he's right up there with trump in my book.
she's not alone thinking this way. they all said the same for the unvaxed.
ok, wait a minute. kevin and co agreed to have the provision in there,and now they are big mad someone used it?
totally normal thinking.
these are the same people who wanted the unvaxed segregated from society.
mind cancer
jordan = mccarthy v2.0
they were never gonna let him in their club.
just when i didn't think i could hate them any more than i already do.
POTUS is going to have to lower the boom on these hyenas.
>bans Congress stock trading
they will justuse LLC's or family members to do their business. won't be effective.
>bans Congress from lobbying
>- 12 year term limits
>- ban lobbyist/PAC donations
no way will they agree to this.
Matt knows this. He's showing them for who they are and what they prioritize.
not liking this, but it's the best we can get right now.
read this. sundance gives a good outline of jordan.