Anonymous ID: 1be792 June 29, 2018, 10:45 p.m. No.1967340   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Found this:


"American Bridge 21st Century Foundation is another 501(c)(4) organization, also known as a dark money group. It runs Bridge Project, which says it’s “dedicated to opposing the conservative movement’s extreme ideology and exposing its dishonest tactics.” The site has a database, “Conservative Transparency,” that allows users to search for conservative donors, recipients and organizations. Featured donors include the Koch brothers and The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation.


American Bridge has funneled $3.7 million from its foundation arm to its super PAC in just the last two years — with donors safe in the knowledge that their names won’t ever be disclosed to the public.


The hilarious part (if you find dodging transparency hilarious) is that the group has an entire database for uncovering the money behind conservative causes, documenting spending from their 990s, and blogging about conservative donors, but it does not disclose its own donors on that website, or anywhere else. We reached out to American Bridge for comment on this, and will update this post if we receive anything from them.


On that note: The foundation arm of American Bridge 21st Century has donated a lot of money to the Bridge super PAC, which does have to disclose its donors. In the first six months of 2015, the foundation gave $1.2 million to the super PAC. In 2014, they donated $2.5 million. That’s $3.7 million dollars funneled from the foundation to the super PAC in just the last two years — with donors safe in the knowledge that their names won’t be disclosed to the public."



Anonymous ID: 1be792 June 29, 2018, 10:48 p.m. No.1967376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7416

(continued from previous)



Pic related is helpful graphic to learn how in the blazing hell campaign finance works.


Media Matters (501(c)(3))


Media Matters For America (MMFA) is a media watchdog organization, “dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media,” founded by David Brock in 2004. Since 2013, Bradley Beychok has been president of the organization; he was previously Campaign Director at American Bridge. It’s a 501(c)(3), meaning it can’t conduct political activity on behalf of a candidate. This means MMFA can’t explicitly advocate for Clinton’s election, but it can (and does) publish material about Clinton: for example, posts criticizing media coverage of her, or highlighting positive coverage. Long-time Clinton adviser James Carville works for them, and fellow Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal was also reportedly paid $200,000 a year by the organization.

Understand the tangled web of campaign finance


Super PACs? Dark money groups? 527 organizations? UGH. Making sense of the Election 2016 campaign finance world is tough. This dataviz we created might help.


Unlike PACs and campaigns, MMFA doesn’t have to disclose its donors or what it pays most of its staff (only executives and top-paid staff) because it’s a 501(c)(3). Correct the Record and American Bridge both pay rent to Media Matters for their office space.


According to its 2013 IRS 990 form, the most recent one available, David Brock draws an annual salary of $280,060 from Media Matters.

Anonymous ID: 1be792 June 29, 2018, 10:59 p.m. No.1967482   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good breakdown on THAT guy and his good friend, donation grabber/bundler Mary Pat Bonner. How good? They share a house in the Hamptons.


"As Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign was about to launch last year, its architects were desperate to dampen the impact of an upcoming book deeply critical of her family's financial dealings.


They turned to David Brock, who crusaded for the Clinton family during the days of impeachment and scandal in the 1990s.


Clinton's new inner circle privately called him a "nut bar" and "soulless narcissist," a wild-eyed mercenary from the old Clinton wars who could be unpredictable. But Brock's skills in the political dark arts positioned him to hunt down a copy of the book, "Clinton Cash," before it was on sale."



Anonymous ID: 1be792 June 29, 2018, 11:22 p.m. No.1967693   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(requesting anons read these links, especially anybody new since 2016, holy mackerel the sleaze coming off these corrupt twits)


Who's Mary Pat Bonner? Pic related, and


:: MAJOR string-puller for the dark side

:: Name dropped frequently in the Podesta email drop

:: #1 culprit behind Bill O'Reilly getting booted from Fox

:: Rich, but short and fat, kek

(need an anon to snag this article, I can't view it)


Got to read:



Civitas' founding partner is Bill Smith


"Civitas Public Affairs, meanwhile, has been deeply involved in an effort by liberal billionaire George Soros' political network to diminish the influence of big-money donors."

