US rpg intended for (youkrane?
oh shit it's a clone of that laptop pedo guy Weiner
I'm just fucking laughing at these
Save every one of them
Their bloodthirst knows no limits
"kill all the Gaza men", he says
>"kill all the Gaza men", he says
>"loomer agrees kill all men in gaza.png
that tranny wants to exterminate all men in gaza! save em all!
who would have thought that jews would be so bloodthirsty?
here buddy I sauced that shit for you
>here buddy I sauced that shit for you
See if I was arabs, I wouldn't call my shit HAMas, since the jewish bible accuses me of being the
while they are
I would say "SHEMas".
If I was make a false flag group, THEN I would call it HAMas. Just saying
You have to admit it's great to see ebot posts get deleted.
It didn't used to be that way
same number of white people are slaughtered by blacks every day in America tbh
I wish I could click that shit.
But it's like hillary's voice to me
I've seen so many of these bloodthirsty psychos
they are pure evil
>Why isn't the white of her shirt soaked in blood but it's down her arms?
fenbendazole post to break the muh war monotony
I remember my first dig Boston Bombing
that blonde lady that "lost a leg"
She looked like Paul McCartney's ex wearing a mask.
Same leg missing
Never got a chance to share that
>boston bombing another one that already had missing legs 'nick vogt'
Thanks this confirms the theory that they used existing amputees.
They even used the same name Heather.
That's often useful when people get new IDs, they appreciate having the same name
Like the challenger crew
I'm just not feeling any of this.
It's a false flag by the same old faggots.
They didn't even have the decency to set off HAARP like they did on 9/11 to generate an emotional connection
miracle cure
Hundreds Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa mosque complex on 4th day of Jewish holiday
Hundreds of ultranationalist Israelis are carrying out incursions into the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in occupied East Jerusalem.
consider vortex
>"Sir, if you give Iran the 6 billion Israel will be attacked within a week by Hamas."
this sounds very realistic
>Why isn't there 4000 videos of the destruction?
he has feinstein eyes
>in the UK in the 60's & 70's Women expecting Twins were automatically
>assigned a Nurse and a social worker
that sounds scary as fuck
>Kill you slowly with poison foods.
I'm so interested in how thin people were 40+ years ago
140lb men were totally normal
>Level 2 anons
>they put corn syrup in EVERYTHING
It's more than that.
I can't tell you how careful we are with food
and water
can you imagine how retarded someone would have to be to think this is the old biden