Much clarity has been gained from your analysis.
Live long and prosper.
Much clarity has been gained from your analysis.
Live long and prosper.
I suspect the ultimate question is not related to Q or the conspiracy theory that is Q.
We must find a subject, other than this board, where "they have said things." "that would make them look crazy".
What is the subject and what are those 'crazy things?"
More detailed analysis is required.
I must answer the question of.
what have they said, that if did not come true, would make them look crazy.
This must have been done through news outlets such as fox or through twitter.
At this time, I can think of no statements that would fit the parameters.
The ultimate question is
Are we alone?
This is based on the creation of the space force and it is the logical question for any sentient race that has not yet made, first contact.
Warp drive is quite effective for this type of transportation. It can also power the ship it is attached to. The, stargate, is too limited in its capability to be a logical choice.
as would I