Rainbow Warriors
Cut yer dicks off and fight each other
Rainbow Warriors
Cut yer dicks off and fight each other
It's weird how a society that murders people for talking about sex has a problem with people turning incel or gay.
Definitely can't trust any woman not to turn holding the door open for her into a case of literal infant rape.
Trump Trump Trump
All day long
Who fucking cares?
McCarthy is doing nothing but business as usual for a Cali Pol.
The red one will get you locked up for "looking too creepy" better get the other one, or walk, or just sit down.
Gold Kills FED?
Fed killed gold is more like it.
Buh-bye gold.
Cash transactions are now Tax Exempt
Weird, in a free country, sex is so scarce Men have to risk being sent into the ass-rape cages for trying to get paid.
Only crazy bitches looking to kill you populate the Wellness Cults.
Can't pretend to eat soy and suck dick just to be a void for a vapid dunce to yak "health tips" at all day.
Female attention isn't worth the price
They all work for the Cops who pay better.
That poor unmarried virgin.
Just a few more years and a degree, and maybe her Pastor would've introduced her to Nice Gentleman.
Spread legs
A cock blocker
G spot right in the middle
Want to get laid?
Only costs a Ring and a House
The "Free"masonry is the prison walls