Anonymous ID: 2c9675 Oct. 7, 2023, 12:08 p.m. No.19687485   🗄️.is 🔗kun

POTUS Truthed an article by a conservative whoshouldbe helping to get the fucking TRUTHS out there instead of warping & burying it even deeper: Wayne Allyn Root: Why Did Attorney General Merrick Garland Bring up the Holocaust?


Am not denying the holocaust (as Communist ADL acolytes will cry), but he and others need to stop warping & suppressing HISTORY. He writes: Every single thing Merrick Garland does is a copy of what Nazis, and the Gestapo, and the KGB, and other Marxist thugs the world over have done to their own citizens. He lists KGB but OMITS theKPDWHY? Where’s the proof that “nazis” were “marxists”? THEY FOUGHT EACH OTHER! It’s shit like this that keeps the “muh hitler” and Jewish-hate spam shit going, to DROWN it out, Saul Alinsky and ADL-Style.

COMMUNIST ORIGIN OF THE ANTIFA The Soviets believed that following Russia’s communist revolution, communism would next spread to Germany, since Germany had the second largest communist party, the KPD . It was at the fourth World Congress of the Comintern in 1922 that the plan took shape….


WAR continues: I am comparing what’s happening today (demonization, censorship, arrests, FBI raids)…what Merrick Garland is doing to innocent Americans who happen to oppose his evil agenda…to 1930’s Nazi Germany. Well, VLAD LENIN — and FDR & UNCLE JOE STALIN who wiped the nazis OUT — SAY “HELLO!” NO MENTION OF THE BOLSHEVIKS or the 1930s SOVIET infiltration of literally every mainstream crevice of this country. SOVIET. SOVIET. = SOVIET descendants. Look at Big business/tech/entertainment/education, ETC. - ALL of it. They came HERE in the ‘30s.


November 7, 2017 WSJ: 100 Years of Communism—and 100 Million Dead The Bolshevik plague that began in Russia was the greatest catastrophe in human history. November 1917, Armed Bolsheviks seized the Winter Palace in Petrograd…They set in motion a chain of events that would kill millions and inflict a near-fatal wound on Western civilization…. In countries where communism came to hold sway, it hollowed out society’s moral core, degrading the individual and turning him into a cog in the machinery of the state… But the Bolsheviks’ influence was not limited to these countries. In the West, communism inverted society’s understanding of the source of its values, creating political confusion that persists to this day.


article cont’d: … Such convictions set the stage for decades of murder on an industrial scale. In total, no fewer than 20 million Soviet citizens were put to death by the regime or died as a direct result of its repressive policies. This does not include the millions who died in the wars… The victims include 200,000 killed during the Red Terror (1918-22); 11 million dead from famine and dekulakization; 700,000 executed during the Great Terror (1937-38); 400,000 more executed between 1929 and 1953; 1.6 million dead during forced population transfers; and a minimum 2.7 million dead in the Gulag, labor colonies and special settlements. To this list should be added nearly a million Gulag prisoners released during World War II into Red Army penal battalions, where they faced almost certain death; the partisans and civilians killed in the postwar revolts against Soviet rule in Ukraine and the Baltics; and dying Gulag inmates freed so that their deaths would not count in official statistics. If we add to this list the deaths caused by communist regimes that the Soviet Union created and supported—including those in Eastern Europe, China, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam and Cambodia—the total number of victims is closer to 100 million. That makes communism the greatest catastrophe in human history. That these sentiments were neither accidental nor ephemeral was made clear in 2008, when the Russian Parliament, the Duma, for the first time adopted a resolution regarding the 1932-33 famine that had killed millions. When the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia, Western intellectuals, influenced by the same lack of an ethical point of reference that led to Bolshevism in the first place, closed their eyes to the atrocities. When the killing became too obvious to deny, sympathizers excused what was happening because of the Soviets’ supposed noble intentions.