pain coming,my ass,you cope-nigga
nothing ever happens you dumb cunt
the guilty escape,pain free,every time
pain coming,my ass,you cope-nigga
nothing ever happens you dumb cunt
the guilty escape,pain free,every time
fuck off,pleiadian jerkwad
aint no ayys,aint no precipice,unless it's the precipice of you being butt fucked in your stanky cornhole for eternity by your sky daddy masturbation fantasy
I will find you and shit down your throat you eminent loser,you are cucked beyond redemption
fuck off with your programmed pop culture
military strategy is doing really well,aint it?
what page are you on?
it's the page where you get bent over and fucked royally in your homo loving ass you dumbfuck
Tongue my taint
fuck off cunt, with your low IQ inculcated hollywood cope tropes
"muh force"
you are brain washed,you have no original thought processes, you just regurgitate popular culture dispensed to you from your MSM overlords
you are a gormless cucked slave,end of story
I despise you
YOU are worthless,a nothing,nada