>>19691525 TYB
The Law is the Word
The Word is a Deed
The Deed is Self Sacrifice
The Sacrifice is the Light
The Light is God
Only the Father knows the Son and only the Son knows the Father.
Have you seen the Father?
Do you know the Son?
Have you seen the Light?
The Law has to written in one's heart, for the Word to be manifested.
If I give you My Word, I promise a Deed to be done when the time comes for Self Sacrifice. I will not abandon My Office, Title, nor Ownership of Life to anyone but the Name of the Lord. When My Rights are transferred it will be at any and all costs, that you might realize God's Kingdom come. This is the Light of the World, in whose Name we say 'To the Sanctity of Life" let this cup pass from me and let this bread be broken, for Your Sake and the Sake of the World. Amen.