a few million illegal immigrants would qualify as an invasion.
would this reference the ultimate question?
Can Q's drop be reconciled with illegals being invaders within the context of the ultimate question?
The press pool would never come to asking if the immigration issue could ever be considered an illegal invasion and as such would never be prompted to ask.
It is possible.
Q has stated "all for a larp" on more than one occasion.
However, considering the agenda of the press pool and what Q represents. Could the press pool be manipulated into asking if Q were real by having POTUS mention Q in some official form? Thus 'forcing it."
Having never read or possibly watched the material in which you reference, i am not familiar. However, the theory you postulate does have merit.
it will only take one to start the reaction.
Cry Havoc! and let slip the dogs of war
it would be useful if we could be provided with a narrowing context of the ultimate question.
There are several possibilities.
All that is needed now is a spy willing to devote several decades to this one pursuit.
would that be sufficient to fully infiltrate the higher orders of the sect?