Anonymous ID: 49b3b1 Oct. 7, 2023, 3:58 p.m. No.19689222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9509 >>9732 >>9915 >>9941

It’s been 3 freakin months, why are set to declare now

7 Oct, 2023 18:51

US set to declare Niger takeover a coup – CNN

The designation of July’s takeover by a new military government may hinder Washington’s counterterrorism operations in the region


US President Joe Biden’s administration is reportedly preparing to officially designate July’s military takeover of Niger’s government a coup d’etat, a legal step thatwill limit Washington’s ability to collaborate with the West African nationon counterterrorism operations in the region.


The US State Department will announce suspension of some assistance to Niger as a result of the coup designation, CNN reportedon Friday, citing two unidentified sources familiar with the administration’s plans. “As we continue our diplomatic engagements to preserve civilian rule in Niger, we are continuing to assess additional next steps but have nothing to preview at this time,” a department spokesperson said.


Nigerien President Mohamed Bazoum was ousted on July 26, and the new government suspended military cooperation agreements with France amid dissatisfaction over the West’s counter-insurgency operation in the Sahel region. The new rulers also expelled France’s ambassador, and French troops began withdrawing from Niger this week.


The US embassy in Niamey will continue to operate, while the Pentagon is assessing how the coup designation will affect its approximately 1,000 troops stationed in Niger, according to the CNN report. Washington is unlikely to withdraw all of its forces from the country, but those who remain will work in a more limited role of intelligence-gathering, the outlet said.


US economic and security assistance to Niger may be halted. Funding to help support the country’s military could be prohibited under the coup designation.


Washington has several military bases in Niger, including at least two drone bases, to support counterterrorism missions in the Sahel. US troops have worked closely with French forces in the region. They ostensibly operate in the country to help the Nigerien military to combat terrorism and expand its capabilities.


The Pentagon said last month that it was moving forces from an airport near Niamey to an air base in Agadez, about 920 kilometers (570 miles) northeast of the capital. Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh called the move “precautionary,” saying there was no threat to American troops. “Our force posture hasn’t changed,” she added.

Anonymous ID: 49b3b1 Oct. 7, 2023, 4:08 p.m. No.19689273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9509 >>9732 >>9915 >>9941

7 Oct, 2023 18:51

Manchester City owner probed over Russia links

Sheikh Mansour could be disqualified from owning the English champions if he is sanctioned by the UK


The UK government must investigate if Manchester City owner Sheikh Mansour assisted wealthy Russians under Western sanctions in moving their assets to the United Arab Emirates,lawyers representing an anonymous Ukrainian activisthave said.


“Sheikh Mansour is a particularly high-profile individual and as the owner of one of the United Kingdom’s most celebrated football clubs, is a person who ought to be subject to reasonable scrutiny by the UK government,” a letter sent to UK foreign secretary James Cleverly reads, according to numerous sources on Friday.


It adds that following the discovery of what the letter says is a “wealth of evidence” linking Sheikh Mansour “with the accommodation of wealthy Russians in the UAE,” there is a basis “for the UK government to conduct an investigation.” The request for an update from Cleverly follows an initial inquiry from the same legal team in September last year.The Ukrainian activist behind the letter is maintaining their anonymity for fear of reprisal, reports say.


The letter calls upon UK lawmakers to determine if Mansour should be considered a “designated person” who would be subject to financial sanctions under the Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019.


If a government investigation were to conclude that Mansour was an individual subject to sanctions, it would disqualify him from owning Manchester City under updated ownership rules in the English Premier League published in March. Mansour would be potentially liable for sanctions if he was determined to have participated in actions that threaten or undermine Ukraine’s territorial integrity.


The letter adds that “many Russian oligarchs appear to have found a home for their wealth in the United Arab Emirates, with Dubai and Abu Dhabi apparently being particularly attractive to those individuals.”


In response, a spokesperson for the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO) said: “We will not tolerate attempts to help Russian oligarchs hide their assets in complex financial networks and in April introduced a sanctions package to crack down on their enablers.”


The FCDO is “aware” of Russian efforts to circumvent sanctions, the Guardian said on Friday. The newspaper also notes that the governmental body has increased its efforts in various countries, including the UAE, Türkiye, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Armenia and Serbia, to disrupt Russian efforts to source sanctioned goods used in weapons manufacturing.


Last week, the UK government said that in excess of 1,800 had been sanctioned under its regulations. About 1,600 of these came following the onset of Moscow’s military action in Ukraine last year – one of whom was former Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich, who was later forced to sell the Premier League giants.


Sheikh Mansour purchased Manchester City in 2008.During his tenure as owner, the club has won seven Premier League titles, six League Cups, three FA Cups and one UEFA Champions League. Mansour has attended just two matches since gaining ownership of the club.


(The UK’s economy is falling fast if they do this they will jeopardize their relationship to the middle East, why don’t they investigate Ukraine oligarchs who hide their money in the middle East. Or better yet the UK politicians that hide their money in Ukraine.)

Anonymous ID: 49b3b1 Oct. 7, 2023, 4:26 p.m. No.19689359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9372 >>9509 >>9732 >>9915 >>9941

(See the picture that RT used of Netanyahu, it seems to suggest Israel either started this or wanted it.)

7 Oct, 2023 21:28

Netanyahu vows to turn Gaza into ‘ruins’

The Israeli PM urged civilians to leave Gaza, warning the war with Hamas “will take time” and be a “difficult” one


PM Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to “take revenge for this black day” and turn all the sites used by Palestinian militant group Hamas into “ruins” in the aftermath of a massive attack by the militant group on southern Israel.


In a new televised address late on Saturday, the Israeli PM called Gaza “the city of evil,”urging civilians to immediately leave theovercrowded Palestinian enclave, home to an estimated 2 million people.


“All the places that Hamas hides in, operates in, we will turn them into ruins,” Netanyahu stated. “Get out of there now.”


“What happened today has never been seen before in Israel, and I will ensure it never happens again. The entire government supports this decision. The IDF will immediately use all its power to destroy Hamas’ capabilities,” he added, warning thatIsrael is headed for a “difficult” war that is set to “take time.”


The new escalation between Hamas and Israel began early on Saturday, when the militant group launched a major attack from Gaza. Hamas attacked multiple locations in southern Israel, overrunning military installations and breaching the border at different points. During the attacks, the militants destroyed and captured assorted Israeli military hardware, as well as killed and took prisoner multiple Israeli soldiers and civilians, footage circulating online suggests.


The hostilities continued through the day, with Hamas launching several massive barrages of rockets deeper into Israeli territory. Israel conducted multiple air strikes on Gaza, destroying several high-rise buildings purportedly used by Hamas. Netanyahu has squarely described the escalation as a “war,”announcing the call-up of reservists to further bolster the ranks of the country’s military.

Anonymous ID: 49b3b1 Oct. 7, 2023, 5:04 p.m. No.19689569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9582 >>9732 >>9915 >>9941

(Pretty sure Sundance didn’t get the staged message, but article relevant)

Protected: Joe Biden Delivers Remarks Following Hamas Terrorist Attack on Israel


October 7, 2023 | Sundance


As the death toll mounts… Joe Biden, supported by Anthony Blinken, deliver remarks following a massive terrorist attack by Hamas against Israel.


Biden and Blinken recently gave Iran $6 billion to support the turmoil in the middle east. One week later, Hamas, a terror ally of Iran, launches their attack.


Warning – Graphic Imagery Follows 👇


White House – This morning, I spoke with Prime Minister Netanyahu about the horrific and ongoing attacks in Israel. The United States unequivocally condemns this appalling assault against Israel by Hamas terrorists from Gaza, and I made clear to Prime Minister Netanyahu that we stand ready to offer all appropriate means of support to the Government and people of Israel.


Terrorism is never justified. Israel has a right to defend itself and its people. The United States warns against any other party hostile to Israel seeking advantage in this situation. My Administration’s support for Israel’s security is rock solid and unwavering.


Jill and I are keeping in our prayers all of the families who have been hurt by this violence. We are heartbroken by the lives that have been tragically cut short and hope for a swift recovery for all those who have been wounded.


My team and I are tracking this situation closely, and I will remain in close touch with Prime Minister Netanyahu. (link)


Do not look away…


Why is it important not to look away?


…. Because Joe Biden has imported thousands of terrorists through the U.S. Southern border. All of those agents of death, are one moment away from activating in your neighborhood.

Anonymous ID: 49b3b1 Oct. 7, 2023, 5:27 p.m. No.19689681   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“Our world was at peace under President Trump.


His clear-eyed realism, raw projection of national strength, and his rejection of ideology in favor of pragmatism and national interest, brought us an unprecedented era of global harmony.


Whereas the DC set prattles on endlessly about the rules-based international order — the bloodless and esoteric obsession of the grad school credential class divorced from the iron laws of history — Trump understood the forces that shape world events: relationships, resources, rivalries, and the rational pursuit of self-interest and self-determination.


He understood you cannot impose an ideology over the essential nature of nation and man.


Instead of wasting away America’s diplomatic and financial assets trying to forcibly impose our values across the planet — which consistently yields the opposite effect — he focused on the formation of mutually-beneficial partnerships to foster global stability.


And he used our economic leverage as deterrence rather than fritter it away on nation building: knowing that a country which seeks to protect its own economic interests will always command more respect and find more common ground in its dealings with foreign powers.


Biden trashed it all. Set it all ablaze. His Administration’s toxic blend of idiocy, imbecility, incompetence and ideological extremism has turned calm into calamity. Peace into pandemonium. Harmony into hell.


The message sent and received by our humiliation in Afghanistan, our cash bonfire in Ukraine, our internal repression as we preach “democracy,” our cultural self-flagellation, self-abasement and the self-annihilation of our own border, is that we are not a country to be taken seriously only taken advantage of. Over and over.


Under Biden, we are not a sovereign nation but a checkbook. A printing press. A mark. A punching bag. A sunken power. A spent power. A hollowed power. A rapidly declining power.


And as the torch of American liberty goes dark the world is lit instead by the fire of destruction.”


~ Stephen Miller

Anonymous ID: 49b3b1 Oct. 7, 2023, 5:37 p.m. No.19689749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9807


Interesting, I was wondering why he said it. But also Trump talking to Xi and Xi said you are kidding me Bidan is not president.Trump said they think I’m faking them out and I’m really President


I’ve thought this from the beginning at the very least CiC.


The Precipice was created to wake people up

Anonymous ID: 49b3b1 Oct. 7, 2023, 5:42 p.m. No.19689771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9782 >>9783

This guy lying in a pool of blood and has blood all around but seemingly not on his clothes. That doesn't seem normal, wouldn’t he be blood drenched somewhere?

Anonymous ID: 49b3b1 Oct. 7, 2023, 5:44 p.m. No.19689782   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why did he get out of his car or race away, to many weird things going on. If he was shot in head standing wouldn’t it have splattered over his shirt at least

Anonymous ID: 49b3b1 Oct. 7, 2023, 5:52 p.m. No.19689838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9875

Picture: Smoke and flames rise from the targets of Israeli air strikes early Sunday morning in the Gaza Strip. © Getty Images / Ali Jadallah/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images


7 Oct, 2023 23:43

Israel bombs Hamas sites hidden in mosques – IDF

West Jerusalemhas allegedthat the militant group was using places of worship in Gaza to direct attacks

Israel bombs Hamas sites hidden in mosques – IDF


Israeli warplanes have struck two mosques in the Gaza Strip that allegedly housed Hamas command centers used to direct the militant group’s ongoing major offensive.


“Fighter jets attacked two operational infrastructures that were located in mosques and were used by the terrorist organization Hamas to direct terror against the state of Israel,” the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said in an operational update posted early Sunday. The IDF claimed that Hamas was using the holy sites and the civilian population of the Gaza Strip to evade Israel’s response to the surprise attacks launched by the group on Saturday.


Israel has cut off electricity service to the Palestinian territory and carried out dozens of air strikes against Hamas targets after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that the country is at war with the militant group. The PM vowed in a televised address on Saturday night to “take revenge for this black day” and turn all of the sites used by Hamas in the Gaza Strip into “ruins.”


Netanyahu vows to turn Gaza into ‘ruins’ READ MORE Netanyahu vows to turn Gaza into ‘ruins’

“All the places that Hamas hides in, operates in, we will turn into ruins,” Netanyahu said. He urged civilians in the area to “get out of there now.”


The fighting began early Saturday, when Hamas launched rockets into Israel and infiltrated villages in the southern part of the country with militants. Local media reports said more than 300 Israelis had been killed, and nearly 1,600 were wounded. Dozens of Israeli civilians and troops were captured and taken to Gaza. Rocket attacks against Israel continued into Saturday night.


Israel’s retaliatory strikes against Hamas killed more than 230 and injured almost 1,800, according to the Gaza health ministry.


Hamas deputy chief Saleh al-Arouri told Al Jazeera that the group had captured so many Israelis, including senior officers, that it expected to negotiate a prisoner swap for the release of the thousands of Palestinians incarcerated in Israel’s jails. Al Jazeera television showed a residential tower apparently being hit in an Israeli air strike while one of its journalists was doing a live report from the scene in central Gaza City.