Anonymous ID: 1ee131 Oct. 8, 2023, 4:40 a.m. No.19692077   🗄️.is 🔗kun


exactly as anon saw it.

the only way that money 6 billion got to iran would have been by a bank transfer via the B.I.S

too many nodes line up that they want this to habben.

emotive language, images and triggers has kept us fighting amongst each other.

this anon feels pity for all those involved who do not know how and why this is happening.

the amount of death and destruction anons have witnessed including lies anons have seen on this board has not hardened our hearts of sympathy but wearing the full armour of God has helped no end in knowing who the real enemy is and how this is just another blood sacrifice.

We have to stop killing each other.

Using the women and children card is getting thin, how many have been trafficked and slaughtered for their fun.

God will receive the innocent and sent the rest to satan to have his way for selling their souls.

Anonymous ID: 1ee131 Oct. 8, 2023, 5:09 a.m. No.19692163   🗄️.is 🔗kun


somehow the ordinary people in iran never wanted this and do not act like these clowns selected by the clowns to oppress the people of Iran.

anon believes the same is the case the world over, those who can see the manufactured wars.

Those who fall pray to the ideological brain virus will react with outrage and will be pointed to the past and will be pointed to a enemy.

while the elites will continue to live their life and the media will fuel the fake news and rhetoric.