tpm8523 ID: d67a3f Where is the eye's, Den, Where at Two Two Oct. 8, 2023, 5 a.m. No.19692131   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Frankly they say Richard Iron heart was friends with Davinci.

Some say Jesus' name began with a Y. Not so sure about that.

I think It begins with a J. That's why it's Jesus. However, Should,

anyone know the truth, please share it, it might help "crack" our preconcieved

programming. considering many things, The Vatican yes is very responsible, for

all the "litter" in the world. At this moment, You might know more than anybody, look, however you "Are", I'm still learning, good thing Q said to believe nothing.

Good thing napoleon was around Egypt, however, when he was placed in his den to serve time, for some reason, he was getting high, that didn't get him down, though. Thing is, the cartoon holds the answer. The sword is powerful too, but not the one from Maine, the second cartoon. Man oh Man, How did you let this happen? With all due respect to "Christians" shit is fucked, but more than shit, is fucked. TBH. I'm trying to be like Rainman, but don't know how. I never could count cards, although I tried. Mondays are not good, but then Sundays, are sundays. If I had an RV which I don't I would go fishing. Maybe I can get an RV someday, maybe I win it. Criticize me all you desire, belittle me, insult me, because I have doubts, and am learning go ahead. Thanks (and I do say this with an open heart) to the snooze, some special energy was able to channel with me in my dream. I thank her very much. Don't know how sexy she was. She did yell alot though. Maybe it was her frustration that other Intergalactic Members are being insultative. Maybe it's my actions. I dunno. maybe it's cause i was born on June 02nd, and was premature weighing in at

5 lbs 2.0 oz…..or maybe you offend me right now, but don't tempt me, i'mma get 2 it. I'm just a rookie or maybe JV, so yeah,