>> 1968882
>> 1968882
>> 1968925
>There are many Christian anons out there.
Don't believe flat, imoveable earth is possibe?
Let's see what the Bible has to say about earth (see memes).
Now, take what you just learned from scriptures
and go prove it with science.
They beg you to research their retardation & throw in the hook for God in an absurd attempt to link the 2. People HAVE woken up & the consensus is you fucking shills are shit tier Clown Psyop operatives, you exist only to attempt to divert Anons attention from the Cabal's fuckery. So incredibly lame, it's beyond the pale.
Brock, you're gonna have to do better than that
>> 1968971 Thanks for the (You), you retarded cocksucker.
Rest assured you'll never get one from me. Newfags maybe but if they're you coleagues they should get docked pay for artificially inflating your replies.
These FLATTARDS are the scum of the Earth, bottom of the barrel shills. YOUR LAME SHILLOTRY IS NOT WORKING, CAPICE?