Anonymous ID: 0550ee Oct. 3, 2023, 8:45 a.m. No.19657800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7814 >>7815 >>7824

I never left.

I'm still here.

Been busy though.

While you battle the flesh, I have my own battlefield. Different from yours. I'm still holding the line. None shall get pass me.

I see you. I heard you. You are not alone. I stand with you.


The "Scriptures" are not found on paper, in books, Holy books. It's found within the Light. The Light is absolute and everything. It's complete. It's the Truth. When you ascend, you won't be needing a book made of paper. You will find the Lord within you, inside of you, because you are born with a speck of Light inside of you. You don't need an intermediate to connect with the Lord. You have direct contact with Him. The Lord took a speck of Light out of Him and put it in each and every single one of us. We are born with a tiny part of the King of kings, Christ, my Lord, within us. He truly and for real is the son of our Heavenly Father. Without Him, we cannot connect with our Heavenly Father.


None of the Holy books are a 100% "right". All have different percentages of truth and lies, misdirection, in them. If any "religion", mostly the monotheist ones, held the entire truth, there won't be any need for me at all. If any of you were on the right path a 100%, I wouldn't have been born, I wouldn't have existed. My Lord wouldn't have sent me. All religions are partially wrong and partially right. None is on the right path a 100%, and that is why I was sent. None should claim he or she is in the Right with the Lord while others (different from thee) are in the wrong. If that was the case, He would have not sent me. Please, do not claim that anymore and start by accepting that things need to be rectified and learn, evolve, grow out of your box so you can ascend.


We won't be called Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus etc anymore. We will be all called the children of the Light. My Lord is waiting for all of us, He welcomes all of us, regardless of age, skin color, gender, and religion. As long as you believe, as long as you give Him your heart, you welcome Him in your heart, you will be His child, a child of Light. Those who don't are doomed to stay in Darkness for all eternity. There will be those who will never accept Him. He already knows who will come to Him and who won't.


I can see some of the anons already getting there. Lighting those candles on the stairs wasn't for vain. Their Light will never go out no matter how much Darkness will blow to extinguish it. Your faith is felt. The gearwheels have started to turn because of you, because of your Lights. You are not fully there YET, but you are getting there. It puts a smile on my face because I hope, after such a long time, I won't be standing alone anymore on the battlefield. Once you ascend, once the Light is fully awakened within you, I will look at my side

and I will find you standing there next to me, holding the sword and wearing that armor, just like me. I won't be holding that line on my own anymore. You will be there next to me. I will stop being like Gandalf, standing on that small BRIDGE with my shield up and shouting = You shall not pass.


It will be good to have companions. Let me end by telling you the Light has been very active for the last few months too. More than ever before. It's getting ready too.


Even if you will never see me, I'm here. I can see you, I can hear you.


The Queen of Heaven asks you pray the Rosary. Do so.


Fight. Smile. Pray. And mostly RISE.