Anonymous ID: a5aa6d Oct. 7, 2023, 7:37 a.m. No.19685656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5676 >>5777

Bannon Air Q, commsyesterday

NYTimes front page is about (You)

Goes around the front pageClockwise

Warroom (You) in the middle. Anons are driving the narratives


14:10 mins

"Biden, in shift, cracks down on migration

Bidens gonna build a wall.

Of what they called you racist about, what they called you nativist about,

What they called you xenophobes about,

and trashed Donald Trump when he came down the escalator on, what,

17 of June

of 2015?

>It was the 16th of June

and now…


SB: " Go around the entire paper,

>Draws a circle with his hand

Pattern Recognition,


let me wait for it…

That is(You)

>Draws the slash with a (You)

That is 100% you are driving the politics in this nation.

And they hate it.

You have forced Biden to the border

to build a wall.

You have forced wall st to recognize that the debt is destroying this country

and you've said on Ukraine. Not over my dead body"





Anonymous ID: a5aa6d Oct. 7, 2023, 7:52 a.m. No.19685777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5811 >>5838


>Bannon Air Q, commsyesterday


>17 of June

>of 2015?

>>It was the 16th of June

Steve is giving off somesave Israel for last vibes today

Talking about Israel backing out of Baghdadi strike and Netenyaho throwing Trump under the bus after Potato took over.