Bread locking faggots gonna lock bread and faggot
bread locking is the probably the gayest innovation of the baker's union new BO mod crew.
Change my mind!
>bakers can bake whenever they want,
That has always been the case.
>BV locks the bread.
This is the fake and ghey innovation brought to the board by Dart and the bum fucking, cock sucking, homosexual orgy indulging faggots.
Prove me wrong!
Just to highlight, Tranime is your poster child.
A question for the fans of pillow biting: on how many occassions did Dart canvas anons on the subjext of locking breDS TO MAKE SLTHE BOARD APPEAR MORE ACTIVE DURING SLOW TIMES?
caps lock is not shouting, merely that anon accidentally bashed the capslock key and could not be arsed re-writing this crap.
>don't have to change your mind, think what you want.
= can't change your mind as you are correct. Bread locking is breddy gay and there is no logical justification for such homoeroticness
Logical thinking not your strong point?
>bread wars arrr the moast ghey of all wars
Haven't seen one since current pillow biter and baker crew assumed their supine position, and that unto itself, is kinda telling.
Were they behind the bredd wars?
>Logical thinking is my strong point.
Your question suggests otherwise.
Locking slow breads doesn't make the board seem more active?
Show me this fucking logical thinking strong point of yours.
Locking a slow bread, at 600 where the maximum post count (excluding homo deletions) is 751, makes it appears to those not accustomed to the board, that the thre are more posts per minute than there actually are. Can you seriously not wrap your head around this concept?
No one said BO's minions were the sharpest spoons in the drawer
With a capital P is the publisher of English grammar resources anon uses to teach ESL.