Anonymous ID: bbafb2 Oct. 6, 2023, 7:26 p.m. No.19682886   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19682594 Moderna Executive says exploding numbers of vaccine injuries is “Not Our Problem”… They then go on to say… “Moderna has zero interest in using their profits to compensate the millions of victims”…



What did the DOD promise them to get Trump out? Little do they know about Cheyenne Mountain leadership holding the line for CiC


Some explosive revelations coming is my guess, and I think I’m right

Anonymous ID: bbafb2 Oct. 6, 2023, 7:48 p.m. No.19683031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3079

Local Florida News Station Broadcasts Reality of DeSantis Campaign


October 6, 2023 | Sundance |


WFLA news broadcasts in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. Recapping Governor Ron DeSantis campaign trip in the area, the broadcasters were brutally honest.


According to the reporter on the ground, about 200 people showed up for DeSantis and things get worse as the political analyst explains the status of nonexistent campaign funds and donors pulling away from the governor in his doomed bid to reestablish the Bush era in national politics. WATCH:


DeSantis haz sad….



Anonymous ID: bbafb2 Oct. 6, 2023, 7:54 p.m. No.19683079   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh man that was pathetic even FL news doesn’t like him. And DeSantis insinuates Trump is stealing funds from his campaign to pay lawyer debts.Really bad news DeSantis coming to you soon

Anonymous ID: bbafb2 Oct. 6, 2023, 8:03 p.m. No.19683149   🗄️.is 🔗kun


President Trump: This is the greatest witch hunt in the history of our country. There has never been another president, or perhaps even another politician who has been persecuted, harassed, and in every other way unfairly treated like President Donald J. Trump. What Letitia James has tried to do the last number of years is a disgrace to the legal system, an affront to the New York State taxpayers, and a violation of the solemn rights and protections afforded by the United States Constitution. She developed a political platform and made a career out of maliciously attacking me and my business. Before she even understood or was elected or reviewed one of the millions of pages of documents we willingly produced, we willingly produced these documents. James proclaimed that she, quote, looks forward to going into the office of Attorney General every day, suing me, and then going home. This is during her campaign. She announced that she was obsessed with, quote, taking me on, taking me on, and that her eyes were set on Trump Tower, quote, Trump Tower. She even assured her supporters as an election promise very strongly that, quote, we’re going to definitely sue him before she even knew anything about me.


We’re going to be a real pain in his ass. He’s going to know my name personally. And she claimed I was on an illegitimate and that it was an illegitimate president, quote, illegitimate president. In her AG speech, she promised to, quote, shine a bright light into every dark corner of Trump’s real estate holdings. Shortly thereafter, she vowed to, quote, use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his family as well. She knows nothing about us. This is when she knew absolutely nothing about us. It was very unfair. This whole thing is very unfair. As a pretense for commencing her bogus investigation, Letitia James relied on the testimony of Michael Cohen, a convicted felon and liar, the Southern District of New York. Astutely described Cohen as a man who, quote, repeatedly used his power and influence for deceptive ends by engaging in, quote, extensive, deliberate, and serious criminal conduct consistent with a, quote, pattern of deception that permeated his professional life. This was in a long, many page statement by him. It only gets worse. This is the witness, a stone cold loser a loser that she used to justify her obsessive work her obsessive.

Anonymous ID: bbafb2 Oct. 6, 2023, 8:06 p.m. No.19683175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3221 >>3333 >>3484


by Cristina Laila Oct. 6, 2023

Judge Aileen Cannon on Friday paused litigation in Jack Smith’s classified documents case as she decides whether to grant Trump’s motion to extend deadlines related to classified material.


Trump attorneys Chris Kise and Todd Blanche accused Jack Smith’s prosecutors of using dilatory tactics to slow-roll the discovery process and taking too long to turn over evidence. Blanche and Kise said the May trial date makes the schedule “unworkable,” according to the motion reviewed by The Gateway Pundit.


“On July 18, 2023, the Special Counsel’s Office represented to the Court that ‘all’ discovery would be available on ‘day one.’” Trump’s lawyers wrote.


Blanche and Kise also said Jack Smith’s Florida classified docs trial set for May 20 and his separate March 4 DC trial regarding Trump’s so-called effort to stop the transfer of power set for March 4 require “Trump and his lawyers to be in two places at once.”


“The March 4, 2023 trial date in the District of Columbia, and the underlying schedule in that case, currently require President Trump and his lawyers to be in two places at once,” Trump’s lawyers wrote, according to CBS News. “And, months after the Office’s representation to the Court, discovery is not complete in this case—including with respect to the classified documents at issue in more than 25% of the [Espionage Act] counts in the Superseding Indictment.”


Of course, this was Jack Smith’s plan all along. Make it impossible for Trump’s lawyers to navigate between Washington DC and Florida by scheduling court dates on top of each other.


The attorneys said the classification reviews and most basic discovery have not been handed over by DOJ prosecutors.


“These are not mere ‘complaints.’ The Special Counsel’s Office has not provided some of the most basic discovery in the case,” the attorneys wrote. “Given the current schedule, we cannot understate the prejudice to President Trump arising from his lack of access to these critical materials months after they should have been produced.”


Blanche and Kise, who previously sought security clearances to review classified material in this case, argued the special counsel hadn’t even provided basic arrangements for handling the classified documents.


“The Special Counsel’s Office has failed to make very basic arrangements in this District for the handling of the relevant classified information, the holding of necessary CIPA hearings, and the production of related work products by the court and counsel,” the lawyers wrote in the 12-page filing.


Judge Aileen Cannon temporarily paused litigation in the classified documents case on Friday. The trial is scheduled to begin May 20.


ABC News reported:


The judge overseeing the probe into former President Donald Trump’s handling of classified documents has paused any litigation involving the classified materials in question as she considers a request from Trump to extend deadlines in the case, according to a new order.


At issue is how the classified materials at the center of the case are to be handled by the defendants and their attorneys, based on national security requirements.


After Judge Aileen Cannon established several deadlines for ruling on those issues, Trump’s legal team last month filed a motion asking her for a three-month extension, saying that Trump and his co-defendants have still not had access “to significant portions of the materials that the Special Counsel’s Office has characterized as classified and conceded are discoverable — much less the additional classified materials to which President Trump is entitled following anticipated discovery litigation.”


Cannon’s order on Friday temporarily pauses the upcoming deadlines as she considers Trump’s motion.


Jack Smith recently indicted Trump on 37 federal counts in Miami in the classified documents case.


Trump was charged with 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information and 6 other process crimes stemming from his conversations with his lawyer.


In July Jack Smith hit Trump with 3 additional charges in a superseding indictment in the classified documents case.

Anonymous ID: bbafb2 Oct. 6, 2023, 8:16 p.m. No.19683240   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kamala Harris Has Deranged Laughing Fit While Talking About the Economy(VIDEO)


by Mike LaChance Oct. 6, 2023

Kamala Harris was recently speaking to Democrat in St. Louis when she launched into a bizarre laughing fit.


At the time, she was talking about the Biden/Harris economic policies, which are obviuously terrible.


Why does she do this? Is it a nervous tic?


RedState reports:


People Wonder if Kamala Harris Was High After Hysterical Laughing Fit


Kamala Harris may be the most uninteresting major politician on the scene right now. It’s hard to express how terrible of a politician she is, and somehow, she continually manages to get worse. Friday provided the perfect example of that a clip emerged showing her devolving into a hysterical laughing fit that left people wondering whether she was high in the comments.


While appearing in St. Louis, MO, to speak to the state’s Democratic Party, Harris was asked about the current economic reality (which isn’t good). Her response came across as some deranged mix of The Joker and Dr. Evil…


HARRIS: Popular, popular, popular! We just need to let everybody know who brought it to them.


(maniacal laughter)


HOST: Receipts. Amen.


HARRIS: That’s doable!


(more maniacal laughter)


Here’s the video:


What is wrong with her?

Anonymous ID: bbafb2 Oct. 6, 2023, 8:23 p.m. No.19683289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3298 >>3333 >>3484

Out of the 8,000 Troops Discharged Over Biden’s Vaccine Mandate, Only 43 Have Rejoined

by Mike LaChance Oct. 6, 2023


Now that Biden’s vaccine mandate for the U.S. Military has been lifted, members who were discharged for refusing the vaccine can rejoin the service.


It’s not working out too well.


Out of the 8,000 people who were discharged, only 43 have rejoined.


Breitbart News reports:


Report: Only 43 Out of 8K Troops Discharged over Biden’s Military Vaccine Mandate Have Sought to Rejoin


Only 43 out of more than 8,000 service members who were discharged from the military over the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate have sought to rejoin, according to a recent report by CNN.


According to the report, 19 have rejoined the Army, 12 have rejoined the Marine Corps, one has rejoined the Air Force, and two have rejoined the Navy.


The report suggested that the low numbers prove that Republicans who say the mandate hurt recruiting and retention were wrong.


However, some troops who fought the mandate while they were in the military told Breitbart News that they disagree.


Retired Air Force Master Sergeant Nick Kupper, who recently retired after successfully fighting his discharge, told Breitbart News that troops are not seeking to rejoin because they feel betrayed.


“I think a service member going back to the military after being kicked out over the COVID mandate is like a woman going back to her abusive husband. He promises that this time will be different and that he won’t hit her anymore, but in reality he’ll likely hit her so hard that he kills her this time,” he said.


Who can blame these soldiers for feeling this way?


Our men and women in uniform deserve so much better.

Anonymous ID: bbafb2 Oct. 6, 2023, 8:33 p.m. No.19683358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3386 >>3390 >>3484

Hillary Clinton, “maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the MAGA cult members”


October 6, 2023 | Sundance

In multiple reference points throughout the annals of history, you will find numerous quotes and citations from various governmental andcivic leaders as they began to devalue/dehumanize specific segments of people – prior to the phase of purging, the final solution.


It is a very specific type of dangerous psychology, a sociopath condition, that cannot allow people to exist who do not conform to the mindset or worldview of the speaker. It is not a type of messaging to be tossed into the bucket of “she really didn’t mean that.” Yes, actually yes, she did. She means every word of it. WATCH:


“[President Trump is] now defending himself in civil actions and criminal actions, and when do they break with him? You know, because at some point … maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members. But something needs to happen.”


Keep in mind, during COVID-19 various ‘western’ governments set up quarantine camps and isolation camps where people were forcibly removed from their homes and taken to facilities against their will. We roll out eyes at these comments by Hillary Clinton,yet we would be well advised to consider the coldness of the potential. History may not always repeat, but it certainly rhymes.


(If they can eat babies or tear the face off a child, they will do anything. What do we do with the Satanic Cult Members? Cast them in the Lake of Fire? Its about time!)

Anonymous ID: bbafb2 Oct. 6, 2023, 8:40 p.m. No.19683406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3446 >>3484 >>3513

CPAC Invites Democrat Candidate to Address Audience – RFK Jr. Will Attend, Hoping to Remove More Trump Support


October 6, 2023 | Sundance |


The larger American conservative audience is more awake today than at any time in modern political history. People are finally starting to see the root cause control and influence operations carried out by multinational corporations who control both parties and all subsequent candidates in the U.S system.


This awakening is a very good and necessary thing to watch happen in real time. As previously mentioned, we are living in a time of great consequence.


The latest example of our corrupt system surfaces within an easily understood announcement. The Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) has invited Robert Kennedy Jr. to attend their conference. CPAC is considered a highly influential political operation that is well known in U.S. politics.


However, as the chasm between the professional Republican class and the voters has widened over the last several years, CPAC has lost favor with the base conservative movement. For most of the past decade, CPAC morphed into a fully entrenched GOP establishment influence operation. Corporate sponsorship began influencing who would be permitted to speak, and Matt Schlapp just accelerated the connection between BIG CLUB money and CPAC.


Today’s announcement surrounding CPAC inviting Robert Kennedy Jr. is transparently part of the overall GOPe operation to use RFK Jr. as a vote splitter away from President Donald Trump. In his own words RFK Jr admitted, “if he ran as an independent, he would hurt Trump more than Biden,” therefore he is running as an independent. Stopping Donald Trump is the priority; RFK Jr’s status in the race is secondary.


As you might have noticed, CTH is now drilling down the mask slipping to the root inflection point where the corporations and Fourth Branch of Government take ownership of the individual. In the case of Matt Schlapp, the leverage for this operation began with a lawsuit against him earlier this year for being a sexual deviant and groping a man’s penis – what they call sexual assault, in Georgia. {GO DEEP} Matt always had a zipper problem; it makes sense with a few drinks the perversions would actuate.


When you chase understanding the odd and irreconcilable actions, money and/or sexual blackmail and threats are generally the issues that reconcile the odd or conflicting behavior. Compromise Schlapp, who was preexisting sketchy, add in the corporate leverage, and violà the standard influence operation is underway….


….Inviting RFK Jr to CPAC just becomes another irreconcilable datapoint that reconciles.


This is the way the multinational corporations roll. Control is why the Sea Island assembly, assembles.


RFK Jr. is not going to CPAC to target Biden voters.


The RNC, the DNC, the RGA and CPAC all funded by the same financial donors. What George Carlin called, “The Big Club.”


(So Matt Shlapp and Mercedes just betrayed Trump and MAGA, not unpredictablewho accused Matt of fucking with male children a couple of years ago?)

Anonymous ID: bbafb2 Oct. 6, 2023, 8:50 p.m. No.19683446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3511


GOP strategist comes forward publicly in sexual assault case against conservative leader Matt SchlappMarch 8, 2023


The Republican political strategist who accused conservative leader Matt Schlapp, the influential chairman of the American Conservative Union, of sexual assault is revealing his identity after a judge ruled Wednesday that he cannot move forward with his lawsuit anonymously.

Carlton Huffman, 39, was working for Herschel Walker’s Senate campaign in Georgia when Huffman said Schlapp groped and fondled his groin without his consent as he drove the ACU president back from two area bars to an Atlanta hotel several weeks before the November midterm election.

Huffman, who gave CNN permission to use his name ahead of the court’s decision being made public, plans to proceed with his civil lawsuit, which is seeking more than $9 million in damages for alleged sexual battery, defamation and conspiracy to impugn the accuser.

In a statement given to CNN, Huffman said, “On Oct 19, 2022, Matt Schlapp attempted to take my dignity but he did not take my voice. Today, I reclaim that voice and for every victim of sexual assault, I am here to say there is justice and there will be accountability. I look forward to our day in court.”

Benjamin Chew, the Schlapps’ lawyer, told CNN, “The Schlapps are gratified by the Court’s decision.”

Mark Corallo, a spokesman for the Schlapps, said in a separate statement, “We are confident that when his full record is brought to light in a court of law, we will prevail. Out of respect for the court, we have no further comment at this time.”

An attorney for Huffman did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

“It’s a scandal,” one Republican operative who has worked on several presidential campaigns told CNN. “If you are thinking about running for president and you’re not Donald Trump, you can’t afford a misstep. You can’t afford to be linked to a scandal.”

Huffman was working for the Georgia GOP and Walker’s campaign at the time and had been assigned to drive Schlapp to campaign events in the Atlanta area.

Huffman, who was listed as John Doe in the initial lawsuit, alleges that after he came forward with his accusations, Schlapp and Mercedes Schlapp, his wife, partook in “dishonest efforts” along with “others associated with and acting in concert with them, to discredit Mr. Doe.”

The lawsuit goes on to claim that, as a result of the Schlapps’ alleged conspiracy, Huffman “suffered damages, including and without limitation embarrassment, humiliation, stress, and reputational harm.”

ACU leadership defended Schlapp after the allegations became public earlier this year, calling the initial report an attempt at “character assassination.” The group’s first and second vice chairs added, “We stand squarely behind Matt Schlapp, and the ACU Board of Directors has full confidence in his leadership of the organization.”

Huffman said he had agreed to meet Schlapp for a beer in October because he was “eager to make a connection” due to Schlapp’s prominence within the Republican Party. The men met up for drinks at two Atlanta bars, and while at the second bar, the lawsuit says Schlapp “sat unusually close to Mr. Doe, such that his leg repeatedly contacted and was in almost constant contact with Mr. Doe’s leg,” making him uncomfortable, according to the lawsuit.

Huffman alleged that as he drove Schlapp to his hotel, Schlapp “began aggressively fondling (his) genital area in a sustained fashion,” the lawsuit says, causing Huffman to freeze with “fear and panic from what was happening.”

Later that evening, Schlapp called Huffman, according to a call log reviewed by CNN, to confirm that Huffman would be driving him to another Walker event the next morning. After receiving the call, Huffman said he broke down and memorialized what happened by recording videos of himself describing the alleged assault.

“Matt Schlapp, of the CPAC, grabbed my junk and pummeled it at length. And I’m sitting there (in the car) saying, ‘What the hell is going on that this person with a wife and kids is literally doing this to me, from Manuel’s Tavern to the Hilton Garden Inn there at the Atlanta Airport,’” Huffman said in one of the self-recorded clips, which CNN reviewed. “He literally has his hands on me. And I feel so fking dirty. Feel so fking dirty. So I don’t know what to do in the morning.”

Huffman ultimately decided to tell top Walker campaign officials about the alleged incident. They immediately directed him not to drive Schlapp and to pass on a phone number for a car service.

Tim Hyland, an attorney for Huffman, said in an earlier statement that, “Because Mr. Schlapp has refused to own up to his misbehavior, this suit aims to make Mr. Schlapp, and those who lie for him, accountable for their actions.”