grifters too
public-private partnership
'Beware, fellow plutocrats, the pitchforks are coming | Nick Hanauer'
Kinda like when we catch and expose jewish/isreali anons coming here to post and then pointing to those posts as evidence of jew hate, and saying that anons are anti-semetic?
typical manipulative rhetoric
truth hurts!
usury, nepotism and bad behavior (among many other things) should be called out no matter who is doing it
be careful with all of them
just a coincidence, you say?
letting off some 30 caliber rounds?
queue 3.2.1. oh no, you're hurting me
as if he didn't play a huge part
I appreciate that this might be his most truthful broadcast
he has time to repent
it was nice to have yet another bit of truth slip by the censors
perhaps he's concerned about some of it falling on him and those he loves (panic / ncswic)
can [their] agenda be more obvious?
tier 1 = commies
tier 2 = slaves
Funny, they've been at this for centuries and their primary dream is unbridled hedonism served by slaves.
well, Bannon still says judeo-Christian over and over