I was mildly amused at how many on this board were taking it seriously, as I sat here with my phone right next to me not worrying about it. Can't fix stupid
You ALL are behaving like children. All who are involved in this retarded argument that has been going on way too long. Fucking tired of it and every one of you gets the filter. Even if it means I'm staring at a blank screen. Grow the fuck up
filter this, cunt
it's beyond ridiculous at this point and BO/BV needs to do something about it. May not be able to ban them (vpn) but their shit certainly can get deleted just as fast as the jew crap of VD. I'm about to the point of never coming back. Not that anyone cares.
um, no
not saying they were or weren't but I wasn't buying any of it. what's your point?
sauce? and you need to work on that reading comprehension. I didn't say I was leaving.
clapclapclapclapclap bye
how can a NY judge order an auction for a property in FL? AFAIK, he can only fine Trump huge amounts of money, and if Trump can't pay, then an auction would be needed. This shit is beyond ridiculous. Besides, he hasn't been convicted of anything.
I don't know and don't call me (Shirley) kek
wtf is he paying lawyers for?