Anonymous ID: 39c186 Oct. 5, 2023, 9:57 a.m. No.19673949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4014 >>4134 >>4313

5 Oct, 2023 16:13

NATO member suspends military aid to Ukraine

A party opposed to sending weapons to Kiev recently prevailed in Slovakia’s parliamentary election


Slovakia is halting military aid to Ukraine due to opposition from political parties currently negotiating to form a new government, the Dennik N news outlet reported on Wednesday, citing presidential spokesman Martin Strizinec.


The official told the outlet that the Slovak head of state, President Zuzana Caputova, pointed out that there is the need to “respect the results of democratic elections.” The victorious Slovak Social Democracy (SMER-SD) party has promised voters “not a single round [of ammunition] for Ukraine.”


“It would not be a good precedent to decide to provide military equipment in such a situation when there is a change of political power after any election,” Strizinec said.


After winning the parliamentary election on Sunday, SMER-SD leader Robert Fico, a former prime minister, told journalists that “Slovakia and the people of Slovakia have bigger problems than Ukraine.”


He added that if his party successfully forms a government, it would still be open to helping Ukraine, butonly in a humanitarian way. (How can they be sure it’s used for humanitarian help by Ukes?)


Last week, Kiev hosted the International Industries Defense Forum with participants from 30 countries, where Ukrainian officials went on a “charm offensive directed at weapons-makers,” Politico reported. An unnamed European official told the agency that there was no way to “keep giving from their own stockpiles” because they had already sent Ukraine everything that does not endanger their own security.


According to the Wall Street Journal, the Ukrainian government will be unable to pay civil servants if the US Congress fails to approve continued financing for Kiev. (Tough shit! The end is near!)

Anonymous ID: 39c186 Oct. 5, 2023, 10:07 a.m. No.19674003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4014 >>4035 >>4134 >>4313

5 Oct, 2023 14:33

Widespread corruption deprives Ukraine of joining EU – Juncker

The European Commission ex-president warned against making unrealistic promises to Kiev amid reports of upcoming membership talks


Deep-rooted and widespread corruption means thatUkraine will not be able to join the European Union any time soon, former President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker has said. In addition, earlier this week, Politico reported that the Biden Administration is putting pressure on Kiev to combat graft more effectively.


In an interview with Germany’s Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper published on Thursday, Juncker warned that Brussels “should not make any false promises to the people in Ukraine who are up to their neck in suffering. He criticized those within the EU “who are leading the Ukrainians to believe that they could become a member state immediately.” According to the former official, such a scenario would be detrimental to the bloc and Ukraine.


“Those who have dealt with Ukraine know that this is a country that is corrupt at all levels of society,” Juncker charged. He noted that the Eastern European nation would first need to conduct “massive” reforms.


The former president of the European Commission spoke in favor of “partial accession” for aspiring nations, which would allow them access to some of the benefits of European integration, provided that they made progress on the path of reform.


Juncker’s warning came shortly after Politico, citing anonymous diplomats, reported that the incumbent EU leadership would formally announce the start of membership talks with Ukraine as early as December.


Meanwhile, earlier this week, the same outlet claimed to have seen the “sensitive but not classified” version of the US State Department’s ‘Integrated Country Strategy’ for Ukraine. In it, American officials allegedly warned leadership in Kiev that “perceptions of high-level corruption” could “undermine the Ukrainian public’s and foreign leaders’ confidence in the war-time government.”


According to Politico’s sources, US President Joe Biden’s administration is pressing Ukraine to step up its existing anti-graft efforts. However, it is doing so quietly to avoid handing political ammunition to Republicans who want to withhold American aid to Kiev over corruption concerns. (Ironic the most corrupt Admin and President mandating less corruption, maybe it’s a bird call, “we need more corruption”!)


The Biden administration has reportedly clarified that future economic aid could be tied to reforms that “make Ukraine a more attractive place for private investment.”


On Monday, Ukrainian MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak alleged that his country had been given a “yellow card” for corruption by the US.


Ukraine has for years been ranked as one of the most corrupt countries in Europe. According to Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index, as of 2022, the country ranked 116th out of 180.


(All of EU knows this but they keep promising membership, when they know it can’t be accepted. I have UN corruption reports on Ukraine going back into the late 1990s and 2000s, they will never solve this fixture.)

Anonymous ID: 39c186 Oct. 5, 2023, 10:14 a.m. No.19674037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4056 >>4134 >>4313

5 Oct, 2023 14:13

Russia not looking for ‘new lands’ – Putin

The president stressed that the Ukraine conflict is not about territory


The conflict with Ukraine is not the result of a territorial dispute, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a speech at the Valdai International Discussion Club on Thursday.


Putin stressed that Russia is already the largest country in the world and therefore is not seeking to obtain new territory. He noted that Russia still has a lot of work to do in developing Siberia and the Far East.


“This is not a territorial conflict and is not even the establishment of a regional geopolitical balance,” the president said. “This question is much broader and more fundamental. We are talking about the principles of a new world order.”


The Russian leader insisted that a lasting peace can only be established when “everyone feels safe and knows that their opinion is respected.”


Elsewhere in his speech, Putin said that Russia was not the one that initiated the conflict in Ukraine, but is instead trying to put an end to it.


We were not the ones who organized a bloody coup in Kiev; it wasn’t us who intimidated the Crimeans and Sevastopol residents with Nazi-style ethnic purges. We weren’t the ones who tried to force the Donbass to obey using shellings and bombings. We were not the ones who threatened violence against those who wanted to speak their native language,” Putin said, stressing that it was Kiev that used tanks and artillery to wage war against the Donbass.


Despite civilians and children being killed in Donbass long before Russia launched its military operation last year, no other countries, especially in the West, paid any attention to this or shed any tears for them, the president said.


“The war started by the Kiev regime with the active, direct support of the West is now in its tenth year,” Putin noted.“The special military operation is aimed at stopping it.”


The four-day 20th anniversary meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club has been taking place in Sochi since October 2. The end of the forum is marked by a plenary session. Its participants include politicians, scientists, and social activists, including foreign guests.

Anonymous ID: 39c186 Oct. 5, 2023, 10:24 a.m. No.19674100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4134 >>4313

5 Oct, 2023 13:13

EU can’t compensate Ukraine for missing US aid – Borrell

The bloc can only do so much to cover Kiev’s expenses, its foreign policy chief has said


The EU cannot fully replace US support for Ukraine even if it boosts its aid programs, the bloc’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, has said. The warning comes after the US Congress declined to include Ukraine assistance in a stopgap spending bill last week.


“Ukraine needs the support of the European Union, which will certainly be increased, but also the support of the United States,” the senior official said on Thursday as he arrived at the European Political Community summit in Granada, Spain. (Too bad, the US is not backing this shithole, Americans are tired of the corruption and waste; and Americans are dying because of Joe.)


He stressed that Europe could not fill the gap left by the US and expressed hope that Washington would reverse the situation.


The flow of American funding was disrupted last week after a Republican push to reduce budgetary spending. A 45-day temporary budget, which was adopted as a compromise solution, allocated no money for Ukraine at all.


In August, the administration of US President Joe Biden asked lawmakers to provide an additional $24 billion to support Kiev. Amid the congressional deadlock, the White House sought to ensure that the flow of cash would not be interrupted.


The crisis in the US was exacerbated this week when Kevin McCarthy was ousted as House speaker. Rep. Matt Gaetz introduced a motion to remove him from the position over an alleged secret deal with the Biden administration to keep Ukraine assistance flowing.


Meanwhile, theEU is also struggling to maintain a consensus on sending money to its eastern neighbor. Last week, Hungary suggested splitting a proposed €50 billion ($52.4 billion) aid package in the bloc’s long-term budget into two installments, with the second half pending further evaluation, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday.


Budapest has been blocking €500 million in military aid for Ukraine since May. The European Commission is reportedly willing to release billions of euros in funds for Hungary in order to get the country on board. The funds were frozen last December over rule-of-law criticisms.


Borrell announced that Brussels was seeking to add €5 billion in multi-year defense assistance when he met Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba on Monday. He also vowed to maintain the assistance regardless of what happens in Washington.


EU leaders are meeting in Granada to discuss the bloc’s future spending and plans for future expansion. A reform supported by Germany and France would introduce a multi-tier membership system to accommodate candidates based on their merits. Ukraine, which aspires to become a member, has insisted on full-fledged participation, saying it cannot accept anything less.


(The EU is losing their minds, they followed and believed Joe Bidan, the US would stay in this fiasco forever, now can they admit, they never agreed with Joe’s Admin. Joe scammed everyone for his own greed. There are already countries reducing or not sending arms aid.)

Anonymous ID: 39c186 Oct. 5, 2023, 10:36 a.m. No.19674179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4203 >>4313

DHS Designates President Trump Supporters as Domestic Violent Extremists?


October 4, 2023 | Sundance1/2

The claim by Newsweek is rather alarming – that the Dept of Homeland Security and FBI consider President Trump supporters as domestic violent extremists (DVE’s) in combination with official designation from the FBI as “domestic terrorists.”


There’s nothing within the article, the citations or the quotes from multiple anonymous officialswithin the domestic surveillance system, that will seem a surprise if you take away the hyperbolic use of adjectives and descriptive statements. Yes, to the Newsweek readers, anyone who would challenge their worldview or political position is dangerous; after all, these are the same people who equate words with violence.


Remember, DHS Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas recently announced a quasi-government panel that would be the arbiters of definitions. In essence, the braintrust who will define activity to be compatible with the rules and restrictions on speech. Officially the group is called the “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group“; unofficially Mayorkas has selected the domestic speech police. Fear much? 😂


Does it worry me to be labeled as a domestic terrorist because I distrust government and support President Trump?No, not one bit. Label me with whatever description you need in order to quantify your fear; it matters not.


Within the pearl-clutching Newsweek outline, the thread which ties the claims together is intelligence official’s inability to quantify the threat We The People represent because there are just too many of us.


…”But I say this as a citizen as much as a government analyst,” the senior official says.“We are in a unique moment and the numbers are daunting.”(read more)


Daunting? Yes, I’m sure they are. With President Trump carrying support from the majority of the country, does the “threat” description applied by the minority really matter just because they are in power? Again, no, not even a little.


The need for control is a reaction to fear. Please, quiver more; we laugh, love, enjoy our family and celebrate our freedom assembly regardless of your tremors.


I have experienced these arbiters first-hand. I have been to their inquisition and laughed. It doesn’t matter what deep state institutional echo-chamber they crawl out from; they are weak and pathetic people who could not survive without the indulgences and facilitating services the “extremists” control.


Oh, the truckers are “potential threats”, lol, ok good; try finding food in the supermarket if the truckers take a break for a week to restore their wounded sensibilities. Continued….

Anonymous ID: 39c186 Oct. 5, 2023, 10:41 a.m. No.19674203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4313



Go live your best life and laugh at these knuckleheads.They are fleas looking into the furnace


• We are the workforce.

• We are also digital warriors, meme creators, artists, researchers, autists and ordinarily invisible people now considered dissidents in our own country.

• We are the backbone of industry, the people who keep it all working. The builders, diggers and blue-collar workforce that keeps everything functioning.

• We are the people they will never fully control. We speak in languages they do not understand, and we absorb targeted ridicule as fuel.

• We are the movers of goods, the truckers, the farmers, the nameless people behind the skilled trades that keep what they call American society moving.

• We are the people who grow the food, pick the food, transport the food, stock the food, cook the food and facilitate the life they live.

• We are a visible, yet disregarded, insurgent force within their sphere of life that is never considered, yet we control the outcomes of every moment they value.

• We can stop it all, bring it all to a standstill, if we simply stop doing what we do.

• We pick up the trash, answer the phones, run cables to their devices, mow their lawns, solve their problems, control the flow of essential services and keep our heads below the radar.

• We are the majority.

• We are a self-reliant, freedom loving, normally peaceful and God-fearing assembly.

• We drive them to their destination; we are comfortably out of mind until needed, and yet we are irreplaceable for the things they require.

• We are armed with tools, hammers, pens, rulers, mice, pickup trucks, laptops, post-it notes, stickers and alternate forms of messaging that circumvent the control mechanisms deployed to create our silence.

• We are inside every facility, every institution, every meeting, every moment of their existence – and we notice everything.

• We have eyes of mice and ears of elephants. We are there when they do not expect, and we melt away before they notice our appearance.

• We are smart, strategic, highly intelligent and carry a brutally obvious and pragmatic common sense that finds optimal solutions to everything.

• We identify our tribe immediately and without conversation.

• We see what they hide, we hear what they whisper, we decipher their codes, and we understand the complexity they create in their effort to conceal.

• We control the physical world that operates around every element of society, and we value real and tangible assets.

• We do not sit around pontificating eloquently about philosophic nuances; we get it done.

• We are the people who facilitate their ability to take us for granted, and we do so without issue, resentment or desire for recognition.

• We are optimistic, affable, kind, generous, friendly, loyal, warm and quietly spiritual in purpose.

• We are polite, considerate and slow to anger.

• We prefer to be left alone. However, pushed entirely far enough, decisions are reached. Right now, we are tenuously staring with deepened gaze.

• We are increasingly pissed off…. Big Time! However, we are not destabilized.

• We are awake.

• In every town, village and hamlet we are encountering the same conversation. On every porch, in every shop, at every event, the topic is the same.

• Right now, we are taking this fury to the communication and commerce platforms where we hope to influence outcomes. But if that effort fails, and/or if the command-and-control authorities make the mistake of thinking they can shut down our visibility and therefore control our dissent, there will be no quarter provided in the aftermath.

The two biggest mistakes they can make right now is not understanding why we bow our heads.

• First, our heads are not bowed because we are subservient, cowering or accepting the current effort to control us….

• ….We are praying!

• Their second mistake would be to ignore that we are not praying for us

• ….We are praying for those who trespass against us!

• They may not like what follows, “Amen!”

• We are resolute and of common purpose.

• Call us whatever you want, it matters not.

• We are MAGA!

• And we are Americans!


[ Fuel the Rebellion ]

Anonymous ID: 39c186 Oct. 5, 2023, 11:09 a.m. No.19674404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4408


Anons, I've put the entire article in a 9 page PDF,we need to keep this for history and future generationsto show them either how close we came to complete tyranny, or this is why most of the population are dead.

