"Do I look like I want to be rescued?"
They always lurk.
It ain't like they ain't been saying it since the start, or anything.
It's October. Gotta have a little scary-scare for the Halloween fans out there.
Everyone seems to keep forgetting that Israel isn't a place in the middle east.
>Ew, wikipedia link
I know, I know. But still. Israel isn't a place in the middle east. Israel would be the most multicultural place on the planet comprised of all sorts of cultures and religions living cohesively in relative peace/harmony.
I wonder if anons can rub some brain cells together and figure out what such a place would look like, and why a group of jealous cunts would feel the need to steal the name Israel for their own purposes?
Oh, Jesus. Ian's taking a break from shitting on black people to cover the Israel stuff.
All I wanted to do is celebrate Columbus Day all weekend and some dumb fucks have to go and start some shit in "greatest ally" territory.