>If most in govt are good as Q says
I would apply :think mirror: to this one, fren.
>breaking 25 other regulations to build it
Maybee he's the one who EO'd those "laws" in??
I dunno, spitballing.
>Biden going to pretend to build a wall
Well, he ate major crow sayign the shit out loud, so…
IT's pretty dumb of him to refuse to build the wall, give away the wall, rant and rave abotu the wall
Then say we gotta do it
And then not do it?
FFS. Even a moran could follow that illogic.
>we've really come so far
I have gone through three computers since I got here. kek.
Things feel really different right now.
I have no clue what's gonna happen next, but I'm gonna be here with you fags for the whole thing.