Anonymous ID: 7b14f3 Oct. 6, 2023, 6:01 p.m. No.19682394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2451 >>2643 >>2668 >>2743

True the Vote Files Affidavit in Trump Georgia Case – Testimony Confirms Brad Raffensperger Lied to President Trump in Jan. 2, 2021 Phone Call. Immediately sued by Stacey Abrams’ organization Fair Fight. Over 67,000 ineligible voters appear to have voted. Federal court trial begins on Oct 26.


Catherine Engelbrecht at True the Vote sent out this letter on Friday.

Anonymous ID: 7b14f3 Oct. 6, 2023, 6:05 p.m. No.19682412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2441 >>2643 >>2668 >>2743

BOMBSHELL:Draft Search Warrant, Email in Hunter Biden Investigation Identify Joe Biden as 'the Big Guy'


Documents released by the House Ways and Means Committee, specifically an email from AUSA Lesley Wolf to FBI and IRS investigators and a draft search warrant referenced in that communication, indicate that President Joe Biden is, in fact, "The Big Guy" referenced in Hunter Biden's emails with business partners. CBS News’ Catherine Herridge went through those documents in a video posted to social media Friday morning.


“The Republican-led House Ways and Means Committee has released hundreds of new documents from the Hunter Biden investigation,” Herridge said, specifically highlighting Exhibits 202 and 203, which detailed communications between prosecutor Leslie Wolf and senior FBI and IRS investigators. She explained that then-Vice President Biden was identified as “political figure one,” or, “the big guy.”


The Republican-led House, Ways and Means Committee has released hundreds of new documents from the Hunter Biden investigation, and I want to walk you through Exhibit 202 and 203. Exhibit 202 is an email from August of 2020. It was sent by prosecutor Leslie Wolf to senior FBI and IRS investigators who are drafting a search warrant. Wolf tells them to keep the scope narrow and limited to potential violations of foreign lobbying laws or FARA, and to remove references to political figure one. So who is political figure one? Well, that's explained in exhibit 203. It's heavily redacted, but this is the draft warrant, and it lists political figure one as former Vice President Joe Biden.


In September, RedState’s Bonchie wrote a piece detailing how Frank Biden, the president’s brother, often referred to Joe as “the big guy,’ demonstrating that the moniker was not only used in Hunter’s email exchanges with his partners.


According to a new report, Frank Biden, the president's brother, referred to him as the "Big Guy" multiple times while working for an industrial manufacturing company called Federal Signal Corporation.


Frank Biden, President Joe Biden’s youngest brother, was “hired by the Illinois-based industrial manufacturing firm Federal Signal Corp. to help connect the company with Florida lawmakers,” the Journal reported. “During a weekly call, Frank Biden, 69 years old, would frequently interrupt the meeting and say he had to take a call from ‘the Big Guy,’ as he put it.”


Frank Biden would say, “I’ve got to put you on hold, the Big Guy is calling me,” Matthew Brady, a Federal Signal employee, recalled of prior conversations, the Journal reported. “I thought, ‘OK, great, your brother is the vice president.'”


These developments eventually led to the impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden that began last week. The first day of the proceedings saw Republicans repudiating claims from Democrats that there was no evidence that the president engaged in any wrongdoing. Leftists on social media even resorted to circulating deceptive videos to give people the impression that even Republicans’ witnesses said there wasn’t enough proof to follow through with an impeachment.


It'll be interesting to see how they spin this latest revelation.

Anonymous ID: 7b14f3 Oct. 6, 2023, 6:09 p.m. No.19682429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2453 >>2643 >>2668 >>2743

Watch: Left-Wing College Kids Demand More War Funding Even As Polls Confirm 'Ukraine Fatigue'

Anonymous ID: 7b14f3 Oct. 6, 2023, 6:10 p.m. No.19682434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2491

Bad news for all those Disney employees: Child Rapists Now Face the Death Penalty in Florida


Child Rapists Now Face the Death Penalty in Florida


A new Florida law is putting a target on the backs of child rapists in the state. The law, labeled HB 1297, was signed in May and took effect last Sunday, October 1. The Bill passed by a margin of 34-…

Anonymous ID: 7b14f3 Oct. 6, 2023, 6:21 p.m. No.19682484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2643 >>2668 >>2743

Soros-Backed Philly DA Basically Admits He's Going to Let Recent Mass Looters Get Away With It


Philly DA not too upset about mass looting


The massive looting sprees and violence against both pedestrians and police in Philadephia have been too much for even the legacy media to ignore. Retail stores, state liquor distributors, and pharmacies have been utterly destroyed and emptied of anything that can be sold on the black market, while the city’s understaffed law enforcement units struggle to bring down at least a few of the gangsters. But to their credit, they have managed to make at least some arrests. So what will happen to these violent vandals? That remains an open question, apparently. The city’s infamous District Attorney, Larry Krasner, was asked about it yesterday. He appears to be taking a “wait and see” approach, insisting that the criminals will have to be dealt with in “an even-handed way.” (Fox News)


Progressive Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner, who has been accused of being soft on crime, assured reporters in recent days that he will investigate the people involved in widespread looting of the city in an “even-handed way.”


Krasner, who was impeached by Pennsylvanian Republicans last year for policies they alleged exacerbated crime in the city, claimed that he will weigh whether those arrested in connection to the looting have been “fundamentally law-abiding people” throughout their lives despite their antics over the weekend.


Krasner made his comments at a pre-planned crime summit at St. Joseph’s University on Saturday following last week’s crime spree where crowds broke into multiple Philadelphia stores, stealing products and destroying property.


This is pretty shocking, even by Krasner’s below-basement-level standards. The world has been watching what’s been going on in Philadelphia, but the Soros-funded District Attorney wants to check and see if all of those looters might just be “fundamentally law-abiding people” who were just getting up to some “antics.” Take a quick look at this video that was recorded the other night. Do these look like fundamentally law-abiding people to you?


Some liberals are already complaining that the police tackled some of the looters and one was seen being punched in the head by a cop. But that looter had already physically assaulted the police as well as one pedestrian on the sidewalk. Complain all you like, but this is yet another example of playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes.


The police even managed to arrest Dayjiaa Blackwell, a social media “influencer” who goes by the handle “Meatball” on Instagram. She was seen laughing and giggling as the looting took place and reportedly used her platform to direct other people where to go so they could participate in the crime spree. Even if she didn’t personally steal anything herself or break any doors or windows, just organizing people online to commit crimes is itself a crime worthy of significant prison time, or so we have been assured by the DOJ’s prosecutors of J6 defendants.

Anonymous ID: 7b14f3 Oct. 6, 2023, 6:24 p.m. No.19682501   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Never Trumpers Beginning to See the Writing on the Wall—That GOP Nomination Is Trump's to Lose


You almost have to feel sorry for the anti/never-Trumpers. They thought Donald Trump was done all the way back to the Mar-a-Lago raid. When that didn't get rid of Trump, along came multiple indictments. Surely four indictments and 90-plus charges would do it. But much to their disappointment, Donald Trump's poll numbers remain as strong as ever, and he has a commanding lead over any of his Republican presidential challengers. All that winning is starting to wear on the anti-Trumpers, and it appears they may be ready to yell "uncle" and come to the conclusion that Donald Trump's supporters are not going anywhere.


Several political action committees (PACs) have decided that millions of dollars in anti-Trump ads are not moving the needle and are rethinking their spending habits. Win It Back is a PAC associated with the Club for Growth. They have spent around $6 million on 40 anti-Trump ads, which have proven to be ineffective. Republican Accountability PAC, a group of former Trump voters whose aim is to move the Republican Party beyond the Trump era, has spent $1 million on campaign ads in Iowa. Sarah Longwell is the head of the Republican Accountability PAC and said, "We have stopped spending money in the primary."


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis seems to be the candidate being hit the hardest by individual high-dollar GOP donors who are starting to see a bit of futility in the primary process. Never Back Down PAC is backing DeSantis, and hotel entrepreneur Robert Bigelow is its largest individual donor, and has, at least for the moment, stopped donating to the PAC. Billionaire and Citadel CEO Ken Griffin was originally an ardent DeSantis supporter and even stated that "our country would be well-served by [DeSantis] as president." But Griffin has pulled back his support of DeSantis, saying recently, “I don’t know his strategy. It’s not clear to me what voter base he is intending to appeal to.”


Trump is also turning a lot of heads down the ballot who have previously been fairly critical of him. Trump and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp scuffled over possible election fraud and the extent of it after the 2020 election. Now, Kemp stated that if Trump is the Republican nominee, he will support him. Even those who have tried to argue that maybe Trump does not have the pull he did in 2016 or even 2020 and said that Trump's election claims in Georgia were "irresponsible" are rethinking that position. Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose met with Trump over the summer and now endorses him.


But for all the never-Trumpers who can't understand why Trump's supporters don't abandon him, there are plenty of those same never-Trumpers who just can't give up the fight to rid the party of him. American Opportunity Alliance is a group of high-dollar Republican donors. They have called a meeting in Dallas next week with representatives of both the DeSantis and Nikki Haley campaigns to determine if either one or both candidates would be viable alternatives to Trump and, therefore, whether it would be financially wise to throw their dollars behind. New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R), whose name was once included among possible GOP candidates, would also like to get behind a candidate other than Trump. During a recent interview with National Public Radio, he stated what his own goal regarding Donald Trump was:


So I'm going to do everything I can, specifically in New Hampshire, but nationally, as much as I can, just to get the message out there that, OK, Trump defines himself. Republicans are over here.

Anonymous ID: 7b14f3 Oct. 6, 2023, 6:29 p.m. No.19682526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2643 >>2668 >>2743

COMMIE GREEN DEAL: Festival That Aims to 'Defend the Planet' Causes Extensive Damage to Central Park, Forcing Partial Closure


Ironically, it destroyed green space enjoyed by the rich and poor alike, in pursuit of saving the environment and lifting up the impoverished.

Anonymous ID: 7b14f3 Oct. 6, 2023, 6:41 p.m. No.19682600   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chicago Teachers Union Boss Says School Choice Is for ‘Racists’ But Sends Son to Private School - It’s (D)ifferent

Anonymous ID: 7b14f3 Oct. 6, 2023, 6:43 p.m. No.19682605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2643 >>2668 >>2684 >>2743

Mexican President Calls Biden's Border Wall a Publicity Stunt


During his regular morning presser on Friday, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said he does not think that the new border wall will even be built, adding that the Biden administration doesn’t even want to build it.


According to the Washington Free Beacon, Lopez Obrador called the wall “pure publicity.” That presser followed a Thursday visit by a delegation from the U.S. State Department, which was led by Antony Blinken. Lopez Obrador commented that the administration does not even want to build the new sections of the wall. He added that during the meeting, the Mexican delegation said it does not believe the migration problem will be solved with a wall, saying, “We’ve always spoken about tending to the root causes.”


Lopez Obrador has a point. In another story, the Free Beacon said that on Thursday, Biden stated that the administration is legally obligated to go through with the construction since the money for the project had been appropriated during the Trump administration and could not be used for anything else. Biden stated:


The money was appropriated for the border wall. I tried to get them to redirect that money. They didn’t. They wouldn’t, and in the meantime, there’s nothing under the law other than they have to use the money for what it was appropriated. I can’t stop that.


This stands in stark contrast to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ statement earlier in the week in which he said there was “an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries.” Of course, that statement stands in stark contrast to one he made in 2021 that he did not agree with building a wall.


Never one to pass up an opportunity for a good old-fashioned tantrum, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) vented her spleen on Thursday, calling the planned construction a “cruel policy.”


I know that the congresswoman objects to the wall on principle, but she should reconsider. It is after Labor Day, and she needs someplace where she can wear that white dress for photo ops.


What we are seeing here is a classic example of this administration’s disorganization. It may be conjecture, but I suspect that when Biden’s people learned that the funding situation was non-negotiable, they needed a way to spin it, hence Mayorkas’ alarmist language. The administration may have thought that this was an opportunity to woo voters who are wary or angry about the president and his record, with the bonus of being able to tweak Trump by completing something he did not.


Then the wall would not be completed, and the blame would fall on Republican obstructionists. But someone, somewhere, realized that renewed construction would infuriate much of the base, although Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-N.Y.) may have privately gotten her hopes up. And so tactics were switched, gears were ground, and the message was reversed.


And no matter what, the wall will not be built.

Anonymous ID: 7b14f3 Oct. 6, 2023, 6:51 p.m. No.19682644   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>Anon, clicked on it and it says “Video Not Found”, do you want to try again?