Retaliation will come now from 100s of countries because narrative will change from palestine attacked to isreal now obliterated palestine an entire country. Isreal will then look like bad guy. See how this works.
This is the narrative we are working towards. Fake jews you are not winning and better hide.
the funniest parr about fake jewish woman is they think there the only ines withba pussy and it dont stink. Kek. why do you think kazars are bald? Is it punishment for being a tard??? Asking fir a frenโฆ
the fake jews are exposed for everyone to see. It will be impossible to get this out of news cycle. they have opened a can and thought they were following narrative. The kazars and rothchilds have been had. Soon saudia arabia will switch to brics. Fake jews money will collapse and game is over. Its coming
Mossad is fake jew
They are naturally stupid
Why they use network of people to do
Dirty work, try to claim its magic or they
are chosen. not very smarr.
Got into power by blackmail.
Fake fake fake
No offense but you are dumb.
its called a spiritual war.
they are being setup. Isreal is gonna be annihlated
Fake jews always refer to there people..
Your people are about to be gone.
Shouldnt be a deceptive little minipulatuve
jesus is not a person asshole. he is less then 500 yrs old. Jesus is what you achieve from concious. These fake jews are fucking stupid. Satan comes from jesus. All fake characters
quick lesson faggots
jesus christos is awakened concious
not a person
the devil is made up bs the fake jews love
again not the brightest crayons
your lucky i dont post a current picture. without your drug use you cannot act like an unempathetic ahole. Without zantex , opiates or opiods you turn back into a normal human. you dont fool anyone with your implied little red riding hood. you are weak and easily impressonable. sacrificing your childrens trust to be a part of a group of idiots to push an agenda that is never coming to frutation.
Enjoy the show.
the problem the kazars have now is they will be exposed as untrustable. This effects everything you do. From getting a job to your your children.
Fucking bunch of brainiacs. you brought it on yourself
kazars are so stupid. Plan sounds good on paper but will never work. 600 million firearms and big noses for a target