Anonymous ID: 197c1b June 29, 2018, 8:01 p.m. No.1965638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5647 >>5724 >>5787 >>5802 >>5975


Cause your full of shit

Catholics HATE masons

In fact this is looking more like a Jesuit larp with every new anti-masonic post.


Or let's find more ways to divide us against one another….

Baptists - they can't be trusted for sure! They can do anything they want and still go to heaven.

Pentecostals- Who can trust anyone who speaks in tongues?

Methodists? - Can anyone trust them really?

Jews? - Save Israel for last and then we straighten out them Joos

Muslims - Self explanatory they going to hell anyways.

Presbyterians? - They got gays in their church so their fucked too

Agnostics? - They stand for nothing and fall for anything

Catholics? - Self explanitory

Eastern Orthidox? - Idol Worshipers

Hindus? - Devil Worshipers

Bhuddists? - Self devil worshipers

LDS? - Cult - thing they will be gods


Let's just be sure to divide ourselves up real real good shall we?


No Fraternity or Sorority in the world has dedicated itself to the overthrow of Tyranny. None.

Yet through time and memorial, Freemasons have been the object of persecution.



Whatever of your staff deemed Freemasons a good target. Should find a new duty station IMMEDIATELY.


Because, the vast number of your Generals and Admirals are a the least honorable members of Blue Lodge.


A lodge of Free Men sworn against the rise of Tyranny.


p.s. Please update us on the status of POTUS' membership in Blue Lodge while you think this one through.

Anonymous ID: 197c1b June 29, 2018, 8:07 p.m. No.1965691   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5726 >>5742 >>5768

The post about Masons was about as stupid as hiring Omarosa Manigault onto staff.


Pissed am I

Pissed are many


Because you see what kind of people just jumped into that bandwagon already.


That was so stupid! Just dumb. Whoever's idea that was. Should be immediately dismissed .

Anonymous ID: 197c1b June 29, 2018, 8:14 p.m. No.1965759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5833

>>1965724 Go fuck yourself running sideways you little keyboard cocksucker.

You've done nothing more than stumble onto this board after looking for cake on 8chn .


Meanwhile - these grown ass men have actually done more things for people and children in need than you've ever dreamed of. While not looking for credit.


So while your piddleing with your twat thinking your part of a big plan, they actually go out and make a difference in someone's life.


So perhaps before you spout off some more of your Jesuit psyop. Maybe go down and see what they are all about.

Anonymous ID: 197c1b June 29, 2018, 8:19 p.m. No.1965825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5901

>>1965768 Sorry…put too much time and effort into this movement to let it get fucked up by a stupid post like that one. That was just STUPID. It made this look like such a LARP. Such a larp.


It's worse than having to defend the last October's prediction of HRC and Podesta getting arrested statement.


Oh? Did that happen? Yes…why yes it did.

Or the change in what +++ ++ + actually meant. That was pretty fucking hard to defend as well.


But still, I defend and support and push on despite it all.


But this was fuck all stupid.

Anonymous ID: 197c1b June 29, 2018, 8:24 p.m. No.1965872   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Division takes us further away from God.

The more we can look at one another with suspicion. The more we learn to not trust based on race, religion, creed, club, state, town, side of town, then the further we can be divided and conquered.




ACT 1:1

One Mind

One Accord

= Miracles

The Kingdom of God is Within You

if you want to see it.


Of one mind and one accord

Anonymous ID: 197c1b June 29, 2018, 8:41 p.m. No.1966033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6085


If POTUS were a brother

He would stand by and let them be thrown under the bus of conspiracy cause he would know better.

Perhaps is why they partially retracted the statement soon after.

But I promise we just lost a LOT of good Anons in the movement.

And they just lambasted most Admirals and Generals.

Sorry keyboard warriors….it's fact.

Anonymous ID: 197c1b June 29, 2018, 8:47 p.m. No.1966118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6135

>>1966019 First step. Get off the most depressing board in the world! This one. Even happy news, is built upon the most depressing news in the cosmos. So do yourself a +1 surround yourself with positive peeps, and positive books. This is none of that. Ask me how I know. Shit, vast majority of Qanon vets have alienated themselves and any friends. We are rejected daily, because of what we know. DO NOT BE ONE OF US.

Ignorance is bliss.