Anonymous ID: 7e87b6 Oct. 6, 2023, 4:20 p.m. No.19681986   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In Russia, the social rating system "We" is being tested


In Russia, the social rating system is being tested – so far only on students and employees of the Russian State Social University (RSSU). The university confirmed that it is developing the "We" platform, which will form a rating of Russians. Writes about this "Kommersant".


The RSSU expects that the system will be able to be used by the authorities and public organizations for "prompt and objective social support of the population." The university has been collecting information from respondents for more than a year - it is claimed that they participate in the testing voluntarily.


As explained in the draft platform, the rating will consist of two numbers in the format of SS-SU, where CC is social status, or "reflection of a person's merits", and SS is the social level, or "digitization of his prospects". For illustrative purposes, option 47-29 is represented.


A person's social status, the document says, will depend on their age, illness, education, marital status, and other things that "characterize their social significance."


A person's social level will reflect his or her intermediate achievements, it is more about "the state's expectations of human development reserves," the authors of the project write.


It is proposed to link the personal data of Russians, including information from the passport, TIN and phone number, to the rating.


A similar system has been officially operating in China since 2021, Kommersant notes. A low rating does not allow you to get a good job, take out a loan, buy a transport ticket, or even rent a bicycle. Points in China are deducted, for example, for criticizing the authorities.

Next year will mark the centenary of the release of Yevgeny Zamyatin's dystopian novel "We" about the total control of the state over the individual.