Anonymous ID: 3a5355 Oct. 7, 2023, 4:09 p.m. No.19689278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9519 >>9896


>>19688588 pb

The books were chronologically reversed, put in an altered order, that why the fulfilled prophecy?

If it was really so long ago why do people have alleged genealogy which reaches back to Cyrus KAIRUS?

official accepted History's been altered.

>>19688547 pb


>>19688890 pb

any links as to how to work the proto thingy?

>>19688910 pb


And when Mengele went undercover, after the war?, he transition to "Irene" "wife" of the Mengele stand-in, the one they show in later photos, with the Alfred Newman-style gapped front teeth. That was supposedly Mengele. In those days it wasn't as easy to compare photos and images were more controlled, less available - People thought the wife was "Irene" and the gap-tooth guy was Mengele, though it was likely just Mengele's assistant - and for sure "his" beard. - The hoaxers (NAZI) must've thought they got rid of, expunged, the earlier photos.

These two historians, at the link to previous bread above, figured it out; compared the photos, which they came upon through other research.

This surfaced on the qresearch board several years ago, by now.

Anonymous ID: 3a5355 Oct. 7, 2023, 4:35 p.m. No.19689413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9519


The alleged brother, Tony, looks nothing like John.

Hillary looks nothing like her alleged brother (also "Tony"?) nor like her alleged father.

"Father" looks like fake brother.

Tony Rodham.

The "brothers" in these cases always seem to be losers and con artists; what are the chances if they are really from the same family.

Jimmy Carter also had a loser brother.

Bill Clinton was an only; a one-off. The father they say was his wasn't 'in town' at the proper time.

They all (the famous ones) might be "cut - outs"?

Anonymous ID: 3a5355 Oct. 7, 2023, 4:54 p.m. No.19689519   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In the fifties there was a character on TV,( around the same time as creepy Kinsey was doing his tests, (seeing if he could get toddlers to orgasm ))- called Mr. GREEN GENES - friend who's Dad was a military research scientist was close friends with the actor who played "Capt Kangaroo"?

I wonder.


Thinking maybe the TV shows talk directly to their subjects through these shows, via codes or triggers? all in public, in plain site, very easily.

Mr. GREEN GENES the farmer?

They are doing the same thing meow through the cell phones / shows *YT ? which "talk" to children directly through hand signs, etc.?


The algos pick up the voice of a child and change the programming accordingly? And then "talk" directly to the child through the handheld, Seen it. Others should confirm for themselves. I only saw it once.

Anonymous ID: 3a5355 Oct. 7, 2023, 5:13 p.m. No.19689606   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"The migrants didn't take their vaxxes"

come on man.

Migrants are healthy and very strong, And very well fed.

You must mean the homeless who are left out in the cold and given shitty food.

Or people in hospitals who aren't fed right.

Or people s who immune system is messed up by t he clot -shot / spike protein - which lives on and proliferates in the bodies of the injected, creating a toxic load.

"The Forever War Against the Forever Vax, Forever Shedding and Cumulative Toxic Load"