Anonymous ID: d15028 Oct. 7, 2023, 7:24 a.m. No.19685544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5552 >>5562 >>5611

WOW the Jew haters are mad today.


No worries Isreal will bomb the fuck out of Gaza in short order. Say goodbye to anyone still in Gaza.


Isreal has Nukes Gaza does not. BOOM


Does Gaza have nuclear weapons?

In accordance with Article 2 of the TPNW, Palestine submitted a declaration to the UN secretary-general on 21 February 2021 confirming that it does not own, possess, or control nuclear weapons, has never done so, and does not host any other state's nuclear weapons on its territory.,In%20accordance%20with%20Article%202%20of%20the%20TPNW%2C%20Palestine%20submitted,nuclear%20weapons%20on%20its%20territory.


Does Israel have tactical nuclear weapons?

The Israeli Air Force has F-15I and F-16I Sufa fighter aircraft which are capable of delivering tactical and strategic nuclear weapons at long distances using conformal fuel tanks and supported by their aerial refueling fleet of modified Boeing 707s.,fleet%20of%20modified%20Boeing%20707s.