Anonymous ID: aee729 Oct. 3, 2023, 5:58 a.m. No.19656930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6934 >>6962 >>6973 >>7172 >>7307 >>7348 >>7390

Pentagon Official Exposed: Department of Defense Deputy Chief Arrested for Running Dogfighting Ring in D.C. Area for 20 Years

by Jim Hᴏft Oct. 3, 2023


Frederick Douglass Moorefield, Jr., a Deputy Chief Information Officer for Command, Control, and Communications at the Office of the US Secretary of Defense, was arrested and charged with running a dogfighting ring for more than 20 years, according to the DOJ’s press release.


Moorefield, 62, of Arnold, Maryland, was arrested alongside Mario Damon Flythe, 49, of Glen Burnie, Maryland. Both men face federal charges for promoting and furthering an animal fighting venture.


The criminal complaint was filed on September 21, 2023, and unsealed at the defendants’ initial court appearances on Thursday, September 28, 2023.


U.S. Magistrate Judge J. Mark Coulson ordered that both defendants be released pending trial under the supervision of U.S. Pretrial Services.


The investigation revealed that Moorefield and Flythe used encrypted messaging applications to communicate with individuals throughout the United States to discuss dogfighting.


Moorefield operated under the name “Geehad Kennels,” while Flythe used the name “Razor Sharp Kennels” to identify their respective dogfighting operations. The duo discussed training methods, exchanged videos about dogfighting, and coordinated dogfights. They also discussed betting on dogfights and circulated media reports about dogfighters who had been caught by law enforcement.


On September 6, 2023, law enforcement officers executed search warrants at the residences of Moorefield and Flythe in Maryland. Twelve dogs were recovered and seized by the federal government. Additionally, officers found veterinary steroids, training schedules, a carpet stained with blood, and a weighted dog vest with a patch reading “Geehad Kennels.”A device consisting of an electrical plug and jumper cables was also seized, suspected of being used to execute dogs lost in dogfights.


If convicted, Moorefield and Flythe each face a maximum sentence of only five years in federal prison for “for possessing, training, or transporting animals for participation in an animal fighting venture.”


More from the Washington Post:


Lt. Cmdr. Tim Gorman, a Pentagon spokesman, said in a statement on Monday that the Defense Department was “aware of the criminal complaint” filed against Moorefield in federal district court in Baltimore.


“We can confirm that the individual is no longer in the workplace, but we cannot comment further on an individual personnel matter,” Gorman said. He did not say if Moorefield had been suspended, terminated or allowed to retire.


An affidavit written by FBI Special Agent Ryan C. Daly indicated that authorities have been investigating the dogfighting ring, which called itself “the DMV Board,” for years. Nine fellow dog-fighters were indicted in Virginia last year, and eight have pleaded guilty and cooperated with investigators. Members communicated on the “Telegram” messaging app about training fighting dogs, exchanging videos, arranging fights and wagers, and comparing methods of killing dogs who lost fights, the affidavit states.


Online records maintained by the dogs’ owners showed that Moorefield had been involved in dogfighting “since at least 2002,” Daly wrote, and evidence of Moorefield’s training for fights, or refereeing other owners’ dog fights, was found periodically over the years, including extensive messaging lining up fights and prize money. Evidence indicated some fights occurred earlier this year, despite the arrests of others in the ring, and that Moorefield and Flythe were “experimenting with different types of performance enhancing drugs to improve [their] chances of winning dogfights.”


Moorefield’s profile has been deleted from the U.S. Department of Defense’s website. But internet sleuths were able to archive the page:


Mr. Moorefield is the Deputy Chief Information Officer for Command, Control, and Communications (C3), Office of the Secretary of Defense, Chief Information Officer. As DCIO, Mr. Moorefield provides technical expertise, oversight and broad guidance on policy, programmatic and technical issues relating to C3 to integrate and synchronize defense-wide communications programs. He also advises on efforts to achieve and maintain information dominance for the Department of Defense.

Mr. Moorefield joined Federal service in 1989 in the Air Force as a civil servant, where he served for 19 years doing Research and Development and Acquisition at Wright Patterson Air Force Base Air Force Research Labs.


He served as Technical Director and Director of Strategic Planning at the Air Force Spectrum Management Office and has been a member of theSenior Executive Corps since 2012…

Anonymous ID: aee729 Oct. 3, 2023, 6:17 a.m. No.19656998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7003 >>7030

Now There is Evidence the FBI Planned the January 6 Operation and Planted Documents Days Earlier That Were Later Used Against Innocent Americans

by Jim Hoft Oct. 2, 2023 8:00 am1347 Comments

In February of this year, The Gateway Pundit’s Cara Castronuovo wrote about a shocking development in the US government’s case against the Proud Boys.

it was discovered that the Government itself was the author of the mysterious “1776 Returns” document.

The 1776 Returns document is the title of a 9-page paper that outlined strategic plans for the takeover of US government buildings on January 6, 2021.

It was confirmed incourt that the FBI was behind the document and and FBI operative was the author of the document.

The mysterious document was sent unsolicited to Proud Boy Chairman Enrique Tarrio’s Telegram right before January 6th by a “love interest” named Erika Flores.

Flores reportedly testified to the January 6th Committee that A GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL was the author of the entirety of the “1776 Returns” and that this FBI and CIA member or associate asked her to share it with Tarrio!

Tarrio was charged with Seditious Conspiracy and was later found guilty along with four fellow members of the Proud Boys. Enrique Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years in federal prison for planning the entire “seditious conspiracy.” We now know that it was the FBI who was behind the conspiracy.

According to the Motion by attorney Roger Roots:

“It appears that the government itself is the author of the most incriminating and damning documentin this case, which was mysteriously sent at government requestto Proud Boy leader Enrique Tarrio immediately prior to January 6 in order to frame or implicate Tarrio in a government- created scheme to storm buildings around the Capitol. As such, Exhibit 528-1 and the government’s efforts to frame or smear defendants with it, constitutes outrageous government conduct. This is either entrapment or outrageous government conduct, or both. Equally improper, it is a Brady violation because the Department of Justice must surely have known these revelations before putting Special Agent Dubrowski on the stand on February 9 to introduce this evidence.”

You can’t make this stuff up!

The cover to the sketchy and poorly written “1776 Returns” was allegedly created by a Government Official who claims to have been “groomed” to join the CIA or FBI.

Apparently, an individual by the name of Samuel Armes is responsible for writing the “1776 Files”.

Armes is “a former State Department and Special Operations official”

To reiterate, this government asset, Armes, passed this document off to a “love interest” of Enrique Tarrionamed “Erika”, who then testified she forwarded the document AT THE REQUEST OF ARMES to Tarrio via Telegram.

“This means that the most damning document in this trial was authored by the intelligence community—someone “groomed” by the FBI itself,” said Roger Roots (the Proud Boys attorney who authored this Blockbuster Motion). “And this CIA and FBI asset requested Tarrio’s friend to share the document with Tarrio just prior to January 6.”

According to the Motion- “During Special Agent Dubrowski’s chilling testimony, Assistant U.S. Attorney Conor Mulroe took lengths to emphasize segments of the document describing a plan to lay siege to Capitol Hill by strategically occupying most of the congressional office space around the Capitol. Jurors were informed of this written plan to “fill buildings” “with patriots”—and were left to think it was a plan of Tarrio’s or co-defendants.” It was not.

The plan was concocted by the FBI and planted inside the Proud Boys Telegram page days before January 6.

The document laid out a plan for the occupation of eight key buildings in the District of Columbia on January 6, 2021. This included House and Senate office buildings and the Supreme Court. The strategy included a call for the mass-mobilization of followers, invoking the sentiment and spirit of 1776 and the 1917 storming of the Winter Palace by Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution.

A page from the bogus “1776” Plan, allegedly penned by a Government Official who pressured a “love interest” of Enrique Tarrio to send it to him right before January 6th….

Anonymous ID: aee729 Oct. 3, 2023, 6:27 a.m. No.19657030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7044


This document is retarded, it looks like FBI and CIA writing it


“Armes is “a former State Department and Special Operations official” who was also interviewed by the January 6th Unselect Committee.


Armes said “he recognized components of the document as ideas he had composed as part of a “war gaming” exercise he did in August or September of 2020. Armes “co-founded a Florida-based cryptocurrency LLC — Government Blockchain Systems” “Armes said that in college he had beengroomed to join the CIA and FBI before his stint in the State Department and special operations. . . . In his studies, he often participated in “war gaming” scenarios, skills he used during his stint in government.” (*The J6 Committee was resistant in releasing these documents.)

To reiterate, this government asset, Armes, passed this documentoff to a “love interest” of Enrique Tarrio named “Erika”, who then testified she forwarded the document AT THE REQUEST OF ARMES to Tarrio via Telegram.

“This means that the most damning document in this trial was authored by the intelligence community—someone “groomed” by the FBI itself,” said Roger Roots (the Proud Boys attorney who authored this Blockbuster Motion). “And this CIA and FBI asset requested Tarrio’s friend to share the document with Tarrio just prior to January 6.”

According to the Motion- “During Special Agent Dubrowski’s chilling testimony, Assistant U.S. Attorney Conor Mulroe took lengths to emphasize segments of the document describing a plan to lay siege to Capitol Hill by strategically occupying most of the congressional office space around the Capitol. Jurors were informed of this written plan to “fill buildings” “with patriots”—and were left to think it was a plan of Tarrio’s or co-defendants.” It was not.

The plan was concocted by the FBI and planted inside the Proud Boys Telegram page days before January 6.

The document laid out a plan for the occupation of eight key buildings in the District of Columbia on January 6, 2021. This included House and Senate office buildings and the Supreme Court. The strategy included a call for the mass-mobilization of followers, invoking the sentiment and spirit of 1776 and the 1917 storming of the Winter Palace by Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution.

Tarrio had nothing to do with the creation of these plans and they were simply “sent” to him via Telegram by a “love interest”, yet the Biden DOJ misled the already biased jury to believe the document belonged to Tarrio- and the Dishonorable Judge Timothy Kelly allowed this charade to proceed, even though he was aware of the document’s history from pre-trial hearings!


Samuel Armes


Back in July 2022, Liz Cheney and the January 6 Committee called in Samuel Armes to testify. Armes is a young college grad who just started his professional career in Florida.

Anonymous ID: aee729 Oct. 3, 2023, 6:29 a.m. No.19657044   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is Armes anons


Armes is “a former State Department and Special Operations official” who was also interviewed by the January 6th Unselect Committee.

Anonymous ID: aee729 Oct. 3, 2023, 6:34 a.m. No.19657075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7121

3 Oct, 2023 11:30

=•No arms left for Ukraine in Europe – Politico==

Kiev wants “self-sufficiency” as arms supplies dwindle, but will need billions in Western aid to fund it, the news outlet has said


EU countries have given Ukraine all the arms they can without compromising their own defense, Politico has reported, citing a European official.Kiev is facing cuts to both arms supplies and cash injectionsas “cracks appear” in Western support, according to the outlet.


“We cannot keep on giving from our own stockpiles,” the European source said as quoted on Monday. There may still be robust political support, but “we’ve given everything that will not endanger our own security.”


The comment was made to Politico as part of its coverage of last week’s International Industries Defense Forum in Kiev, during which the hosts went on a “charm offensive directed at weapons-makers,” as explained in the report.


In a separate story on Tuesday, the outlet said that support for funding the Ukrainian government was “showing more cracks than ever.”


The failure of the US Congress last week to allocate aid money in its stopgap budget, the election victory of former Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who vowed to stop assistance to Ukraine on the campaign trail, and Kiev’s ongoing diplomatic row with Poland all send “a chilling message.”


TheUkrainian government expects to receive at least $42.8 billion from international donorsnext year, as outlined in its projected budget.


An expected fight over the EU’s joint budget means that “no one dares to predict anything”at this point, a diplomatic source told the news outlet. Another diplomat said the “big elephant in the room” in Europe is the concern that Washington could abandon Ukraine.


The event in Kiev was part of its effort to ramp up domestic military production. Germany’s Rheinmetall and the UK-based BAE have made some commitments to open production facilities in Ukraine.Kiev’s goal is to become “an Israel in Europe – self-sufficient but with help from other countries,” Daniel Vajdich, a Washington-based advocate for Ukraine, told Politico.


President Vladimir Zelensky floated the idea of paying for the proposed build-up with “confiscated Russian assets” when he spoke at the forum.Prime Minister Denis Shmygal indicated that the proposed plants would not be safe. He said 37 of Ukraine’s own facilities have been damaged by Russian strikes.

Anonymous ID: aee729 Oct. 3, 2023, 6:40 a.m. No.19657117   🗄️.is 🔗kun

3 Oct, 2023 13:05

EU prepared to give in to Hungarian demands – FT

Viktor Orban had previously vowed to block any increase in the EU budget, jeopardizing the bloc’s financial aid to Kiev


The European Commission is expected to unfreeze about €13 billion ($13.6 billion) in EU funds for Hungary by the end of November, aiming to secure the country’s support for an increase to the bloc’s budget and massive financial assistance to Kiev, according to three officials briefed on the discussions cited by Financial Times.


In December, Brussels froze €22 billion ($23 billion) in cohesion funds allocated to Hungary. The money was blocked over major concerns related to the independence of judges and the country’s failure to comply with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights on issues including LGBTQ rights, academic freedom, and asylum.


The funds were supposed to be frozen until Budapest complies with rules protecting human rights and the rule of law. In May, the Hungarian government reached a preliminary deal on key judicial reforms. As a result, Brussels agreed to release more than half of the amount.


By unblocking the funds, EU authorities expect to gain Hungarian support for boosting the bloc's budget and providing significant financial aid to Ukraine.


The commission had previously proposed a €66 billion increase to the EU’s shared budget to cover increased costs, part of which are ==expected to contribute to a €50 billion financial package for Kiev= to help in covering the country’s expenses for the next four years.


Since the beginning of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s line of argument has been broadly different from that of the EU and its allies. The PM has repeatedly criticized sanctions against Russia and refused to send weapons to Ukraine. Orban also urged the EU to persuade Moscow and Kiev to begin peace negotiations.


In retaliation, the Ukrainian National Corruption Prevention Agency (NCPA) designated Hungary’s largest commercial lender OTP Bank an “international sponsor of war” over allegedly providing preferential lending terms to the Russian military.


Budapest responded by blocking the release of funding totaling €500 million earmarked for military aid to Ukraine by means of the European Peace Facility (EPF) mechanism.


(Why is the EU supporting Ukraine, they are not a member of the EU? And some EU countries don’t want Ukraine in the EU, it will be a welfare state.)

Anonymous ID: aee729 Oct. 3, 2023, 6:51 a.m. No.19657187   🗄️.is 🔗kun

3 Oct, 2023 11:26

India tells Canada to withdraw dozens of diplomats – FT

New Delhi has reportedly threatened to revoke diplomatic immunity for certain officials who remain beyond an October 10 deadline

India has told Canada to recall around 40 diplomats from the country by October 10, amid a deepening diplomatic row between the two nations, the Financial Times reported on Tuesday. New Delhi has also warned it will revoke diplomatic immunity for those who remain in India after the deadline, the report claimed.


An unnamed source told the outlet thatOttawa has over 60 diplomats posted in India, which is significantly higher than the Indian presence in Canada. A large consular section is required in India to cater to the relatives of the roughly 1.3 million Canadians who claim Indian heritage, the source suggested.


India has been seeking a reduction in the number of Canadian diplomats in the country ever since Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau triggered a diplomatic row by linking “agents of the Indian government” to the killing of Sikh separatist Hardeep Singh Nijjar.


Nijjar, who was designated as a terrorist by India in 2020, but was living freely in Canada, was gunned down by unidentified men in Surrey, British Columbia on June 18. Trudeau has not provided public evidence to back up the allegations, while India has dismissed the claims as “absurd” and “politically motivated.”


Days after Trudeau made the allegations in September, Indian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said that New Delhi had informed the Canadian government that there should be parity “in strength and rank equivalence in our mutual diplomatic presence.” “Their numbers here [in India] are much higher than ours in Canada. The details of this are being worked out but I assume there will be a reduction,” Bagchi added.


During a recent visit to New York for the UN General Assembly, Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar said New Delhi was forced to suspended its visa operations in Canada because of the “threat of violence.” Jaishankar added that New Delhi is willing to look at any “relevant and specific” information Ottawa may want to share regarding its allegations.


According to Jaishankar,India’s grievances with Canada revolve around its “permissiveness in regard to terrorism, extremism, and violence.” Days after Trudeau made his allegations, officials in New Delhi accusedCanada of hosting at least nine separatist organizationsthat have openly espoused threats of “assassination, promoted secessionist agendas, and engaged in targeted killings within India.”


Canadian state media CBC previously reported that Ottawa’s allegations are based on information from the country’s diplomats and intelligence provided by members of the ‘Five Eyes’ alliance, which includes Canada, the UK, the US, Australia, and New Zealand.


Meanwhile, the US has repeatedly called on India to cooperate with the Canadian government in its investigation into the killing of Nijjar. Responding to a question on the issue, US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said on Monday that the White House remains “in close coordination” with its Canadian colleagues, and asserted that the US has engaged with the Indian government “on a number of occasions” to urge it to cooperate.


Following Trudeau’s allegations, both countries expelled senior diplomats in tit-for-tat measures. Ottawa and New Delhi have also issued new advisories for travelers from their respective countries amid the stand-off, withIndia going a step further by suspending visas for Canadian citizens due to “security threats disrupting work at its missions” in Canada.

Anonymous ID: aee729 Oct. 3, 2023, 7:10 a.m. No.19657297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7307 >>7313 >>7348 >>7390

3 Oct, 2023 09:02

Niger accepts Algerian mediation initiative to restore democratic rule

The plan will allow for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in the interest of all parties, Algiers claims


The military government of Niger has accepted Algeria’s offer to mediate in its political crisis, which was prompted by a coup in July that removed President Mohammed Bazoum from office, the Algerian Foreign Ministry announced on Monday.


This development “reinforces the option of a political solution to this crisis and opens the way to the meeting of the conditions which will allow it to be overcome peacefully in the interest of Niger and the entire region,” the ministry said in a statement.


Algiers has repeatedly opposed military intervention in Niger, which the West African regional authority ECOWAS has threatened to use against Niamey’s coup leaders if they fail to reinstate Bazoum.


The North African country announced in August a six-month transitional plan to restore constitutional and democratic order in neighboringNiger after allegedly rejecting a request from France to fly over its airspacefor an armed operation in Niamey.


The initiative from Algiers came in response to Nigerien military ruler General Abdourahmane Tchiani’s proposal to return the West African country to civilian rule within three years, a timeline ECOWAS called a “provocation.”


Ahmed Attaf, Algeria’s foreign minister, who put forth the framework in late August, said the six-point mediation initiative includes the development of political arrangements with the acceptance of all parties involved in the crisis.


The Algerian government said on Monday that it had received an approval notification of the settlement plan from Niger’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, weeks after President Abdelmadjid Tebboune presented the proposal.


President Tebboune had instructed Attaf “to go to Niamey as soon as possible” to “initiate preparatory discussions on the implementation of the Algerian initiative with all stakeholders,” the Algerian Foreign Ministry stated.

Anonymous ID: aee729 Oct. 3, 2023, 7:17 a.m. No.19657328   🗄️.is 🔗kun


As a judge, he could have guessed it was much more. So Peek a boo lied to him, this will not end well for James. She committed a fraud on the court. Is she going to be charged?