>>19667514 LB
Probably a added psyop "No action is required by the public" Exactly what they always want.
anyone complaining about McCarthy's ouster is swamp.
Babylon? No, Vatican.
someone please file a lawsuit.
this is why I had my phone shut off.
If I left it on, what would I gain from the alert?
If I shut my phone off then if there was anything nefarious about it, then I have gained something.
No action required. just be still please.
that is weird, i must say.
Commotio cordis
he is just another poser actor swamp figure.
LISTEN: DeSantis Backers Jenna Ellis & Steve Deace Rant About Founding Fathers Being in Hell for Not Repenting Over Slavery.
same old tired garbage
LISTEN: DeSantis Backers Jenna Ellis & Steve Deace Rant About Founding Fathers Being in Hell for Not Repenting Over Slavery.
Chinese jellyfish found in California reservoir