Sounds like a civil matter
The cops don't handle civil matters.
Waste of public resources.
Hire a Security Guard if your want your stuff defended.
Like annihilation?
Are Nuclear Blasting kids to death?
Drowning them in vats of monekypox?
But what if there is only God?
>In theory there is,
True, but if Everything seen and not yet seen is made by the "hand of God" then that would include so-called "false gods"?
The Rainbow seems to represent how humanity is going to be purged via homosexuality.
Homos don't produce offspring. (Think drought not flood)
First the world was flooded with people
Then is was flooded with homosex
Because "overpopulation"
Real or Memorex?
All true.
Thankfully we have Freedom of Religion.
And by honoring the Constitution we can't be compelled to frolic in their folly.
Having severe shoulder pain.
Gonna take a COVID test.
If it's positive, then what?
An Enema?
Or maybe a vaxx shot will help?
Going to "The Doctor" is such a scam
>by 4 to 11
4x11 = 44
Nov 02, 2017 3:06:41 AM EDT
Before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important message via Twitter. God bless.
5y, 11m, 3d, 3h, 56m ago
"The Shot Heard Around the World"
Ref to potential VP
Matt Gaetz is at 6 years in the House, and is backing term limits, so he'd be "free" to serve as VP?
26 2933
C_A 'illegal' SURV members of Congress?
C_A 'illegal' SURV members of the Press?
"Speaker of the House can SPY on Anyone?"
Anon heard he only bites people who are carrying cocaine.
He's not really "biting", just trying to get to coke in their pocket.
Poor dog, just following his training.
QAnon conspiracy theories are not legal tender on QR.
Expand your thinking.
Children are "trafficked" to indoctri-Nation centers to Nationalize them daily.
End the Child Trafficking
The US is a Constitutional Republic and home to MANY nations.
Who is Barack Obama's Handler?
What is Michelle Obama?
Who is Big Mike?
Who is "The Big Guy"?
10 " = 10% ??
Too easy, right?
Donald Trump isn't a Member of the House, so these rules wouldn't apply to him?
Anon will ebake closer to 700
Keep Voting Catholic.
DVM= Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
DMV= Dept Of Motor Vehicles
DVM = Dept of Violent Matters?
Disarm the police