now what in the actual fuck is wrong with the word picnic?
welp, this shit just changed the whole narrative for the foreseeable future
remember when nutty yahoo wanted to implant children with chips and received major backlash during the whole coofcoof fiasco?
peperidge farms rememebers
i am sure they're fine
c-130 and para gliders for some sportsball game apparently
lmao oops
i just read that post about israel losing to hang gliders and im only halfway done with my first cup of brew
i would legit like to see their ayyylmao psyop
thanks for announcing yourself, agent gutierrez
the bureau is showing great strives in transparency on the kun
afghanistan pullout something something shitload of gear left behind something the thing
we're in the antichrist rising to power then satan revealing himself to the world and rushing the gates of heaven stage
im inclined to believe that was implied by the post itself
the endโฆ