was injured by the Cervarix HPV vaccine, after getting a series of doses of the vaccine at ages 12 and 13.


She said that before her daughter’s vaccination, “She was a high achiever … and she was very sporty. She danced competitively and she played sports competitively. She was very healthy.”


“It was a big shock when she became ill after the first vaccine,” Ryalls said. “She was ill for two weeks after the jab [and] she was in bed for about three weeks.”


A few weeks later, after she returned to school, Ryalls’ daughter suffered a seizure.


“She didn’t move. She didn’t wake for the toilet. She didn’t have anything to eat or drink. She just slept.” Ryalls said this soon became a recurring cycle.


“And then, after the second vaccine, she got more ill. It was more frequent,” she said.


After the third dose, severe neurological issues followed. “She would lose feeling. She couldn’t stand to have light in her bedroom. Everything had to be dimmed. She had horrific headaches. She had to crawl to the bathroom on her hands and knees because she couldn’t stand up without passing out,” Ryalls said.


“It took us two years of solid research and visiting numerous doctors to work out she had POTS [postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome], which has been linked to the HPV vaccine in various studies,” she added.


Steve Hinks also described being gaslighted by doctors. He said when he was informed by his daughter’s school that she was eligible for the HPV vaccine, “we chose not to consent,” as she “had quite a severe adverse reaction to the MMR vaccine as a baby.”


“The nurse at the school … explained to my wife that we were denying [my daughter] a vaccine that could save her life,” he said. “My wife reluctantly signed the consent form.”


After the second dose, his daughter “struggled and had to go to the doctor for aches and pains.” And after the third dose, “she had an immediate reaction. She was in pain, [had] violent headaches and couldn’t stay awake.”


Some parents said that when they tried to share their stories, they were censored.


“At one point I was asked to go and give an interview with [British national broadcaster] ITV,” Dew said. “When I got there, I wasn’t allowed in the building. The person I was meant to be interviewed by had disappeared.”


Similarly, Ryalls talked about working with a Sunday Times journalist for nearly 12 months and being assured there would publish a half-page article. “And at the 11th hour,” he said, “we received an email saying, ‘Unfortunately it won’t be going ahead.’ Same thing happened with [British broadcaster] Sky News.”


When the Sunday edition of The Independent published her daughter’s story, Ryalls said her daughter “received death threats on social media, saying … she’d lied” and messages wishing that she “get cervical cancer and die.”


Badial, who lives in the U.K., said that the member of parliament for her district is former British Prime Minister Theresa May, with whom she met to discuss her daughter’s condition. However, May told her, “We have a big pharmaceutical industry” in the district, implying that “politically they can’t rock the boat,” Badial said.

Anonymous ID: a66341 Oct. 2, 2023, 4:13 p.m. No.19653858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3912 >>4028 >>4131 >>4148


“That’s what we’re up against,” Ryalls said. “The censorship is horrific and we’re up against a concerted effort not to get the information out there.”


Hinks, who helped found SaneVax (Safe, Affordable, Necessary Vaccines) and the Facebook group, “Parents of sons and daughters suffering illness after HPV vaccine,” said he developed a questionnaire and that of the 94 responses, most girls said they sustained adverse reactions within a month of vaccination.


Yet, British medical authorities “ignored us, and they just carried on,” he said.


“There’s a total lack of compassion, and it shocked me to the core that the doctors, nurses, schools, people could be so completely callous,” Dew said.


Some outreach successes were highlighted, however.


French teacher and activist Elin Ekeberg, who works with CHD Europe, said that a vaccine injury court case involving Gardasil garnered significant publicity in France in 2013, raising awareness among parents in the country.


“I think it put a lot of French people off the HPV vaccine because we have quite low numbers [of vaccination] in France,” she said.


Ekeberg is now part of a campaign pressuring school administrators and parent-teacher associations to refuse the establishment of school-based vaccination clinics.


This “amazing effort” targeting lower-level school administrators instead of politicians or the government, has been a successful strategy, Ekeberg said.


Dew advised parents that if “your child does have a reaction, never give up trying to get them better,” sharing that her daughter completed her degree and became a biochemist.


Holland commented on the progress she’s seen:


“The good news is that we’re having this gathering and that the uptake has been low. We have foiled Big Pharma’s plans … there is a lot of skepticism worldwide about this shot, and I hope that initiatives like this forum and others will continue to keep that skepticism alive.”


Watch the webinar here:

Anonymous ID: a66341 Oct. 2, 2023, 4:24 p.m. No.19653933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3945 >>3949

Mark R. Levin


Yes, that is correct. The guy who says McCarthy is the Democrats' speaker is plotting and scheming with the radical Democrats to take out a Republican speaker who is more conservative than he is (McCarthy backed the Freedom Caucus CR and the cuts and border security, which Gaetz and 4 others killed). There are now numerous reports that Gaetz is doing this not because he insists that McCarthy interfered with an ethics investigation of him, which a speaker cannot do and has never done. I might add that after two years it's about time the Ethics Committee release its report and either lift the cloud over Gaetz or clear him. Gaetz should demand this as well.

Anonymous ID: a66341 Oct. 2, 2023, 4:44 p.m. No.19654051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4131

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


Fatima Goss Graves, wife of US Atty in DC who refused to prosecute Hunter Biden and is responsible for the ongoing prosecution of J6 protesters, runs a powerful and well-funded nonprofit in DC.


She is part of a coalition seeking to remove Clarence Thomas


Meet the Activist Wife Who Networks at the Anti-MAGA White House While Her Prosecutor Husband Works…


By Julie Kelly, RealClearInvestigationsTuesday, October 3, 2023 Attorney General Merrick B. Garland is the public face of the government’s unprecedented effort to identify, arrest, and prosecute

7:34 PM · Oct 2, 2023


