Anti-Defamation League Sued for $25M by Patriot Group in Landmark Filing
Disabled Navy veteran John Sabal, founder and President of The Patriot Voice, has filed a $25M lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) alleging defamation and injurious falsehood.
The ADL listed Sabal in its “Glossary of Extremists” which includes known terrorists Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Dylann Roof, and Brenton Terrant, the Christchurch Shooter
While the organization claims ADL’s goal is to “fight all forms of antisemitism and bias, using innovation and partnerships to drive impact,” it has increasingly been accused of partisanship smears against targets on the political right.
The Patriot Voice hosts events county that brings together dynamic speakers and grassroots activists who love God and this country with a stated goal to “ensure that all who attend will leave the events with new hope for this country and its future, and with a new vigor and passion to go home and get involved in their respective communities.”
Prior featured speakers have included James O’Keefe, General Michael Flynn, Senator Wendy Rogers, Jim Caviezel and more.
The lawsuit alleges Defendant ADL maliciously targeted Mr. Sabal because of his politics and his success as an organizer of conservative Christian festivals and falsely accused him of being an extremist threat and of espousing anti-semitism.
The lawsuit reads in part:
That the ADL has devolved into a rabidly partisan pressure group, abusing its platform and reputation as an “anti-hate” group to bully and deplatform those that do not share its Leftist ideology. It has now turned its partisan ire on John Sabal, a self-employed organizer of patriotic festivals. Despite Mr. Sabal’s support for the people of Israel and his membership in a church that teaches the Hebrew origins of the Bible, as well as philanthropy through his church that directly benefits the Jewish people, Defendant ADL has falsely and maliciously accused him of espousing antisemitic beliefs, and—disgustingly—includes Mr. Sabal in its “Glossary of Extremism” alongside Islamic terrorists, murderers, and white supremacists. (The) defendant has refused to retract or take responsibility for its baseless and intolerable smears and has indeed doubled down on them. These lies have devastated Mr. Sabal and his ability to make a living, and he seeks to hold Defendant accountable for these damages.
Mr. Sabal supports the people of Israel, and he is a proud and active member of a pro-Israel Christian church that teaches the Hebrew roots and origins of the Bible and engages in philanthropy to help Jewish communities.
By including Mr. Sabal in its Glossary of Extremism, Defendant intended to and did create the impression with reasonable readers that Mr. Sabal is a dangerous, extremist threat, and did so knowing this to be false or with reckless disregard for its falsity.