Anonymous ID: b7edf9 Oct. 5, 2023, 6:56 p.m. No.19676991   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The MSM is going crazy using every trigger words to wake up the sleepers. They are hysterical.


“You Gave Biden A Second Year”: Steve Bannon Slams GOP Leadership For Failing American People


Guess what Bannon is to blame for “keeping the MAGA the dragon going, that will destroy the nation going forward.


Interesting, Bannon really bothers them! Kek!“Bannon doesn’t support democracy, he admires Lenin. MAGA are nihilists!”


Why does anyone listen to Joe in the Morning that killed his assistant? Covid started at the same time Trump was exposing him, what and who else was Trump exposing at that time?



Anonymous ID: b7edf9 Oct. 5, 2023, 7:07 p.m. No.19677030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7034

Natalie Winters Joins WarRoom To Address Claims She Is A Putin PawnKek this is so funny, a registered Democrat Rep is working for the Ukraine Council; she’s on the Appropriations Committee that gives aid to Ukraine.. FARA violation, calls Natalie a Putin Pawn.



Anonymous ID: b7edf9 Oct. 5, 2023, 7:31 p.m. No.19677109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7585 >>7717 >>7729

5 Oct, 2023 18:30


Zelensky’s father gets state award from his government


The cabinet granted Aleksandr Zelensky, along with 118 other people, alifelong scholarship for his work in higher education


Ukraine’s Cabinet of Ministers has announced that President Vladimir Zelensky’s father, Aleksandr, is one of the 119 recipients of a lifelong scholarship in recognition of making a contribution to higher education in the country.


In an order dated September 29, the cabinet ruled that themonetary accolade, which consists of 8,052 hryvnias ($220) that will be paid out on a monthlybasis, will be granted to the selected “scientists and teachers” as of September 1 this year.


Aleksandr Zelensky has had a successful career in the mining industry and is now a professor at the State University of Economics and Technology in Krivoy Rog.


According to Ukrainian media outlets, he was nominated for this scholarship in 2020, but then-Education Minister Sergey Shkarlet reportedly decided against the move.


Speaking to Strana.UA, the president’s father insisted that he hadn’t been nominated because he’s Zelensky’s father and didn’t “even really need it.” He also clarified that it was his colleagues who had recommended him for the scholarship and assured reporters that he was content with his salary and pension, adding that the “president is not poor” either.


(If corruption is not a problem, then Nepotism shouldn’t be either, in Ukraine)

Anonymous ID: b7edf9 Oct. 5, 2023, 7:35 p.m. No.19677122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7283

6 Oct, 2023 00:43

Ukraine’s losses, sanctions, and Russia’s nuclear arsenal: Key takeaways from Putin’s Valdai speech

The Russian leader has spoken about a variety of topic during the Valdai Club session in Sochi

Russian President Vladimir Putin attended a session of the Valdai Discussion Club in Sochi on Thursday, where he delivered a keynote speech and took questions from the audience.


During the event that lasted for nearly four hours, Putin shared his thoughts about a wide array of issues, including the Ukraine conflict, the recent flare-up in Nagorno-Karabakh, and the role of the West in the origin of current tensions.


Putin also outlined his vision for a more fair and equitable model of international relations, and provided an update on Russia’s nuclear arsenal.


West ‘pillaging’ the world

The Western countries have accumulated their riches and influence through centuries of “endless expansion,” colonialism, and economic exploitation, Putin said.


He argued that this model built on subjugation and blatant disregard of legitimate interests of other nations was the source of current tensions and would “inevitably lead us into a dead end.”

Outlook for ‘new world order’

Putin outlined the six principles of international relations Russia wants to see as the foundation of a “more equitable world order.”The tenets include the rejection of “artificial barriers” between the countries and opposition to a single power dictating its will.

“Nobody has the right to control the world at the expense of others or in their name,” Putin stressed.

Russia not seeking ‘new territories’

According to Putin, Russia was focused on protecting the people of Donbass and Crimea during its conflict with Ukraine, rather than“looking for new territories.” He reiterated that the current crisis was triggered by the 2014 Western-backed coup in Kiev, which empowered Ukrainian nationalists and was rejected in Crimea. The largely Russian-speaking peninsula voted to break away from Ukraine and join Russia the same year, while the Donbass regions of Donetsk and Lugansk had declared independence from Kiev.


The two Donbass republics, together with two other Ukrainian regions – Kherson and Zaporozhye – eventually became part of Russia after holding referendums in September 2022.

Ukraine’s staggering battlefield losses

The Russian leader said that more than 90,000 Ukrainian soldiers were killed or seriously wounded in the “so-called counteroffensive” launched in early June. Kiev’s forces also lost 557 tanks and roughly 1,900 armored vehicles, he stated.


The Ukrainian authorities do not release their total casualty figures, and neither does Russia.

Moscow ‘overcame’ sanctions

Russia has successfully reshaped its economy towards self-sufficiency and new markets since the EU and US first imposed restrictions on Moscow in 2014.


“We overcame all problems, which arose from the sanctions, and started the next stage of development,” Putin said.

Karabakh clash was ‘inevitable’

The president rebuffed accusations that Moscow had abandoned its ally Armenia when Azerbaijan re-established control over its breakaway ethnic Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh last month. Baku’s victory and the disbandment of the local military force triggered the exodus of the Armenian population from the region.


According to Putin, Russia did everything it could to mediate the conflict and had offered Yerevan a compromise regarding Nagorno-Karabakh. He further argued that a new armed clash was “inevitable” after Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan had officially recognized the enclave as Azerbaijani territory.

Russia might be forced to ditch major nuclear pact

The work on the Sarmat silo-based intercontinental ballistic missile has “effectively been completed,” the president said. He revealed that Moscow had also successfully tested the Burevestnik nuclear-powered cruise missile.


Russia might consider revoking its ratification of the 1996 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) because it has still not been ratified by the US, Putin warned. The president did not rule our “mirrored responses” to Washington’s policies on the matter.

Anonymous ID: b7edf9 Oct. 5, 2023, 7:38 p.m. No.19677134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7141 >>7143 >>7145 >>7164 >>7173 >>7181 >>7197 >>7202 >>7213 >>7222 >>7257 >>7585 >>7717 >>7729

Newt Gingrich, Hillary Clinton and Mark Levin Are All Apoplectic That Kevin McCarthy Has Been Removed

October 5, 2023 | Sundance |

In what can only be compared to the prior mask dropping by conservatives when Donald Trump announced in 2015 that he would build a wall to stop illegal immigration, Matt Gaetz has triggered a similar round of revelations as New Gingrich, Hillary Clinton and Mark Levin all align against the removal of Kevin McCarthy.


The only common thread that binds all three is Ukraine and money. Funny how the personal economics of the thing always seems to surface when contrast against policy.


It appears the primary concern over the removal of Kevin McCarthy is a weakening in the likelihood that Ukraine would get an open line of unlimited credit from U.S. taxpayers. Obviously, the prepositioning of the Clinton Global Initiative and the BlackRock “green Ukraine” investment mechanism is threatened if the Ukraine conflict against Russia is not supported by U.S. finance and weapons.


Indeed, BlackRock and JPMorgan have set up the Ukraine reconstruction bank, and we can only imagine how widespread those dependent tentacles extend into the public-private halls of Congress. When the masks start dropping, it’s always the money.


Think about the U.S. political system, the funding of the UniParty apparatus by multinational financial interests, the constructs and policies that drive the DNC/RNC alignment by those same multinational financial interests, and suddenly the commonality of seemingly disparate networks comes to light. Yup, it’s the money.


Hillary Clinton – […] “They do not represent a majority of even the Republican Party. When you look at the extremists in the House, they certainly don’t represent a majority of the country,” she added. “Somebody has to stand up and say, ‘Enough!’


“At some point, there needs to be a backlash against the control that this small group of extremists have. And I don’t know who will lead that, but let’s hope whoever becomes the new speaker will,” Clinton concluded. (link)


Is it coincidental that Hillary and Bill just reorganized the Clinton Global Initiative to gain financially from a new Ukraine operation? I think not.


Newt Gingrich and Mark Levin are both similarly positioned in their Ukraine advocacy. Suddenly Matt Gaetz has become an enemy of the statists.


Meanwhile, the BlackRock operation from the White House is now shifting State Department funds in an effort to keep the financial pipeline to Ukraine open.


To say that BlackRock is invested in globalism, climate change and leftist politics, would be a severe understatement {See Here}. Larry Fink is the CEO, and people like Cheryl Mills, Hillary Clinton’s attorney of record, are on the board.


The Chairman of the BlackRock Investment Institute, the guy who tells the $8.7 trillion investment firm BlackRock where to put their money, is Tom Donilon – President Obama’s former National Security Advisor (before Susan Rice), and a key advisor to Joe Biden throughout his career in politics, who was also recently put in charge of U.S-China policy by the State Dept. {link}


WASHINGTON DC – The Biden administration is considering using a State Department grant program to send additional military aid to Ukraine as Congress continues to battle over weapons funding, according to two U.S. officials with knowledge of the discussions.


The White House is weighing a range of options as it scrambles to find additional money to support Ukraine after lawmakers stripped funding in a last-minute deal to avert a government shutdown, said the officials, who like others interviewed for this story were granted anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. (read more)


The amount of effort underway in order to protect the Ukraine interests of the people in Washington DC is stunning.