Trump as Speaker of the House. Don't tease me. It would be glorious. For just a few months. Or even only weeks, if necessary. The demoncrat representatives libtard's heads would explode. To have Trump presiding over, and officiating, the proceedings in the very chamber from which these reatread retards legislate, bloviate, and deficate would be a living death experience for them. Their helplessness, hatred, confusion, and awareness of this new state of affairs would reach such a critical point that resulting loss of bodily functions and mental stability would fully qualify as a mass casualty event. Even for DC, the volume of 911 EMS calls would be of epic proportions. The triage workload alone would be so great that First Responders would be requesting mutual aid from agencies three states away. A head count would be required once it was realized that not all the house members were present. These sudden and permanent disappearances would cause much speculation among astrophysicists. New theories would arise that the fabric of reality itself had been torn asunder as Satan took pity on some of the more devoted among the members on the left. The devil had made the decision to teleport them straight to the ninth level of hell because that would be less excruciating than remaining on this plane of existence. Biblical. Do it. Do it please.