Anonymous ID: 0143fd Oct. 8, 2023, 7:11 a.m. No.19692703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2771 >>2780


Any American of any suasion, color or creed that accepts this form of barbarism needs to think twice whether or not they believe in any set of internationally accepted rules and norms. What has been brought on the people of Israel, especially women, children and the infirmed elderly is savagery (no other way to describe it!).




The far left marxist extremists in America (and there are more than many of you want to accept in our government) appear to want to accept this act by Hamas and other radicalized extremists in the region of the Middle East.




And @LauraLoomer is correct in her analysis.


I’d add, this is a breakdown of epic proportions by our current incompetent spate of foreign service diplomats, intelligence service chiefs and defense leadership. Our national security apparatus is a shell of itself due to complacency, incompetence and arrogance. All characteristics that lead to failure.


For this war not to spiral further out of control, we need the globalists to back out of the way and let this play out. Israel must be allowed to defend its sovereignty.


I stand against endless war but when barbarism like this occurs, like a cancerous tumor, it has to be removed.


America is clearly at a crossroads. What is happening in Israel could very well happen here. We have allowed an unprecedented amount of invaders inside of our own sovereign borders.




For those wanting our country to remain free, independent and sovereign under our still existing constitution, we better wake up and start speaking out against those who are trying to destroy our country.


Pray for peace but be prepared for war. Bringing truth to light always takes pains, but the truth will prevail.


As our very first president said, “to be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace.”


Pray we’re prepared…with this current administration, I’m not so sure.


Quoting Tweet from Loomer


Their God isn’t our God.


''Allahu Akbar is nothing more than a jihadist battle cry.'' It’s what the 9/11 hijackers shouted before they murdered nearly 3,000 Americans. It’s what the terrorists in Benghazi shouted as they dragged Ambassador Steven’s body through the streets. It’s what every suicide bomber shouts before detonating their vest. It’s what ISIS terrorists who blew up 9 year old girls in the UK at an Ariana Grande concert shouted before maiming children. And it’s what the HAMAS terrorists were screaming all day as they raped, murdered and pillaged innocent Jews in Israel.


“Allahu Akbar” is a supremacist message and a terrorist war cry. And it is the most awful and blood chilling phrase you will ever hear in your life.


It doesn’t mean “God is Great”.


It means “God is Greater than”, as in greater than all other faiths. It’s a war cry of ideological supremacy because the Quran calls for the subjugation of all non Muslims. Anyone can read it and see for themselves.


We need to start speaking openly about what these things mean. Especially as we continue to live in a world with open borders and global Islamic terror leaders just called for an Islamic caliphate to rise up and conquer Jerusalem, and America.

Anonymous ID: 0143fd Oct. 8, 2023, 7:18 a.m. No.19692735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2741 >>2744 >>2909 >>3102

QClock October 07, 2023 - Iran, Hamas, Roths & Israel


2nd Image also on the clock …..(see third image: Dec 07, 2017)


Fun Fact:

"Iran is next.." (4/23/2018 - imgs #4 & #5)

On the clock mirror in 17 days.


(not date fagging…just pointing it out….)

Anonymous ID: 0143fd Oct. 8, 2023, 7:34 a.m. No.19692804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2861


>Seems dasting with the HUMA connection, and the current "war" distraction.


HUMA thing is very interesting. I just did this a few days ago:


>>19677551 (pb)

>>19687124 (pb)

QClock October 05, 2023 - HUMA, Transforming Anger


The quote on the article:


"Transform anger into competitive advantage…"


Isn't that exactly what Hamas just did? 2 days after that article drop (Oct 5 vs Oct 7)?

Anonymous ID: 0143fd Oct. 8, 2023, 8:02 a.m. No.19693010   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The thing that is amazing is that Hamas and Iran were able to plan this entire shit show without and phone calls or emails.