Yea, it ain't no fucking coup. Nedia fear porn. And you make a very interesting point anon about Trump.
There are people on both sides of this that I resepct who vehemently disagree. But, if McCarthy agreed to do certain things and conduct House business in the way it was agreed to in order for him to be elected and he didn't live true to his word? Then fuck him and it was the right move. I watched Gaetz yesterday. His conviction was strong and the arguments he made were even stronger and straight to the point. He didn't hem and haw and talk about irrelevant bullshit like being at weddings and the birth of children. This motherfucker was speaking TRUTH. The debt, regular order and other very important issues.
And the point you make about Trump and the ability of just one Representative to bring up a vacating of the Speaker's Chair is a good one. If our POTUS really had confidence in McCarthy the one rep issue would not have happened.
And this I know. Matt Gaetz is a staunch supporter of our POTUS.
Enough for me.