Anonymous ID: ac7454 Oct. 5, 2023, 7:43 p.m. No.19677155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7192 >>7205 >>7585 >>7717 >>7729

Pratt is a POS


Donald Trump accused of sharing nuclear submarine details with Australian billionaire Anthony Pratt


Former US president Donald Trump reportedly discussed "potentially sensitive" details of America's nuclear submarine program with an Australian billionaire.

Key points:


US media reported that Donald Trump told Anthony Pratt information about US nuclear subs

Mr Pratt had been interviewed on the matter at least twice by federal prosecutors as part of Mr Trump's classified documents case

Mr Pratt was praised by Mr Trump as "the most successful man in Australia" during a visit to Pratt Industries in 2019


The American ABC news outlet reported that Mr Trump told Anthony Pratt the supposed number of nuclear warheads on US subs, and how close they could get to a Russian submarine without being detected.


The conversation is said to have taken place at Mr Trump's Mar-a-Lago club in Florida, several months after he left office.


ABC — which is not affiliated with ABC in Australia — also reported that Mr Pratt allegedly then shared the information with at least 45 people, including journalists and employees, as well as 10 Australian officials and three former prime ministers.


The alleged conversation with Mr Pratt was not mentioned by federal prosecutors when they charged Mr Trump with mishandling classified documents this year.


However, ABC reported that Mr Pratt had been interviewed on the matter at least twice, and that he told investigators he was not sure if the information was accurate.


The New York Times said the businessman was among dozens of people identified as possible witnesses who could testify against the former president at trial.


A spokesman for Mr Trump criticised what they described as "illegal leaks" that lacked "proper context and relevant information".


"The Department of Justice should investigate the criminal leaking, instead of perpetrating their baseless witch-hunts while knowing that President Trump did nothing wrong, has always insisted on truth and transparency, and acted in a proper manner, according to the law," the spokesman said.


A response has been sought from Mr Pratt, and the ABC is not suggesting he has done anything wrong.


The office of special counsel Jack Smith, who is prosecuting Mr Trump, declined to comment.

AUKUS deal not part of conversation, shadow foreign minister says


Anthony Pratt runs Pratt Industries/Visy, which its website says is the "world's largest privately owned packaging, paper and recycling company".


He was praised by Donald Trump as "the most successful man in Australia" during a visit to a Pratt Industries plant in Ohio in 2019.


"He [Mr Pratt] said I'm going to come here and I'm going to spend $10 billion if you win the election," Mr Trump said at the time.


ABC News reported that Mr Trump's comments in the April 2021 conversation came after Mr Pratt suggested Australia should start buying submarines from the US.

Anonymous ID: ac7454 Oct. 5, 2023, 7:48 p.m. No.19677172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7585 >>7717 >>7729

Australia's 51 intel clowns moment


More than 70 university law professors say Voice 'not constitutionally risky' in letter to Australian public


More than 70 constitutional and public law teachers have signed a letter saying the Voice to Parliament "is not constitutionally risky" in a bid to tackle "misunderstandings and misconceptions" among Australian voters.

Key points:


71 constitutional and law teachers sign an open letter about the Voice to Parliament

The letter says the "vast majority" of legal opinion agrees the proposed amendment "is not constitutionally risky"

The experts do not hold a collective position on the Voice but say they want to help people make an "informed choice"


The 71 teachers and professors say in the open letter that they are not advocating for a position on the Voice, but wish to provide voters with more information.


"We are public and constitutional law teachers from universities all over Australia with experience teaching law students about the constitution and referendums," the letter says.


"We write this letter in the spirit that we approach our teaching.


"Not as advocacy for a particular position, but to clarify some of the issues that are causing confusion about the proposed constitutional change, to help Australians sift through what they are reading and hearing, and to assist them to make an informed choice at the upcoming referendum."


The letter says that the No campaign has argued that the Voice would lead to "dysfunction and delays" in government but that would not necessarily be the case.


"Certainly, it is impossible to predict exactly what the High Court might say in the future — this is the case for all constitutional and legal provisions," the letter says.


"But we know that the vast majority of expert legal opinion agrees that this amendment is not constitutionally risky."

Anonymous ID: ac7454 Oct. 5, 2023, 7:54 p.m. No.19677214   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“THEY LIKE IT!” West Va. Couple Arrested After 2 Children Found Locked in Shed

Anonymous ID: ac7454 Oct. 5, 2023, 7:57 p.m. No.19677231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7585 >>7717 >>7729

Dog eat dog time


  1. Walls don’t work


  1. President Biden promised he wouldn’t build them


  1. Now even harder for voters to distinguish between him & Trump on border/immigration


  1. Wasted opportunity to use executive power to actually fix our asylum system instead of impotent political posturing

Anonymous ID: ac7454 Oct. 5, 2023, 8:09 p.m. No.19677270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7291 >>7413 >>7585 >>7717 >>7729

Lauren Boebert Confirms GOP Leadership is Working with Pelosi, Jeffries to Expel Matt Gaetz From Congress


Liberal Republicans and Democrats and RINO Republians are working together to expel Rep. Matt Gaetz (FL) from the U.S. House in the wake of Tuesday’s successful ouster of Kevin McCarthy from his role as Speaker of the House, according to an exclusive interview Rep. Lauren Boebert gave National File on Thursday.

“The threat to expel Matt Gaetz is definitely real,” Boebert told National File’s publisher Noel Fritsch via telephone. “The next House Speaker needs to make blocking any expulsion vote of Gaetz a primary piece of their platform for the gavel,” Boebert said.

“I fully support Matt’s move to use a privileged motion to vacate the Speaker. While I may have had disagreements with Matt on timing, it is important to note that without my fighting so hard in January to add the one-member Motion to Vacate back into the Rules package, Matt would not have been able to file the motion,” Boebert told National File.


“A lot of our colleagues in D.C. were pushing back against us, telling us the Motion to Vacate was a distraction, and so I told them that with all of the other demands we were going to be making, we absolutely needed to have an accountability mechanism to give teeth to our efforts,” she explained.


“Without my working so hard for the Motion to Vacate in January, this would not have happened,” she said.

In focusing on stopping an expulsion vote against Matt Gaetz, Boebert is adding another keystone item to conservatives’ wish-list for a new House Speaker.

Other top-tier demands include ending the funding of the Ukraine war and defunding the Jack Smith prosecution of Donald Trump, releasing the January 6th political prisoners, and more broadly stopping the weaponization of the DOJ.

Jim Jordan, who was installed by McCarthy as head of the Judiciary Committee, quickly announced his candidacy for House Speaker. Jordan was supposed to have been heading up the effort with the Weaponization Committee to end the Biden administration’s weaponized D.O.J. Whether Jordan’s his lack of success in stopping the Biden administration from weaponizing the DOJ against Trump will help or hurt his newly announced bid for House Speaker.

The rules for the expulsion vote are provided for in the Constitution.. Two-thirds of the members of each the House and the Senate may vote to expel a member for what the rules call “disorderly conduct.”

Whispers around the idea that the House may vote to expel Matt Gaetz have been bubbling up since the Florida representative began making public statements about the failed leadership of McCarthy in September.

But the threat to expel conservative house members goes back into the last Pelosi-led Congress, sources have told National File. “That threat hangs over the member like a sword of Damocles,” one senior staffer told National File. “The second the 100 or so RINOs begin teaming up with the 210 Democrats to kick us all out of Congress, it really will be over for the Republic,” another senior staffer said.

As far back as early 2021, McCarthy was working with Pelosi to use the dreaded expulsion vote to off-load troublesome members, such as those who led the initiative to object to the fraudulent electors sent to D.C. by states like Arizona, Georgia, and Michigan.

Marjorie Taylor Greene was one of the top targets of the Pelosi-McCarthy expulsion bargain from the outset of her first term in 2021, according to multiple sources on Capitol Hill.

Now, despite having voted against Donald Trump for House Speaker in January, Marjorie is telling the world she supports Trump for Speaker. The current House Rules, which Taylor Greene voted for actually bar Donald Trump from being House Speaker.

Donald Trump has said he is willing to serve as House Speaker, but it would require a change of the House Rules.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s stunning one-hundred-eighty degree turn toward McCarthy had everything to do with the McCarthy-Pelosi threat to expel her after her comments about Israeli manufactured space lasers, according to multiple sources near the Greene camp.

Anonymous ID: ac7454 Oct. 5, 2023, 8:25 p.m. No.19677343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7585 >>7717 >>7729

Ukraine’s losses, sanctions, and Russia’s nuclear arsenal: Key takeaways from Putin’s Valdai speech


West ‘pillaging’ the world


The Western countries have accumulated their riches and influence through centuries of “endless expansion,” colonialism, and economic exploitation, Putin said.


He argued that this model built on subjugation and blatant disregard of legitimate interests of other nations was the source of current tensions and would “inevitably lead us into a dead end.”


Outlook for ‘new world order’


Putin outlined the six principles of international relations Russia wants to see as the foundation of a “more equitable world order.” The tenets include the rejection of “artificial barriers” between the countries and opposition to a single power dictating its will.


“Nobody has the right to control the world at the expense of others or in their name,” Putin stressed.


Russia not seeking ‘new territories’


According to Putin, Russia was focused on protecting the people of Donbass and Crimea during its conflict with Ukraine, rather than “looking for new territories.” He reiterated that the current crisis was triggered by the 2014 Western-backed coup in Kiev, which empowered Ukrainian nationalists and was rejected in Crimea. The largely Russian-speaking peninsula voted to break away from Ukraine and join Russia the same year, while the Donbass regions of Donetsk and Lugansk had declared independence from Kiev.


The two Donbass republics, together with two other Ukrainian regions – Kherson and Zaporozhye – eventually became part of Russia after holding referendums in September 2022.


Ukraine’s staggering battlefield losses


The Russian leader said that more than 90,000 Ukrainian soldiers were killed or seriously wounded in the “so-called counteroffensive” launched in early June. Kiev’s forces also lost 557 tanks and roughly 1,900 armored vehicles, he stated.


The Ukrainian authorities do not release their total casualty figures, and neither does Russia.


Moscow ‘overcame’ sanctions


Russia has successfully reshaped its economy towards self-sufficiency and new markets since the EU and US first imposed restrictions on Moscow in 2014.


“We overcame all problems, which arose from the sanctions, and started the next stage of development,” Putin said.


Karabakh clash was ‘inevitable’


The president rebuffed accusations that Moscow had abandoned its ally Armenia when Azerbaijan re-established control over its breakaway ethnic Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh last month. Baku’s victory and the disbandment of the local military force triggered the exodus of the Armenian population from the region.


According to Putin, Russia did everything it could to mediate the conflict and had offered Yerevan a compromise regarding Nagorno-Karabakh. He further argued that a new armed clash was “inevitable” after Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan had officially recognized the enclave as Azerbaijani territory.


Russia might be forced to ditch major nuclear pact


The work on the Sarmat silo-based intercontinental ballistic missile has “effectively been completed,” the president said. He revealed that Moscow had also successfully tested the Burevestnik nuclear-powered cruise missile.


Russia might consider revoking its ratification of the 1996 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) because it has still not been ratified by the US, Putin warned. The president did not rule our “mirrored responses” to Washington’s policies on the matter.

Anonymous ID: ac7454 Oct. 5, 2023, 8:28 p.m. No.19677362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7374 >>7385 >>7386 >>7387 >>7437 >>7585 >>7598 >>7717 >>7729

Trump Supporters 'Highly Likely' to Try to Kill People in 2024: Analyst


Political analyst Brian Klaas warned on Sunday that a small subset of Donald Trump's supporters are "highly likely" to try and kill people ahead of the 2024 presidential election, as the former president's rhetoric continues to become more violent.


Trump is currently among the packed field of candidates seeking the 2024 GOP presidential nomination as part of his bid to retake the White House. He has consistently led the pack in polls by a wide margin, with recent national averages giving him over 50 percent support from likely Republican voters. Trump's lead is considered to be so strong, that many observers have dismissed the forthcoming Republican primary process as a formality.


Amid his reelection campaign, Trump's public comments have also become increasingly laced with hints and outright suggestions of violence, setting off a new wave of concern from his critics. In a Truth Social post last month, Trump trashed outgoing Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Mark Milley and suggested that his past interactions with Chinese officials amounted to "treason," further claiming that "in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH!" He also recently claimed that he would support legislation to allow business owners and employees to shoot shoplifters on sight in "places where there's a true breakdown in the rule of law."


During a Sunday appearance on MSNBC, Klaas, an associate professor in global politics at University College London and frequent critic of the former president, was asked by host Jonathan Capehart about how concerned people should be about Trump's increasingly violent rhetoric.


"It's the biggest story of the 2024 election, but it's not being treated as that in the press," Klaas said. "I think that's a real failing, because it has become the banality of crazy incitement to violence, this sort of normalcy and routine of Trump saying things that could get people killed. You have him suggesting that you could execute America's top general. On Friday night, you had him joking about Paul Pelosi [husband of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi] being attacked and the crowd laughed when he referenced an 82-year-old man being hit over the head with a hammer."


He continued: "He called to execute people who shoplift from stores, a very minor crime, one to take seriously, but certainly not one worthy of execution…He has demonized a variety of people in his various outlets, on Truth Social and in his various discussions in front of crowds, and this is related to a term called 'stochastic terrorism'… what it basically means is when someone who is very powerful targets and demonizes individual groups in the public, at least a small number of their followers will take them as marching orders. And what is highly likely going into the 2024 election is that a small subset of Trump's very well-armed and extremist base will try to kill people."