Anonymous ID: d1c6e7 Oct. 4, 2023, 9:15 p.m. No.19670995   🗄️.is 🔗kun

McCarthy behind move to kick Pelosi out of her office, sources say –so he can move into it


Kevin McCarthy was behind interim Speaker Patrick McHenry’s move to kick former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former Majority Leader Steny Hoyer out of their office spaces, two Republican sources told CNN.

GOP Rep. Garret Graves told reporters on Wednesday that McCarthy is getting the office that McHenry has ordered her to vacate.

“Look the deal is that the office that Pelosi is in right now is the office of the preceding speaker. Speaker Pelosi and other Democrats determined that they wanted a new … speaker, and it’s Kevin McCarthy. So, he’s getting the office,” he said.

Sources close to Pelosi and Hoyer say it was retaliation for Democrats siding against McCarthy in voting to vacate the speaker’s chair Tuesday.The unofficial offices are located near the House floor.

McCarthy and McHenry’s did not respond to requests for comment.


kekking out loud

Anonymous ID: d1c6e7 Oct. 4, 2023, 10:02 p.m. No.19671213   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DeSantis: I opposed McCarthy before it was cool


Republican presidential candidate and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is blasting Republican Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy as McCarthy fights for his political career in Washington.


“I opposed McCarthy when it wasn’t cool years ago,”DeSantis told Scripps News Deputy Political Director Joe St. George Tuesday.


DeSantis placed blame on former President Donald Trump for putting McCarthy in the speaker’s office in the first place.


“He is really somebody that Donald Trump has backed and put in that position. I think they have not delivered results,” DeSantis said.

Anonymous ID: d1c6e7 Oct. 4, 2023, 10:34 p.m. No.19671304   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Janet Yellen Claims U.S. Taxpayers Have ‘Duty’ to Defend Ukraine’s Border from Invasion

when russia invades America's border, then i'll give a shit. otherwise…