It's a dance for sure between men and women. For the collective, it all seems to come out in the wash…everyone's eternal life plan fails. As for the individual, I've learned to see that the feminine force is what gives life…and that side of duality has driven feminism and the covens for thousands of years to the detriment of men and boys…
I have this feeling that tattoo removal is going to become BIG business.
I don't want to get into a battle of semantics.
We might be barking up 2 sides of the same tree…
If I can use a conceptual tool like the yin/yang dichotomy, many fail to see there are 4 aspects to it, not 2…and ultimately just 1: the whole. Imbalance, as you suggest of the masculine, is always counteracted.
That said, don't even fucking think about blaming the rise of feminism on masculine energy gone wrong. That's the dumbest 1-sided bullshit ever.
I agree, yes, feminism is feminine in name only. It has nothing to do with the feminine underneath. It's real name should be death.
Don't confuse countering dumb ideas as being triggered.
Again, I completely disagree about the imbalanced masculine energy. It cannot be balanced without a similar imbalance in the feminine. You're attributing cause and effect. Masculine is motifed on the manifest where as the feminine on the subtle, the invisible, the fleeting. THAT is precisely the reason everyone blames the Patriarchy. Something unseen doesn't mean it isn't there.
Your right, no need to call bad partially correct ideas dumb, forgive me.
When things fall apart, the center cannot hold.
The masculine holds the space. That requires a caring position toward the center and a defensive posture toward the outside. It's protective in nature against schills and clowns.
The brain pathways of fuck it at the same pathways of kill it.
Fuck it or kill it. It explains so much.
The Jews pushed tattoo removal?
My angle was more just about there are going to be a bunch of idiots with pie on their faces when they realize what the symbols they've permanently put on their bodies are…
That said, I've probably got a bunch of crap at home with symbols all over it…starting with my Tannenbaum.
You miss the deep points because you're triggered by powerful language. I can be subtler, but try to be less of a pussy, your highness of levels of awareness.
It wasn't Oprah, but I remember seeing one of those documentaries live in the 90s. He went on a full media tour to talk about muh OCD. That was definitely the beginning of the DSM transition toward labeling all men and boys with these "disorders"
I think it was this Dateline one. I remember the carpet scene well.
He's not OCD…he's an autist…They wanted to stigmatize it then.
Tell that to the guy with the all-seeing eye tattoo on his chest. He'll never be allowed into a pool or on the beach again…